As a child, did you see any movie that was inappropriate for someone your age, and how did it affect you?

1 Answer

Answer :

On my 10th birthday my Dad took us to see Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte without having a clue what it was about. Cleavers still freak me out.

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Last Answer : What do you mean by….inappropriate?

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Last Answer : answer:My friend dresses nicer than her boss, who mentioned it to her once, and it seemed to make the boss uncomfortable. But to the question my friend just responded that she knew she was a little on ... are in the same room right now), shortly after she was given her own office. Coincidence????

Description : What is it with people asking inappropriate questions?

Last Answer : What is appropriate for you may be inappropriate for someone else. What is inappropriate for you may be appropriate for someone else. It is subjective . If someone wants to ask what MILF is, you do not have to answer it.

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Last Answer : Insane and beautiful. Not inappropriate.

Description : Cat follow up: Inappropriate Elimination?

Last Answer : Try something I suggested in another question. take a few big pieces of tin foil, crumple them up, and then spread them out again, but don't smooth them out. Just so they lay pretty flat but still ... the area of the rug. Cats generally stay away from places where there is tin foil for some reason.