What are some foods we eat with our fingers?

1 Answer

Answer :

We typically eat with our mouths, not our fingers. Well, the rest of us do, I think…

Related questions

Description : Besides Cheetos, what other snack "foods" stain your fingers?

Last Answer : answer:I was going to say Oreos, but that’s more of a black dust that’s left on the fingers, not a stain. Pomegranate will stain for sure.

Description : What is the secret to getting those plastic produce bags open now that we can’t lick our fingers?

Last Answer : Try to discreetly spit on your fingers ,that should do what ya want.

Description : How do you eat your fried chicken wings? Specifically, what do you do to avoid greasy fingers?

Last Answer : answer:I order “boneless wings” (really chunks of breast meat) and eat them with a knife and fork. I’m weird.

Description : Why don't zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? -Riddles

Last Answer : Because they prefer to eat their fingers separately.

Description : How would our lives change if people had no fingers?

Last Answer : If I had no fingers, my normally cogent, intelligent, and thoughtful quips would look like this zm xm z mzxm,zn zAmN ,m , ... DMDDLDLDZ;DZ;SZ'SZ SEZ'SD';EZPE0E94E84747E7UU7ZUaU7ZaU8ZIzIKIKKIIKJ' LkKIIKAUSUISU7EDY7UEY74U4I5KRFKMDMS,S,A.QWLKWEJISJAQJQJMJAQJjjJAJSJSJjjsjsjdjdijedieu3y3yeuwjij`j

Description : Can children be given a black tip on their foreheads ? In our society , it is customary for small children to draw a black tip on one side of the forehead with their fingers to protect the child from evil eye or evil eye. What is the view of Sharia in this regard ?

Last Answer : It is nothing but superstition. As a Muslim, such superstitions should be avoided. Because it does not prevent the evil eye. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught what to do to ... Besides, Ayatul Kursi , Tin Kul and other prayers of Hadith can also be applied in this case.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What do you commonly pair with fish fingers?

Last Answer : Cole slaw.

Description : Do you think it's acceptable for people to use their fingers to take food IF their fingers don't touch any food other than the food they take?

Last Answer : You might want to clarify in the question “in your culture”. In North America, it’s probably not generally acceptable. On the other side of the planet, it’s pretty much how most communal meals are eaten.

Description : How do I get Garlic smell off my fingers?

Last Answer : Take a stainless steel piece of flatware, put it under running water from the tap, and put your nose-offending digits under the stream of water. Presto!

Description : What about some bacteria is important to important to humans in terms of our being able to make proteins and nucleic acids from the foods we eat?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Why do we have ten fingers (In total) and ten toes (In total)?

Last Answer : I donno

Description : What are some cooked foods that you can eat cold?

Last Answer : Fried chicken Pork chops

Description : What are some foods you can't let the kids see you prepare because they'll never eat it again?

Last Answer : (As a former kid).. any meat or seafood product that looks completely different in its unprepared form. I loved, absolutely loved fried clams as a kid. The moment I saw the unprepared version, it made me ... appearance, now. And, yes, I know fried clams (or fried anything) isn't healthy any way!

Description : Are there some foods you hated as a kid but now like or love to eat?

Last Answer : Green peas (canned) love fresh peas or frozen sometimes.

Description : What are some good foods to eat when you don't feel like eating at all?

Last Answer : Toast or English Muffin with light butter

Description : What foods would you not eat?

Last Answer : Snails or any bugs. I’d have to be really starving to eat cauliflower or broccoli. No animal organs.

Description : What foods can one eat in the dark?

Last Answer : I don’t eat in the dark. I will not eat in the dark when in the car traveling (which I like to do at night). I turn on the passenger light. I cannot put food into my mouth unless I look at each bite.

Description : What foods are safe to eat after expiration date and can I still freeze them for longer use?

Last Answer : Food is good until it is visibly rotting/spoiling, so go ahead and save it any way you can. Expiration dates are changing because so many people are afraid the food has gone bad so they throw it ... expiration dates a ploy by manufacturers to get people to throw the food out and then BUY MORE!!!)

Description : What foods will you simply NOT eat?

Last Answer : answer:I prefer to avoid mayonnaise and liverwurst. However, should they be presented in a new way, I’m sure I’d try them again. My daddy always said to try everything twice.

Description : How does one truly eat clean foods untouched by chemicals?

Last Answer : I think the only way you could do that and be 100% positive is to grow your own. Otherwise, how would you really know that the farmer next door raised those chickens or grew those peppers without any of the things you want to avoid?

Description : Did you ever disguise foods so your children would eat them?

Last Answer : No. We did call them by different names. Broccoli became little trees. Brussel sprouts became Little Brains. I can’t remember what we called Godzilla, but we did.

Description : If the world goes into a food crisis what odd foods would people have difficulty to eat?

