What's the English (and by English I don't necessarily mean UK), term for trimming cats' nails?

1 Answer

Answer :

It’s called “declawing.”

Related questions

Description : Can anything bad happen if you don't trim your cat's nails?

Last Answer : The quick answer to this question is no, nothing bad should happen.

Description : Might I review the techniques of clipping a cat's nails?

Last Answer : answer:Gail, love, Milo senses your fear. it is also a power struggle. I have the same problem with Mackie, my dog. I take the coward’s way out and pay someone (whom he hardly flinches for) to do it. My peace of mind is SO worth it.

Description : Trimming dog's nails problem?

Last Answer : answer:I have always used guillotine clippers but it doesn't really matter as long as they are reasonably sharp. Often the end of the nail beyond where the blood vein reaches is brittle and powdery, ... will help it to coagulate, talcum powder, pepper which is a natural coagulant. No biggie really!

Description : What's the best way to cut the nails of an insane cat?

Last Answer : Take her to the vet. The stress alone, at age 20 is not good. The vet will do it in, one toe at a time, increments. Or…you do the same. Clip ONE claw, let her rest for awhile, rinse and repeat.

Description : Will cat allergies necessarily cause itchy nose/watery eyes?

Last Answer : answer:Not necessarily. Some cats with very strong allergenic characteristics got me all stuffed up. But I could also end up with little hives from contact, especially if a claw broke the skin. It would ... did figure that one out. Allergy test and shots changed my life, and that's no exaggeration.

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Last Answer : I think that they they are just playing with themselves. Just having fun. They really know it’s their tail.

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Last Answer : I think they clean themselves better.

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Last Answer : I don’t think this applies to all cat lovers.

Description : Animal compassion towards their people question. Compared to dogs I'm convinced cats really don't give a frak or at the very least, meh.

Last Answer : I didn't know you had back problems. Sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better tonight. I love cats and dogs. I guess if I had to pick one over the other it would be a ... cat was trying to communicate telepathically to you and possible heal you but you just aren't enlightened enough yet.

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Last Answer : Sometimes they do.

Description : Is it true that cats don't prefer to scratch microfiber?

Last Answer : Don’t believe it. Cats certainly have preferences for the type of textures that they like to scratch on (and yes, they do prefer things like tree bark, sisal rope, carpeting), but microfiber is in no way a repellent. They will happily use it if there is not a handy alternative nearby.

Description : Is there a technical term for when cats go crazy and tear through the house for no apparent reason?

Last Answer : answer:Aww.. kittehs. I have no answers, but, I love it when my boy does that..

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Last Answer : My cat disappeared for two months and no one in the apartment replied to my fliers. Lo and Beheld, one day I heard a scratching at the door, the little shit was out side, skinny and had a cyst on its ... a warm place and food are after two months. So memory of past Yes. She found her way home.

Description : When cats groom one another what does that mean?

Last Answer : answer:Cats groom each other as a social bonding activity (and to simply clean). It is usually done between cats who know one another. If you have more than two cats, sometimes two will fight over who gets to groom the third or forth cat. So, yes, they are becoming buddies.

Description : What does it mean if my cat's puke smells like poop?

Last Answer : answer:Keep a close eye on your cat, and seek veterinary care if the vomiting continues. We see it more often in dogs that cats, but vomitus that smells of fecal matter is sometime seen in intestinal blockages – the animal can actually bring up material that has already passed into the intestines.

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Last Answer : It means you are about to form babby.

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Last Answer : Is this a recent development or has Misty always hissed at Angel?

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Last Answer : Clean your house. They spend most of their time closer to the floor than you do.

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Last Answer : The UK is strict. They hold the cat for a long time. I had friends who did it, can't remember the details. I would seriously think about leaving it with someone in the US. I doubt how ... Your paperwork will indicate how long you have been in the country, whichever country. The cat gets a passport?

Description : Where could I buy a very small cat in the UK?

Last Answer : answer:Preloved.co.uk has some kittens for sale. Whether they are micro or not I don't know. Just out of interest, how much smaller is a micro cat to a regular cat? It may be worth thinking ... the males anyway. If you're looking for a smaller house pet, have you thought about getting a rabbit?

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Last Answer : Have you already checked with your local organizations? Did you put your name on any waiting lists? I don’t know if PetFinder works for your locale or not.

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Last Answer : Just go for the cheapest model you can find. You don’t need all the extra bells and whistles.

Description : What's your view on leash laws for cats?

Last Answer : It is known that “outdoor” cats tend to have significantly shorter lives. Perhaps this is a humane way of addressing that problem, and the fact that domestic cats are the single biggest predatory threat to songbirds.

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Last Answer : They do require electricity, and it varies as to whether they have filters. I've never used one because I worry about how to keep it clean (I also don't drink out of water coolers for that reason ... to love them, some cats ignore them (as is the rule for cats - never be predictable or consistent).

Description : What's a good way to clean a cat's face?

Last Answer : So does my boyfriend's cat, what a pain! Get some general kitchen roll and fold it up so it has a small V shaped point and then dip it into some warm water. This might be a two person job, someone to hold the cat and someone to dab! Don't forget to give him or her a nice treat afterwards :)

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Last Answer : I have no idea what LOL Cats are. I suddenly feel like Kyle in the south park “chipokomon” episode.

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Last Answer : My cat goes nuts whenever he sees me get the milk out of the fridge! I too share the milk from my cereal with him, and the worst effect he has from it is getting the shivers. He also likes to lick the ceese of of my cheetohs, but he won’t eat them! Go figure!!

