What do they do with industrial quantities of eggshells?

1 Answer

Answer :

Maybe fertiliser, or feeding it back to the chicken.

Related questions

Description : What in the dickens are eggshells made out of?

Last Answer : Here is your answer. Roughly 95% calcium carbonate, though. Welcome to the collective. :)

Description : If humans were laying eggs on a regular basis, like industrial chicken, would it be normal for them to eat their own eggs for breakfast every day?

Last Answer : answer:Most women don't drink their own milk, and I've only heard of a handful of people who have made their own beer or bread from yeast cultured from their own body - and those were unusual ... cup and uses her excreta to fertilize her plants. She says it puts her in contact with the goddess.)

Description : Are you able to buy farm fresh eggs where you live? How much are they charging?

Last Answer : I buy eggs directly from the farmer for $2 a dozen. They are simultaneously the best and the cheapest eggs I have ever had.

Description : Do some people only imagine that they have an intolerance for certain foods?

Last Answer : answer:Not all ice cream has eggs. In fact, I think most store bought doesn't have eggs. To answer your question, yes I think some people think they have allergies and they don't. Also, sometimes ... when he took, and my husband had no idea. Long story short, he takes penicillin with no problem.

Description : When you buy eggs, do your cashiers check them for damage before scanning them?

Last Answer : Where I live, it’s up to the customer.

Description : Do larger eggs have larger yolks, just more eggwhite, or is there more of both inside them?

Last Answer : Sometimes Jumbo and extra large eggs have two yolks. More of both! To answer your question.

Description : As part of a voluntary sterilisation, would it be immoral to harvest human eggs and sell them as human caviar?

Last Answer : And what about human “rocky mountain oysters”?

Description : Are eggs considered vegetarian?

Last Answer : Only to lacto-ovo vegetarians

Description : Are quail eggs really free from salmonella? Should I give them raw to my dogs?

Last Answer : If you google the Q, you’ll find a number of sources addressing this.

Description : Question about chickens eggs...

Last Answer : Unlike wild birds, domestic chickens lay and incubate many unfertilized eggs throughout the year. Because they are unfertilized, they will never hatch. If left under the hen, the egg will rot and despoil ... the following year and all traces of the eggs are gone, usually due to predators or weather.

Description : What makes some eggs's shell brown and some white?

Last Answer : It’s the type of chicken. White chickens = white eggs, red/brown chickens = brown eggs.

Description : What is this?

Last Answer : Moths lay their eggs in tight arrays like that, often on windows. See here.

Description : Why would the roosters eat the eggs?

Last Answer : answer:Hopefully, Coloma will appear with advice from experience, but in the meantime, from a website for people with backyard chickens: Egg eating often starts when an egg is accidentally broken in the nest ... . They offer tips of breaking roosters of the habit - maybe you can pass them on.

Description : What is your favorite way to eat eggs?

Last Answer : answer:Sitting up. They are hard to swallow when I am lying down. Seriously - it depends on mood. Sometimes I go for over-easy on toast, really gooey. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a hearty omelette ... I want. About the only one that I won't have is soft-boiled in an egg cup. Childhood memories

Description : Do milk shakes have eggs in them?

Last Answer : Ice cream has eggs in it and milk shakes are made from milk and ice cream. Try making a shake from heavy or whipping cream a dash of vanilla with ice and blend it to a smoothie.

Description : For anyone who munched on an Easter egg today, what variety was it?

Last Answer : We don’t usually have the filled with a bag of sweets hollow chocolate eggs here in the States. We have other kinds of Easter candy. My kids were ecstatic in England when they discovered English Easter eggs – and so was I.

Description : What was breakfast around your house like when you were in elementary school?

Last Answer : answer:Grapefruit and cereal was pretty much the standard throughout. Occasionally a different fruit (cantaloupe, pineapple). When I lived in Westchester County, NY, for a couple years, I often had Wheatena from Halloween to Easter.

