What kind of reading do you still do today that began in childhood?

1 Answer

Answer :

Science Fiction and murder mysteries. I read lots of novels, but I maintain a passion for those two.

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Last Answer : answer:That's a toughie. I think I would start by writing to the people behind MagazineArt.org, simply because they seem to have a familiarity with Collier's issues from that era. This is their covers ... actor?). Edit: It looks like the artist's name was Charles A. MacLellan, according to this.

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Last Answer : answer:Edit my pics in my phone, check messages. Or nothing. I try to be done soon as I can. Edit: look for TP

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's rare for much of anything to be done by hand these days, even masturbation. As for whether it has less artistic merit, I don't think so. See, it still takes a good eye, a good ... Computers do not create; they are a tool to help create, much like a brush, a chisel, or a guitar.

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Last Answer : http://www.juxtapoz.com/

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Last Answer : games, electronics, music, fashion, high education and career, economics , sociology and ecology

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Last Answer : if it looks better white and u have to have a background maybe make up a white based backgroud with a basic very very light grey pattern to it. so it looks white at a glance but actually has some ... magazine. If you find a patten then lower the opacity right down, you can even do that on word.

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Last Answer : Nick jr. are very good for little kids.

Description : Is there any good free software for creating a web magazine in the internet?

Last Answer : You can find many good magazine-style templates for Wordpress. ExpressionEngine is also a good platform for a webzine, though not as cheap.

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Last Answer : Have you tried just googling the magazine you want to see?

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Last Answer : In care there is something in the magazine like an activity or a tv show you might want to record at least you have time to set your DVR…

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Last Answer : How about National Geographic? There’s history, sociology and there’s not much a boy likes better than to dream of going to far-off places. Forgot a bit- Yes, I do think that Smithsonian is a great magazine.

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Last Answer : i’m not sure what any of those are but there’s this awesome website www.etsy.com and it’s mostly artists who sell their work but i have found it inspiring in the past!

Description : I need to know if I can buy JUST The New York Times Magazine without buying a subscription to the paper.

Last Answer : Doesn’t look like it, but I’m not a NYC reader. Until someone comes up with a better answer, you could just try contacting them here with a really good heartbreaking story. They do sell reprints of any given page in the regular edition, so who knows.

Description : How can I keep myself updated with today's current events?

Last Answer : new york times Seriously, if you want to be a better writer as said in your other post then I suggest you read it. You can read it online

Description : What Ebook Reader Would You Get?

Last Answer : Personally I think it’s a waste of money to buy a ebook reader. A Ipod Touch can do pretty much the same thing plus more. However it does have a small screen. Before I had G1 I used to read my ebooks on a modded PSP.

Description : How much do you think airbrushing effects the sales of a product?

Last Answer : Magazine ads airbrush to make their products and models look more appealing than they actually are. Many times, consumers buy into the illusion of a product more than the product itself. For consumers who are interested in image, then photoshop effects are very successful in promoting their product.

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Last Answer : Cosmo.

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Last Answer : http://allwomenstalk.com/top-10-womens-magazines/

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Last Answer : @Mr_M off topic, but I love your avatar

Description : Can anyone identify the source of this image?

Last Answer : I take it the clues at the bottom were no help?

Description : How do you think magazines and newspapers will deal with this recession?

Last Answer : i think in general, we are going to see a thinning-out of the market. A lot of magazines and papers will go under, or all-online. Really - Wired should just be online. I've read it since the 90s, but i ... the nearest big city papeer (i.e. - NYT, LA Times, etc.) and let's not forget about USA Today.

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Last Answer : Teach her how to set up a Browser home page. Then teach her how to Google. The world will be her oyster.

Description : Is there a way to put a digital photo on a REAL magazine cover template?

Last Answer : If you have a scanner and a photo editor, you have all you need. You would not be able to get something like this off the Web because of copyright infringement.

Description : Who is Timothy McSweeney?

Last Answer : Seriously? The internet hasn’t changed much since you thought this question up. Google + Wiki = win.