Should the Media be impacted by reporting false things?

1 Answer

Answer :

Shoe on other foot “Should Fox News be held accountable for fictional stories?” or is it on liberal news sources ?

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Last Answer : Saw a poll, think was from CNN but can't be sure, that showed his approval rating is higher than Obama's was at the same stage of his presidency. Something like 47% to 46 in his favour, ... expected he's playing the media to suit his cause & obviously his core support remains strong, although weird.

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Last Answer : Institutions do not generally act in ways that hurt their existence. Corporations act to maximize profit. They would never have a satisfactory presentation of left perspective. But I think it's ... There is literally nothing remotely left about the corporate media. And it makes completely sense.

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Last Answer : Here’s a long shot: link

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Last Answer : Where, and who, draws the line between sensationalizing and reporting is my question? Would they happen if no one ever talked about it? Sure.

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Last Answer : As much as video games, violent movies, hip hop music, and degenerate unchristian books. It all needs to be thrown on a big pile and burned, and information and news needs to be tightly controlled by the ministry of truth. Praise Jaysoos!

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Last Answer : I find it's more helpful to gather my primary texts when working on a big project than to take stock in a thesis first. What media do you plan to comment on? Televised news? PSAs? Magazine adverts? ... is a common activity that we do. Feel free to PM me if you want more help with your project!

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Last Answer : We don’t all carry guns, and shoot-outs are not at all common even among those who do.

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Last Answer : I would say no, I don’t put nearly any value into the goods I have, I don’t care to keep up with the newest and the latest goodies, and I certainly don’t give a crap about excessive luxuries. Keep it spartan for me.

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Last Answer : This is what they do, and why I don’t watch.

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Last Answer : answer:Some people will also say that watching violence and playing violent games (GTA, for one) will make you more likely to commit crimes and acts of violence. My theory is this that first it ... to play Need for Speed, it really does fulfill my need to drive recklessly and crash into thing.

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Last Answer : I don’t know what role media can play but I’m sure they will want to go in the middle of events and do live streams.

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Last Answer : All news is biased. They would not sell if they told the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God.

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Last Answer : I don’t tend to care about anyone’s death I don’t know. May seem harsh but it’s just me. I didn’t know the person and unless I respected whatever they were famous for I wouldn’t shed a tear. If Justin Bieber died I’d jump for joy!

Description : Is there a story or an event that you wish the mainstream media covered, instead some of what they have covered?

Last Answer : Well, anything would’ve been better than the royal wedding. And I am repulsed by this news. Thank you for sharing this, Brian (I’ve been getting tired of Osama’s death). More people have to see how messed up our “justice” system can be.

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Last Answer : You speak of the media as a monolith; your premise is faulty.

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Last Answer : Posters are a good idea. Street food, street advertising. You could also put ads on buses or other public transit in your city.

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Last Answer : answer:I think there is a small subset that is affected by it. But they are unstable to start with. Watching a cat get hit by a car would probably set them off too. Tens of millions play games ... just didn't have a 24 news cycle desperate for something to talk about so you never heard about it.

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Last Answer : I’m seriously disenchanted with major media. Period.

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Last Answer : I dunno! I hate it too, that's why i hate the media's sorry news stories. Negative and bad events seem to attract more attention for some reason - that's a strange one too. Like when there's a ... road - i'm sure you know what kind of traffic jam that causes because everybody wants to stare at it!

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Last Answer : The mainstream media is owned and operated by the government and big money interests. As such, what the media has to say about pretty much everything is suspect, slanted and skewed. It is fairly obvious to ... other building, #7 the one in which no jets crashed into, yet it came tumbling down too?

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Last Answer : “Society and the media” encourage people to be distracted by all sorts of things. The more problems, complaints and distractions people have, the less likely people will learn what’s really going on.

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Last Answer : That which is denied, becomes more sought after.

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Last Answer : Mike Kellogg and Goodby, Sliverstein & Partners. See here.

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Last Answer : Because we’re about to have a presidential election…had this process happened when Bush still had a lot of time left in office it probably would have been covered

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Last Answer : This question makes my head hurt. I like Penn and Teller as entertainment. Nothing more.

Description : Are you under the impression that regarding covid more under age 65 are dying than over age 65 in the last few months?

Last Answer : Yes, that's likely true. Most older people (much higher percentage than people under 60) are vaccinated, and there aren't that many new older people to infect. And the weaker ones died last ... 't getting vaccinated because of their parents. So I agree with the numbers that this person referenced.

Description : How do I recreate this?