Description : Brown organic eggs don't peel as well as white eggs. Am I jumping to conclusions?

Last Answer : answer:Here's the deep dark secret. All hardboiled eggs only peel easily only if they are several weeks oid. When I get freshly-laid eggs from the free-range chickens down the road, (brown, ... them immediately in scrambled, soft-boiled, fried and poached form until they grow a little gray hair.

Description : Instead of taking two of every kind of animal, why didn't Noah just take one pregnant one?

Last Answer : answer:God told him what to do and I’m pretty sure two of each animal was part of the dictate. And wouldn’t that be incestuous if it was a boy baby? He’d have to be with is mom to make mor babies. Where did you read this new theory out of curiousity? :)

Description : What makes hard boiled egg yolks turn grey around the edge. And while we are all here, is it grey, or gray?

Last Answer : answer:It’s caused by overcooking. It’s unsightly, but not harmful. English (and commonwealth) yolks turn grey, while American yolks turn gray.

Description : After you hard boil eggs do you wash the pan?

Last Answer : I wash the pan because I always add a dash of vinegar.

Description : Any VERY easy low mess Easter Egg coloring ideas?

Last Answer : I should mention that if it stays unseasonably warm, we will go outside with her naked or diapered only and just let her go to town on the eggs and then dunk her in the kiddie pool afterwards. But I’d like an indoor backup plan.

Description : To reap the first eggs, or not to reap?

Last Answer : answer:It is always best to collect the eggs asap. You can use a fake egg as a decoy if you want to try to lure the hens to lay in a certain nestbox, but, no guarantees this will work. It is ... . P.S. Some hens develop the bad habit of cannibalizing their own eggs, so speedy collection is best. :-)

Description : Why was an egg yolk white?

Last Answer : All I know is this-The cloudier an egg white is the fresher it is. Nutrition 101. The yellower the yolk is the higher in mineral discharge. Always throw away eggs when left out for 2 hours or more. About your back…getting into a hot tub, with a good book & lots of bubbles always helps me.

Description : Chickens or ducks?

Last Answer : Chickens. They’re reliable egg layers, and ducks have nasty, slimy poop.

Description : What is the rate Chicken egg production decline by age?

Last Answer : Egg productionbegins when the birds reach about 18–22 weeks of age, depending on the breed and season. Flockproduction rises sharply and reaches a peak of about 90%, 6–8 weeks later. Production thengradually declines to about 65% after 12 months of lay

Description : Will all mother avian be able to incubate and raise eggs from another different kind of avian?

Last Answer : answer:It depends entirely on the requirements of the egg, the parental behaviour selected for in the adult exhibiting the care, and the capacity of the adult to provide sufficient and appropriate resources for ... , morphologies, etc.. that there won't be other species that can be raised by them.

Description : What is a good low-carb diet that includes cottage cheese and eggs?

Last Answer : Herbs? Perhaps a couple shakes of dried rosemary in your eggs would make them more palatable.

Description : Can someone explain to me (in simple terms) this aspect of animal reproduction [see details]?

Last Answer : You're stretching my brain because it's been awhile, but the female birds have intercourse and store the sperm temporarily and fertilize the eggs and then the shell forms. If you ever dissect a bird ... forms of development within the bird. I don't know about turtles. I'm rethinking the amphibians.

Description : Are you the Easter Bunny tonight?

Last Answer : Nope, I’m the yarnlady.

Description : Does a mother bird know if her egg is alive or dead?

Last Answer : I am not sure,but I think they might. I had doves for two years nest in a hanging planter on my porch.They had about three broods per year so maybe yours will find another mate.

Description : Are eggs for breakfast still the main staple food or has something else taken its place?

Last Answer : I think that eggs and other breakfast foods that take time and effort to prepare and clean up have taken a backseat to cereals and oatmeal. There also seems to be more people skipping breakfast. They are in a rush on workdays, and some people sleep in on days off

Description : Can any care be provided for a birds eggs?

