What percent of cows milk is reserved for the calf?

1 Answer

Answer :

My only reference is what my Gramps did. He had milking cows & breeding cows; so, the breeding cows had 100% reserved for their calf. He also switched out the cows so NO cow remained only for milking or breeding.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Well…water? For breads. The bread isn’t as rich, but it’s OK. I’m trying to think of what other uses I’d have for milk in a recipe.

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Last Answer : I think this cow,(or bull), actually wants to vent!!

Description : What type of vegetarian milk do you prefer?

Last Answer : Isn’t all milk vegetarian since all animals that produce milk for human consumption are herbivorous??

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Last Answer : I saw it on TikTok last night and just laughed. Some poor sap (pudgy college kid) was being cheered on by his “friends” to get to the top of the pyramid. Of course, once he did, he starts to wobble uncontrollably and falls on his face.

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Description : In cooking, can you use evaporated milk in place of regular milk, and vice versa?

Last Answer : Evaporated milk is milk where some of the water content has been removed, usually about 60%. It shouldn't be confused with condensed milk which also has sugar added to it. Can you use it instead ... you want the results to be thicker and creamier you should use half evaporated milk and half water.

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Last Answer : Not at all, must be a EU thing.

Description : Alternatives to Milk?

Last Answer : I get the same way. Almond Breeze, soy free and lactose free is my alternative.

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Last Answer : I got it right in my question JLeslie!

Description : How important do you think it is to have milk in your diet?

Last Answer : Important until adolescence for humans. After that, there are better ways to get protein without all the sugar.

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Last Answer : Egg nog. And cow 3%

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Last Answer : You might make something – grounds for divorce, maybe? But I doubt that you’d make a human-edible cheese that way.

Description : Which is healthier raw cow or raw goat's milk?

Last Answer : answer:I've talked to a couple of dietitians about this over the years. They've consistently told me goat milk was better as it's closer to human milk. They also generally say that there's very ... cheese and yogurt too much to go dairy free but I don't deliberately add milk to anything anymore.

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Last Answer : 2% plain dairy milk

Description : Can I make mac and cheese without milk?

Last Answer : If it’s the mac and cheese from a box, yes you can. It won’t taste quite the same, but it will still be edible. I wouldn’t add a lot of margarine, but I watch fat intake.

Description : Other than milk what else can you put in your cereal?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t use anything other than milk, or milk substitutes like almond milk or coconut milk.

Description : I drink milk almost exclusively instead of water, is that a problem at all?

Last Answer : Your body really needs water. That much milk could cause weight gain and more congestion if you’re prone to allergies. Some milk is fine but you should try to get in the habit of drinking at least 3 or 4 glasses of water everyday along with your milk and sprite. haha

Description : Why are there gender differences when people are asked if they drink out of the milk jug?

Last Answer : Guy – Guilty.

Description : What does whale milk taste like?

Last Answer : I’ve never tasted whale milk, but it would most probably be extremely creamy and rich because of its high fat content.

Description : Please. Could you tell me which form of "milk" is safe to drink?

Last Answer : Everything is going to kill you in the end. Screw it and enjoy life.

Description : If you see a speck of something in your glass of milk that turns out to be a tiny bug, do you fish the bug out and carry on, or do you throw the whole glass of milk out?

Last Answer : answer:Fish out the bug. Milk’s expensive.

Description : Can my 1 year old drink 2% milk?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t give soy milk to a boy. Soy is highly estrogenic, and if given to boys it can disrupt puberty and cause gynecomastia. A one year old should still be on breast milk. 2% is okay if the baby is growing well, whole milk is better until 2 years old.

Description : For coffee makers, why won't my milk foam?

Last Answer : When I was in college my school switched to a haylage system. Haylage is grass cut wet and stored. It ferments and preserves itself. But it also produced aromatic compounds which affected the taste of the milk. ... long time to get it figured out. So I'd guess he might have a shot at being correct.

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Last Answer : Not that I have ever noticed.

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Last Answer : Whatchu talkin bout, I don’t need milk. No one does, after infancy.

Description : Quick, how long will coconut milk in a carton last after it's sell by date?

Last Answer : Probably about a week, but if it still smells and looks good, it is probably fine.

Description : Why do I always seem to get a stomachache right after drinking milk?

Last Answer : Lactose intolerant?

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Last Answer : answer:I believe the protein concentration in liquid milk will seep in to your skin. I've tried milk bath before, I prefer goat's milk since it's usually rich in Vit E and Lanoline. I once tried ... make your skin moist, smoother, and more vivid-looking (this is not just placebo). Give it a try!

