Can they sell an otc ( over the counter) breathalyzers at pharmacies, liquor and 24/7 stores?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would guess they could sell them. I don’t see why not.

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Last Answer : Yes. I have been homebrewing for many years and do both extract and all grain brewing. I don't keg, I bottle. You are correct. The most important things are to hit your temperatures and after ... answer any more specific questions you might have. But remember, relax, don't worry, have a homebrew!

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Last Answer : answer:Good thing I’ve already opened a fresh beer – this party is underway. Congratulations, @Blondesjon! I had to read the question twice to figure out which of you this party was for! Ok, maybe more than twice. ;)

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Last Answer : Nope but I heard that’s how the Canadian toe kiss came about.

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Last Answer : None. I never let perfect strangers in my house.

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Last Answer : answer:I typed “vegan beer” into google and came across this: link

Description : Why would beer in a keg go flat?

Last Answer : answer:Once it's no longer full it will start to go flat as the gases in the beer are released into the air inside the keg. The only way to stop that happening is to re-fill it with beer, or as you say, ... If you can't find a way to re-pressurise the keg, I vote for drinking it all. Any excuse. :)

Description : What is your favorite STYLE of beer?

Last Answer : belgian style wheat ale

Description : Is there such a coupon for money off on beer?

Last Answer : answer:Here are some. Most of them seem to be for liquor stores, home brewing kits, or restaurants. But not for grocery stoles. Where I have seen sales advertised, but not coupons.

Description : Smokers: do you smoke more or less? (see inside).

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Last Answer : answer:It’s Adventure Time! can you guess if i’m a finn or a jake?

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Last Answer : answer:Depends. Once in a great while no, like on a vacation or camping trip or other long weekend celbration, on a regular basis yes. Anyone that drinks to excess is NOT as happy as they would have you believe.

Description : Favorite beer?

Last Answer : Tsingtao Lager.

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Last Answer : answer:120 mph with respect to the road. From inside the car you see the wheel’s bottom going 60 mph backward and its top going 60 mph forward.

Description : How much alcohol do you drink in an average week?

Last Answer : None. :)

Description : Are all beers and ales fizzy?

Last Answer : answer:As far as I know, yes. Different varieties have varying degrees of bubbliness, but I believe they’re all fizzy. I’ll let someone who’s more knowledgeable about the subject elaborate :)

Description : Why not have photos of those killed by drunk drivers on the label, carton, 6 or 12 pack case?

Last Answer : What about putting photos of people who are out of shape on fast food packages? ;)