Does anyone have anyone in their family who has alcoholic psychosis?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is what I have read, in the last few days, about alcoholic psychosis. This sounds like what my friend’s MIL is going through.

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Last Answer : Thats definitely interesting, my mom is an alcoholic (now recovered) but she has never been refused. I also live in America though so I am not sure what England is like. If this is true I have no idea what their basis is for it.

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Last Answer : As an alcoholic myself, I would say "I've noticed that you've been drinking a lot lately - do you think it might be becoming a problem?" All you can do is point out what you've noticed. The rest is up to her.

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Last Answer : a heavy drinker is someone who drinks alot. An alcoholic is a person with an addiction

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Last Answer : Stop now. What are you waiting for? Maybe cut your consumption in half for a few days and then stop completely. Do you want to feel like garbage on vacation? If you're addicted you could easily get ... much you are drinking or how addicted you are. No one here can predict how your body will react.

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Last Answer : Presumably he was an alcoholic before he got his inheritance and possibly before he had three wonderful sons. There is a genetic pre-disposition to alcoholism; it is not usually a lifestyle choice.

Description : Have you ever been in rehab, or known someone who has?

Last Answer : My ******** paid a fuckton for alcoholism treatment.. This was a outpatient thing. 10K a month. Worked for a bit. Then a few months later back to the norm. One afternoon I was in a really bad ... if needed. And if you need help it is crazy expensive. Still a drunk.. Just not malt liquor anymore.

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Last Answer : Your daughter is probably right. Generalized Subdermal Edema. Another one of the joys of alcoholism. If it sounds and fees crunchy, it is probably subdermal emphysema, another joy of advanced alcoholism, but mostly ... smoke. He'll eventually drown in his own fluids and that will be the end of it.

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Last Answer : That should be early I guess..

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Last Answer : answer:The only correlation between blacking out and phenotype is that full blown alcoholics like me black out. I didn't black out every time I drank, but often enough that it was commonplace. and ... recovery meetings for people to talk about their blackouts. It is not universal, but it is common.

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Last Answer : If she’s in the US most Public Health Departments have a counselor for working with people with substance abuse problems. Probably through your county offices. It’s confidential too.

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Last Answer : answer:Could be both, but ” friends ” on Facebook are not really your friends so you really can not tell first hand. Perhaps that is FB standard behavior?

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Last Answer : answer:A dry drunk/junkie is someone who has managed to quit the actual substance abuse, but not resolve the bigger life issues that drove them to drink/do drugs in the first place. Substance abuse isn't ... of this resource, regardless of if you are a dry drunk/junkie or if the two are unrelated?

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Last Answer : The ones who were hongry enough to eat fermented fruit.

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Last Answer : We need to stop using alcohol as a template for what to approve.

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Last Answer : This reminds me of any religion ever created.

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Last Answer : I believe a lot of it comes from being weak minded and having poor self control skills

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Last Answer : Write him off, and find the daughters to deal with them directly. Your relationship is with them, not him, and if the one was cheated out of her $100, offer her a replacement. What’s the point of prosecuting a sick man? How will that help the girls or anyone else?

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Last Answer : answer:If you don't get any personal recos, you could call the number listed for AA in the Baltimore area. Generally the people answering the phones are those with a long track record in recovery ... really do want an interventionist who has him/herself been in recovery IMHO. Good luck with this.

Description : Why can't I stop drinking once I'm buzzed?

Last Answer : Lack of self control. Try to pace yourself. Have a couple of drinks then a glass of water. Drink the water like it was a drink. I even put a lime on the glass. It looks like a gin and tonic but I am hydrating myself and socially drinking at the same time. Works like a charm.

Description : If you have overcome an addiction did you use a 12 step program?

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Last Answer : Alcoholism, hands down. ADHD people still have an easy capacity to be happy without the use of beer or other hard drinks.

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Last Answer : oh my goodness, yes! He has a very serious drinking problem (but I think you already knew that). I am so sorry you have to put up with that. Are you willing to stay with him if he doesn’t change? Do you think he’s willing to get help (join AA or rehab)?

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Last Answer : Just to clarify, can you say how old you are? Our answers may differ depening on your age.

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Last Answer : One of the pitfalls, in my mind, to AA is that it ignores the emotional causes for alcoholism. It does not encourage any therapy. Alcoholics are often self-medicating when they use alcohol. Once they ... being a recovering alcoholic is no excuse for bad behavior. He gets no breaks. Call him on it.

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Last Answer : Is it judgmental to advocate that people stay away from substances that can harm their health, and do not experiment with brain altering drugs?

Description : AA working or not?

Last Answer : From what I understand, AA expects you to give up drinking completely. No “tapering off.” It may be normal for alcoholics to not give up drinking when they go to AA and to claim they’re just “tapering off,” but that’s not what AA expects.

Description : People with psychosis. How did u get it?

Last Answer : I dunno the natural way. Nothing really brought it on

Description : Could psychosis be a symptom of a concussion?

Last Answer : answer:Here is a paper that looks at whether there is a statistical connection between schizophrenia (specifically) and head injury. This is an extract from its conclusions: Overall, there was ... is no association between either concussion or head injury and the later onset of schizophrenia.

Description : What chemicals in the body cause psychosis if ingested?

Last Answer : answer:There are some chemicals (eg. arsenic, mercury, lead, cadmium) that naturally occur in the human body that would be toxic if ingested. But there are only trace amounts in our body. However, I ... about the eight chemicals used to embalm a body. None of that stuff could be good for you.