Last Answer : answer:You can try putting the nest back and the eggs in it, but they probably will not survive. Things like this are why cats should not be allowed to roam. Please keep your cat indoors.

Description : I have a Americana chicken that laid 3 eggs in 24 hours. Should I be concerned about her?

Last Answer : answer:No. Thats pretty cool though! She just triple ovulated and the forming eggs all developed and were born' within that time frame. Sort of like having twins or triplets, they do not all come out ... shell before birth. Soooo, takes around 8 hours per egg so she is just a prolific layer today!

Description : Do you eat eggs for breakfast without toast? Just eggs and a drink?

Last Answer : It’s true that toast is the carbohydrate yin to eggy protein yang, but I’ve been known to not eat them together. Omelettes, for example, are generally filling enough to have on their own, and if I’m having a hard-boiled egg then I often forgoe the soldiers.

Description : Are huge food recalls (like 1/2 billion eggs and a million pounds of ground beef) avoidable?

Last Answer : answer:Because the people that run American companies are short-term profit -oriented. Because their profit motive conflicts with a health motive. Because there are not enough inspectors to make them.

Description : Do i really need eggs to make pancakes?

Last Answer : Do you need milk to make a milkshake?

Description : Waffle House or IHOP?

Last Answer : IHOP-the waitress made me laugh. Yes,that’s my criteria. I do like a good omlette though:)

Description : Wildlife/Nature Question: What to do with (possible) abandoned eggs in a nest?

Last Answer : It's likely that she's abandoned the nest site for one a little more private, with less traffic. In all likelihood she's been off the eggs too long by now to be able to save them. In order to ... hatch the eggs, it's unlikely that you would be able to teach them the survival skills that they need.

Description : Fellow Fluther ladies: Would you give up some of your eggs to a stranger if you were compensated for them?

Last Answer : I would do it, but I have several very undesirable traits.

Description : Are there any animals that lay yellow eggs?

Last Answer : answer:The Black Swallowtail “After mating, small, yellow eggs are laid, typically on garden plants from the carrot family”

Description : How are lots of empty egg trays products that are used for acoustics in a building?

Last Answer : answer:How are they what? I use empty cardboard egg cartons for plant starters in the spring. Some soil, a little seed, a poke in the bottom for drainage, and there ya go. I plant the seedings right in their little cardboard containers.

Description : What does it mean it you dream of baby chickens?

Last Answer : This site has a bunch of possibilities, starting off with this one: “Historically chickens have been favorite sacrificial tokens, so your dream could symbolize a request for a message, or for propitiation.”

Description : Do chickens produce eggs to make the next generation of chickens, or do eggs construct chickens that will then produce the next generation of eggs?

Last Answer : The chicken wants to reproduce. If there is no male around to fertilize it though only an infertile egg will come out. This is what is on your plate for breakfast.

Description : Why don't people microwave eggs instead of boiling or frying them?

Last Answer : Don’t they explode?

Description : What are the most friendly hen breeds for someone new to keeping chickens?

Last Answer : I, myself, don't have any idea. However, my brother and his wife own & run a small organic farm near Burlington, Vt, where they also raise chickens. I'm sure either one of them could provide ... : http://www.bloomfieldfarm.net/contact Good luck and have fun! Their chickens are really funny, I think!

Description : Can a chicken lay two eggs in one day?

Last Answer : no

Description : Americans, why are your eggs so white?

Last Answer : I'm not American, but if I remember correctly, it's just a cultural thing. In some countries they prefer white eggs, in others they prefer brown eggs. The colour is dependent on the breed ... in America they mostly farm white-egg chickens, and in other countries they may farm brown-egg chickens.

Description : I've ruined six eggs already. Can you help me save the rest?

Last Answer : Give them to your husband quick!

Description : Do you like complicated breakfast food?

Last Answer : Duh, biscuits and gravy.