Description : What do you think of this key to ID domestic cats?

Last Answer : What about bobcats?

Description : Is a cat's hearing and smell as keen as a dogs?

Last Answer : They're different, but yes, more or less. Dogs have more smell neurons and more of their brain seems to be devoted to smelling, but cats may be more sensitive, as they have 30 V1R receptors versus 9 in ... tell where it is to within 3 inches. Their ears can each rotate and aim to zero in on sounds.

Description : When cats are washing themselves, are they "doing the laundry", or "taking a bath/shower"?

Last Answer : Yes for both.

Description : How does a cat's body know how long to make its whiskers?

Last Answer : I found this‘s%20whiskers%20are%20proportionate,is%2C%20the%20longer%20its%20whiskers article. (I don’t know why the link won’t paste right.) Let me know if it’s not coming up.

Description : If dogs or cats were to evolve to human level sapience, do you think they would develop racist beliefs divisions based on breed, fur colour, or fur patterns?

Last Answer : My dog is an equal opportunity dog hater. She hates all dogs. I would bet she would be racist, classis(classism?) and a bully.

Description : Fans of musicals, does watching the Cats movie trailer give you goosebumps?

Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

Description : Is it normal for older cats to stop covering their litter box droppings?

Last Answer : Have your friend replace all of the old litter with new fresh stuff. Wash out the litter tub/box. If your friend uses scented litter, try unscented.

Description : What is it with cats and their spidey sense when bedding gets manhandled?

Last Answer : They have very good hearing and can locate soft sounds, and even when partly asleep (i.e. most of the time) they are tracking what is happening where. Different cats are interested in different things, and ... hear you doing that from far away and come to see if you'll play that game with them.

Description : Cats and dogs being derived from lines of apex predators, how intelligent would you be willing to make them before it made you scared of them?

Last Answer : As intelligent as questioning orders.

Description : Why do cats hate being flipped off?

Last Answer : Cats hate any challenge to their authority & being flipped off makes them feel challenged!!! The only thing cuter than a pissed off cat is Babies & their cats

Description : Have you ever noticed that there is a much greater variety of dogs than there are cats?

Last Answer : Big cats, little cats. Black cats, white cats, red cats. Good cats, better cats. Go Cats, Go. Siamese, Burmese, Bengal, Turkish Van, Russian Blue, European short hair, Sphynx, Norwegian Forest cat, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold. And those are from the top of my head.

Description : Do cats become aware of the effect of catnip?

Last Answer : I don't know how much the associate the cause & effects and/or care about the consequences, but my observations of quite a few cats on catnip is generally: * Each cat reacts differently to it. * ... fairly regular use of it. * Freshness matters, as does whether it's been rustled to release more.

Description : Why do Turkish Angoran cats have a fascination with running water?

Last Answer : I have no experience with Turkish Angoran cats, but had a long-haired no-particular-breed black cat who loooooved running water. She would rocket up to the bathroom sink when I turned on the faucet. ... she walked the rim while we showered, poking her paw in the curtain gaps to catch some spray.

Description : Why are cats considered feminine and dogs considered masculine?

Last Answer : I think it's that the common traits overlap somewhat: In the context/understanding that everyone (male or female, human or animal) has both masculine and feminine aspects. Cats tend to be more ... aggressive, and perhaps some other things that are also what people tend to think of as masculine.

Description : Which is more effective, spaying female dogs and cats or neutering the males? (Please see details.)

Last Answer : Well neutering the males is cheaper and far less risky and invasive. On the hand, personally, the racket a female cat in heat makes me want to murder things.

Description : Is cat hair a problem with short haired cats like Siamese?

Last Answer : They can still have all the same problems with fur. It’s just less fur. Some people who aren’t allergic to cats, will have terrible allergy problems with Siamese cat’s hair….

Description : Why do cats awkwardly lick their necks beneath their chins, and what is it called?

Last Answer : I think they are programmed to clean anything they can reach, with emphasis on places where food items might drip or splatter.

Description : What is a good ear mite remedy or medicine for cats?

Last Answer : answer:Most ear mite medications work by suffocating the mites in an oil based solution, with a little topical antibiotic in them as well. Probably best to get the medicine from your vet. You could try a ... you have been in fairly recently in the last couple of months or so. Might do that for you.

Description : Does anyone here know of any pages like the one I link to below of breeding rules or guidelines, but for CATS?

Last Answer : How about this site ? It looks like it will answer your questions and is simple and clear. Just click on the underlined red link and the page will come up.

Description : How would I go about getting my cats to stop using the litterbox?

Last Answer : Did you try putting a box outside? Preparing a digging area for them outside?

Description : What do you think of my cat's health problem?

Last Answer : answer:Has your vet tested for internal parasites? Is Sheba an indoor/outdoor cat and does she hunt small game like rodents/birds? There is a intestinal parasite called Coccidia that can cause all of ... transmittable to humans. Maybe ask your vet about this. www.cat-world.com.au/coccidiosis-in-cats

Description : Why do cats always take a long time to walk through doorways?

Last Answer : They are on alert to danger that can be hidden in a new room.

Description : Can pet birds (parrots, canaries, etc) live in the same house with dogs and cats?

Last Answer : answer:They can for a while, sometimes. But my experience, in the cases where (against my advice and attempts to refuse it) birds were introduced to homes I lived in where there were cats, was that eventually ... the bird is older than the cat, and the cat meets the bird as a kitten, I would think.