Last Answer : Why don’t you just download the video, cut the banner and put your own text on it? Also a bit off-topic but you can ask how you can create that with the tool you already have instead of asking us to make it for you. That will make people more eager to help you.

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Last Answer : There is no such thing as unbiased. @mazingerz88: Is there a news channel or internet based company out there that delivers only straight news? What would (or could) that even mean. Every piece of info ... . The concept of unbiased news doesn't make very much sense. It's also not even desirable.

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Last Answer : He’s weird, sometimes funny, probably a riot if you were coked up and partying though.

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Last Answer : …Ah, I’m sorry…what? sorry, I was distracted.

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Last Answer : What following thread? What is your question? I read the links but don’t know what you are asking.

Description : Can you tell me about something you enjoy more in its non-digital state, but ultimately choose the digital version?

Last Answer : Using the auto checker for lotto. Half the fun was checking the old fashioned way. Now it is winner or no winner and no close almost satisfaction.

Description : Would you mind a Russian spy on Fluther?

Last Answer : I am one.

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Last Answer : Is no one going to take a stab at this(pun intended)?

Description : Why "Mr. Trump" ..." and "Mr." Obama ... after they became president?

Last Answer : I think it’s just a term of endearment. Respect.

Description : Who brought up the crowds at the inauguration first?

Last Answer : answer:There is no honest reason to dispute the low numbers. Trump’s inauguration crowd: Sean Spicer’s claims versus the evidence

Description : When does a comments section in an online newspaper cross the line?

Last Answer : answer:I can’t answer the question. But I can give you the comfort of knowing that in the US too, newspaper site commenters are mostly angry old retired white men. It’s a source of amusement.

Description : Would you consider this speech racist?

Last Answer : No. I would have liked him to go deeper and not end at 26 minutes. He leaves me wanting more. I like his voice.

Description : Has TV made us chattier?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, it has been a problem ever since Shakespeare wrote all that dialogue. Even when we are alone, we have to spout poetry as a soliloquy. I say, back to the Greeks when a man could ponder while the chorus sang.the narrative of his life. I think you are over thinking this.

Description : What is free speech's scope?

Last Answer : If someone’s speech (or action) damages the brand, (while using that brand) then I support the right of the brand to protect themselves. “Free speech” is such a broad, catch-all phrase. I also support the right of that guy to set up on a street corner and spout his vitriol.

Description : Do you think Twitter did the right thing by permanently banning Milo Yiannopoulos?

Last Answer : answer:My personal take on this is. Freedom of speech is something I very clearly support. People should be able to express thoughts, opinions and beliefs freely; as a means of expressing themselves. However ... justice at all. With that said Leslie Jones did not deserve to be harassed as she was.

Description : Why are we keeping score of who killed how many (details inside)?

Last Answer : No, it should not be secret. While it seems to be something to promote competitive terrorism, it is also important for people to understand the scope of a problem, and not ignore it.

Description : How is Trump different from other Republicans?

Last Answer : Yes. In the past Trump has espoused almost Democratic, liberal positions on social issues.

Description : How do you think candidates would fare if no news station decided to cover any election event or even name a candidate for a whole month?

Last Answer : They’d still get online coverage. In fact many have argued that online campaigns greatly helped Obama get elected the first time round

Description : Can you name one thing you think even a member of the Kardashian Klan would hesitate to stoop to in the quest for publicity?

Last Answer : Remind me, who are the Kardashians again? Do they own Persia?

Description : How can it be, in America, that a middle aged black man in Ferguson Missouri can state: "They've [young people of the community] been harassed more than we have," and make it ring true?

Last Answer : It was exactly attitudes like yours that helped the movement fall down. Racial reconciliation cannot be achieved by one side alone, and we can't get rid of white racism just by not talking about it. There ... all that, it's really not a surprise that we have more harassment now than in the past.

Description : Are blacks any less prejudiced against whites than whites are against blacks in the United States?

Last Answer : Answer.

Description : Are people really this stupid? Steven Spielberg is being criticized for killing a dinosaur and people are in an uproar.

Last Answer : It didn’t look like a dinosaur to me. So possibly many people think it’s another kind of animal as I did. I can’t think of the name now, though . lol

Description : Do you think bullying has become more prevalent because of all the coverage on the issue?

Last Answer : answer:I have not seen any data on bullying, but my impression is that things are far less violent and brutal than they were when I was a kid. Although, it's likely just my experience. I grew up in ... be a kid beaten to shit after class for being ugly or fat, and the teachers wouldn't do anything.