How do you save a life with Spanish Moss?

1 Answer

Answer :

Weave it into a net put it under people practicing their high wire act

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Last Answer : Although Spanish moss is most of the time not harmful to the tree, if it gets excessive it can become a problem as it can weigh down branches and potentially causes them to bend or break. If you ... to the moss until it is quite wet. The process should be repeated several times over a few weeks.

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Description : how to kill spanish moss in trees

Last Answer : That is not really moss it is a bromelaid found mainly on oak & cypress.........does not harm the tree..........birds use it to build their nests. other animals use clumps for shelter. ... . Chemicals could hurt birds & other animals and even yourself, I would be very leary in taking this down.

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Last Answer : Salt would work. Just try it in a small area at first to make sure it doesn’t interact with your pavers.

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Last Answer : all evergreen trees need to be sprayed.............visit the garden store, it sounds like a fungus.

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Last Answer : i have the same problen in my front yard. i have some overgrown bushes that i have cut back and then i am going to put a row of hosta in front of the bushes.and then some loriape and mulch ... . up trees through the grass and i have trouble with poison ivy growing through it. good luck!3242

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Last Answer : Moss liked it where it was. Did not like the move. Different sunlight....................

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