If you are invited to an adult birthday party do you expect to give a gift?

1 Answer

Answer :

Specifically designating it a “Birthday Party” will definitely trigger gift-giving, unless one specifies “No Gifts”. There will still be gifts, but not as many. I always take a gift to a birthday party unless told not to. ETA: “Adult birthday party” sounds so naughty! ;-)

Related questions

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Last Answer : Bring something for the sister, and something small for the brother.

Description : When going to a "house party" where you are also bringing a gift (birthday party, graduation party, etc.), will you also bring a food item or other contribution, other than the gift?

Last Answer : It depends on the person. If you feel close to him then yes, it is common to bring a food item. Another thing you could do is to buy an expensive bottle of wine or something like that. Doing this you ... must do what you feel you want to do, not what other people want you to do or what others do.

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Last Answer : No. I bring it expecting it to be eaten, and if it’s not I assume that the host will enjoy it later. It’s like a very small token of appreciation to them for opening their home.

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Last Answer : That sounds like a load of crap to me. Most of the parties I go to are family, and the host always takes care of the food. I always ask what I can bring, and if the answer is nothing, I'll still ... always appreciated. But to tell the guests your meal is on you. That doesn't sound like I'm a guest.

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Last Answer : answer:I can understand not wanting to host a giant slumber party, but I’d go with everybody or nobody.. Maybe if they had some other connection. If they were cousins, for example.

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Last Answer : Hold on, what are you doing during the day, and what are your censors on what it says? (Cussing, ex: kick-ass) xD

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Last Answer : answer:Kitty or Puppy In My Pocket, small ball, some sort of novelty candy, like the things that look like gummy hamburgers. Does the party have a theme? How many children are you having? Family ... You could make a big batch of homemade playdough and send some home with kids in plastic containers.

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Last Answer : Sounds like you want to let loose and have a wild toga time…reality is you have the rest of your life to get crazy and tear it up. I would suggest that you do something that will best honor your life to this point that you can look back on and say I am glad I did that while I still was a youngin’.

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Last Answer : Hooters.

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Last Answer : She’s only a 1 year old. She isn’t going to care where you are.. so long as she can get a face full of cake. In this case you are planning more for the adults who will be attending and not your little 1 year old. I wish I had 400 dollars to burn for a 1 year old’s birthday party!

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Last Answer : I’ll let you know in 16 years.

Description : What can I put on my birthday list?

Last Answer : I was made to do this under similar conditions. I always put a couple of things on there that were out of the reach of anyone (for metaphysical reasons, rather than financial ones). And obscure things. I put ... Maserati on there, just to poke them in the eye a bit. You never know, you might get it.

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Last Answer : My birthday. Because of the presents.

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Last Answer : answer:I’d stay until after the food but once the band arrives and you can sneak away, do so. Nobody is likely to notice by then. Our Christmas party was cancelled due to lack of interest :D Thank goodness. I hate work parties.

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Last Answer : Little cans of Play-Dough, Silly Putty, Bubbles, penny whistles!

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Last Answer : I would say 2 weeks. Longer and people tend to forget, less and it may be hard to get around to buying a gift.

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Last Answer : Perhaps the woman in question was under the influence of a drug.

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Last Answer : No. I would hope that I’d been invited for more than just a gift. I can’t imagine anyone I know being offended because I’d failed to bring something. Likewise, I don’t mind if others come to my parties empty-handed. These things tend to even themselves out.

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Last Answer : I'm probably the wrong person to answer this, since I have expressed my dislike for weddings in general, but especially this aspect of such events. People showed up to my wedding in jeans, and I ... likely I am to get dressed up and assume there will be a chocolate fountain at the dessert table.

Description : Do you want to bring something to a party?

Last Answer : I usually will press once, but if the host still insists that I bring nothing, I usually take flowers.

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Last Answer : Simple: don’t go. That’ll make them feel silly pretty quickly.

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Last Answer : I think it's perfectly fine to use the free ones. You may have to make yourself a little jig, or make sure to put little tiny pencil dots (very lightly so you can erase or cover them the insert) when ... you don't have one, to make sure that your print-outs get cut straight. Save money when you can.

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Last Answer : Could be the economy is bad and money woes are catching up to a lot of people. Or yes, you could just be growing up and less inclined to abuse yourselves. Hopefully, the latter is your excuse.:D

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Last Answer : I would put them out three weeks in advance.

Description : What's your strategy when you don't know anybody at a party?

Last Answer : answer:Leave. Seriously I wouldn’t have any interest in hanging out with strangers.

Description : Would you feel awkward at a Christmas get together party like this ?

Last Answer : I would feel uncomfortable in a situation like this too. You can do what my husband and I started doing when our sons were little. We decided to have Christmas at our house so we don’t have to travel anywhere. We make lots of food and anyone is invited.

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Last Answer : Have a bouncer. Either they contribute an entrance fee, a dish, SOMETHING. Otherwise, b’bye.

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Last Answer : Absolutely no problem with it.

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Last Answer : Not feeling well – the old standby, volunteering somewhere, a friend is in town, helping someone move.

Description : It's party time, P.A.R.T.WHY? Because we want to. What was your idea of a cool/fun party as a child?

Last Answer : Running around, beating my friends with sticks. I was a mean kid.

Description : Any ideas, modifies, changes, for this spa party?

Last Answer : answer:Get a photographer to come and do Fashion Glamor Girl Photos while they're all made up. The girls love the attention of a glamor shoot, and you can probably get a photographer to ... photogs looking for opportunities to make an honest buck. They will sell photos to the parents no doubt.

Description : Any spa party ideas?

Last Answer : answer:I love homemade spa products, and they're so much fun to make! It's just an added plus that they are so good for your skin! Do remember when using these products that natural doesn't always mean incapable of ... . - Rub mango peel on skin. - Wait five minutes - Rinse. I have tons of em. ^_^

Description : I'm turning 25, where is a fun place to party in New York City, Queens, or Long Island?

Last Answer : How big is your budget? How large is your guest list?

Description : What is the best way to clear a room of annoying party guests?

Last Answer : Play some Polka

Description : When you have a big party, do you make your guests pay? If so, how do you ask them to "make a contribution" without looking tacky?

Last Answer : umm… guests paying when you have a party? I have never heard of that. Is this something new?

Description : Has anyone ever been to a party at the Playboy mansion, and should I sieze the opportunity to go?

Last Answer : Holy Crap…I’d go just for the experience & to be able to say “Hey, I partied with Hef!” Did I mention I’m a Catholic mom with a toddler? GO FOR IT!!!

Description : What is good dinner party music?

Last Answer : I say put on whatever is You, then ask for preferences once everyone is there. Everyone will be pleased. They’ll see how cool and generous you are. :D