What are the things you were certain you have forgotten and will never remember yet a few seconds later your brain spits out the right info?

1 Answer

Answer :

As I have gotten older, this kind of thing is not at all unusual. The strangest thing is when the memory does not come soon after but later in the day when I am not even trying to recall it. Here is the latest example. I was thinking of old television shows. I got stuck on the name of the show, The Facts of Life. I was never much of a fan. It was an okay show, but geared more towards women. I just could not think of the show’s name or the names of the actors or the names of their characters. All of a sudden I recalled that one of the people on the show was Nancy McKeon. Where that name came from I could not tell you. I did a Web search for McKeon and found the name of the show.

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Last Answer : answer:I have delegated nearly every task to Google and my phone. I'm way too busy and sleep deprived to remember to do anything. So, my phone tells me exactly when I need to do ... happening. So technically I forget everything, but everything gets done because my phone tells me what to do.

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Last Answer : You’re remembering wrong. To move up the -illions scale, you’ve always multiplied by 1,000. That’s what moves the comma over 3 places.

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Last Answer : answer:First, they will probably do a mini-mental which is just a 30 minute or so list of questions and problems for you to solve. I had one and it was reassuringly normal and not difficult. ... PET scan or MMR of your brain functioning and physical conditioning. If you are concerned, you should go.

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Last Answer : answer:Don't discount your busy schedule, stress, and sleep. I sleep about 5 hours (max) per night, have 3 kids, and with my wife in school I am basically a single dad right now. I have no ... chaos that is my life. This seems to help with remembering things because I'm delegating tasks to my phone.

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Last Answer : Because it wasn't that important in the first place. Because you didn't think it through. Because you didn't write it down (and if you had, you wouldn't know where you left the list ... other choices.) So you could make the decisions all over again. (you might choose something entirely different)

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Last Answer : The Beatles’ haircut!

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Last Answer : Maybe you just didn’t keep a journal.

Description : What can I do to improve my memory?

Last Answer : It get’s worse. Keep a calendar and write everything down. Edit. Keep a to do list as well. Use all of your technology for reminders. We’re bombarded with so much info it’s not surprising we lose some of it.

Description : Tell us about an incident that, with hindsight, you've completely reinterpreted.

Last Answer : answer:“Who cares if we’ve only known each other for 5 months? Who cares if she’s 29 and I’m 23? We’re obviously in love and nothing can go wrong, so let’s get married!” Oh god, why?