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Last Answer : answer:Grape Nuts will stay crunchy, but who wants to be eating hard little pebbles? Ouch ! My solution to the problem for myself is to pour all the milk into the bowl and then just add my cereal ... a time. Sounds a little odd but it works for me. Cinnamon Toast Crunch SHOULD be crunchy not soggy.

Description : Where can I buy those little 30ml-or-so milk packets found in motels and restaurants (image provided)?

Last Answer : Do a search for restaurant supplies, milk packets. I use Goodsearch.com for my searches because they donate to my favorite charity with every search.

Description : Why not other flavored milk other than chocolate, strawberry, and butter?

Last Answer : You’re not looking hard enough. Banana flavoured milk is very common and caramel isn’t that hard to find although it’s usually mixed with chocolate.

Description : Is soy milk bad for you?

Last Answer : Too much of it can be bad for some people.

Description : Got milk? Is It fresh?

Last Answer : answer:I found that after I started buying organic milk, it would keep for a long period of time and still be fresh. I'm talking weeks, and it's still good. I buy the Horizon brand, 2%, the one ... - in your refrigerator, at the store, or at the milk processor. Probably not the producer or the cow.

Description : I have too much milk- how do you suggest I use it up?

Last Answer : answer:Have you ever eaten rice pudding? Cook rice on the stove with spices mixed in and milk then pour into a baking pan for an oven finish to give a crusted carmelized top. You can ... milk crumbles easily for mixing into casseroles, eggs, hot cereals, batches of stovetop cocoa and cream soups.

Description : I left the milk out. How bad is it?

Last Answer : If you are going to be sick from drinking it, i don’t know, but i wouldn’t taste it. The idea of drinking sour tasting milk is enough for me to not drink it…, i wouldn’t drink milk ever again after such experience. I am a real sissy when it comes to fresh/unfresh dairy.

Description : If you drink 8 glasses of milk in 3 minutes will you die?

Last Answer : No!

Description : Why do people think drinking breast milk is disgusting but drinking cow milk is fine?

Last Answer : I think it’s ‘cuz I’m all growed up now ;)

Description : Can human breast milk be used to make cheese?

Last Answer : answer:@johnpowell, fluthering while drunk? What an odd question. Breast milk is very watery compared to other forms of milk. The volume of milk a woman could express would not be conducive to cheese- ... knew someone who made fudge out of her stash of frozen breast milk when her freezer went out.

Description : What happens to milk that is outdated?

Last Answer : Chucked into the trash.

Description : Does drinking milk exacerbate cold symptoms?

Last Answer : Milk is thought to increase phlegm production, so for some, it might worsen what comes out of your sinuses. I wouldn’t worry about it though.

Description : Do you shake the milk?

Last Answer : Not these days.

Description : Can you drink too much milk?

Last Answer : Just don’t drink a gallon of milk in a hour and you should be fine.

Description : Why does drinking chocolate milk make me feel sick?

Last Answer : Could be expired?

Description : How to get spilled milk out of carpet?

Last Answer : Not organic? You’re screwed Soak it up with a dry towel. Use a stain removal. It’ll be okay. I have a toddler who spills juice and milk on the floor all the time, and our rugs are just fine and stain/milk free.

Description : Can a human drink a whole gallon of milk?

Last Answer : I think you are likely to vomit.

Description : How much of Milk is actual footage?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure most of it wasn’t—the shots they made look old still had the current actors in it instead of the actual people. I’m not sure about the shots which didn’t have anyone recognizable in them…

Description : Bottled Water Tastes Like Milk?

Last Answer : All bottled water, or just one brand/batch? I'd trust your taste buds and not drink it. Bottled water is less regulated than tap water, so yes it could have all sorts of chemicals. My ... great article (long but brilliant): http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/117/features-message-in-a-bottle.html

Description : Why do ice cubes look yellow when you put them in milk?

Last Answer : ive never heard of iced milk…normally your supposed to just chill the whole container i think

Description : Is hating milk a bad thing?

Last Answer : I don’t like it. I usually call it “cow tit snot.” But I will punch a kitten for cheese.

Description : DId you see the movie "Milk"? What did you think of it?

Last Answer : Just watched it last night. I thought it was a great story, but the pace was sleepy. It made me nostalgic for that era. I also thought the echoes of “hope” and faith in the political process interesting given current times.