Last Answer : It’ll be rice and potatoes for everyone.

Description : What else are good foods to eat (and keep) at room temperature?

Last Answer : Fruit

Description : What foods do you continue to eat, even though you might feel a little sick afterward?

Last Answer : Ice-cream and the likes.

Description : What kind of weird foods or concoctions do you like to eat?

Last Answer : answer:If that's weird, then I can't begin to imagine what I eat that your friends would not consider to be weird. I mean, how bland can you get? Mustard and Cheese? Do they put sauerkraut on their brats? ... I have no idea what to say here. Except to list my entire diet, which I'm not going to do.

Description : Soft foods to eat after molars are removed?

Last Answer : Deviled ham, tunafish, eggs, mashed potatos, pancakes, baked beans, crab cakes, pate’.

Description : Are there any foods that you don't eat unless they're combined with another food?

Last Answer : Meatloaf is bad enough as it is, but without mashed potatoes it is just a travesty.

Description : Whenever I eat certain foods, my head and throat feel funny. What's happening here?

Last Answer : idk if this is exactly what you’re talking about but sometimes when i eat pad thai, i get this weird feeling/pain in my throat… and it’s only from that, never with anything else. but pad thai is my favorite food! i wonder if it’s the same feeling….

Description : Lately I have noticed when I eat salty foods, my face swells?

Last Answer : That could be a sign of renal problem. or maybe simply edema. . . . Idiopathic Edema is a common disorder that occurs almost exclusively in women. It is characterized by salt ... and feet develops rapidly, frequently accompanied by headache, irritability, and depression. Weight gain also occurs.

Description : I am an extremely picky eater. If I make myself eat foods I hate, will I start to like them eventually? Any other ideas?

Last Answer : Trying foods that you didn't like before may help you get used to them. It won't make you fall in love with them, but over time you'll be able to eat a wider variety of foods. The main thing is to keep a ... you don't, don't worry about it. Just eat what you like, and don't eat what you don't like.

Description : What excuse do you use to justify eating foods you know you shouldn't eat?

Last Answer : Didn’t you just ask this sibling?======>

Description : Which foods are okay to eat with your hands?

Last Answer : Generally my rule is that it won’t mess up my hands. Mostly dry I guess would be the rule…if it’s too wet, you should probably use a fork. If it’s liable to come apart in your hands you should use a utensil.

Description : Do you have any weird (different) food habits and are there foods that you just won't eat?

Last Answer : When I go to a buffet I refuse to put so much on my plate that the flavors overlap. I’d rather make 100 trips to the buffet table. And no scallops for me! I also have been known to dunk Oreos in water if I’m out of milk.

Description : Ways and foods to eat without a kitchen?

Last Answer : George Foreman Grill

Description : What are good foods to eat in bed?

Last Answer : big fan of olives, because there are so many varieties . Also try figs, dates, rasins, cubed cheeses

Description : What kind of foods to eat before/after working out, jogging, or practicing a sport (specifically basketball)

Last Answer : I asked a similar question a few weeks ago, some of those answers may help http://www.ask-public.com/disc/10299/what-is-a-good-meal-to-eat-before-playing-a-sport/

Description : Why are almost all of our food revulsions directed at foods of animal origin?

Last Answer : Maybe because spoiled animal products are more likely to kill you.

Description : How do all of the warnings about "bad" foods/drinks influence our eating habits?

Last Answer : Moderation… Avoiding the worst should be a priority like Hydrogenated and sucrolose. there are many things that will get you right now but eating your veggies and drinking good water will keep you going for a good while- unless you forget to look Both Ways even in a Crosswalk!

Description : Why do you think we eat to push our feelings down?

Last Answer : answer:I think it has all the hallmarks of any other addiction (especially in that the behaviors correlate with stress.) The problem is, that one is not required to drink alcohol or take heroin in order to live, but one must pretty much eat every day.

Description : I have some common warts on my fingers and I play guitar. Suggestions?

Last Answer : Liquid wart remover and cover it with a band-aid. The wart remover eats it away like acid and the band-aid helps to smother it, making the time it takes to get rid of the wart faster. There’s really no way to play guitar and it not be painful with warts on your fretting fingers.

Description : Is cleaning the wax out of your ear with one's pinky fingers ok?

Last Answer : Yeah, I think it’s ok as long as you’re only going in a little bit, aren’t hurting yourself, etc.

Description : Why do people in deep thought touch their temples with their fingers?

Last Answer : It is just a behavioral quirk and I'm sure it varies with people. Some of them touch their temples, some squint and look faraway (into the horizon, lost in their thoughts), some tug on their earlobes, some ... I am !......it varies and some of us have many such quirks, depending on the situation.

Description : Fingers or thumbs?

Last Answer : It’s like “don’t think about elephants.” I had to try it to see; I couldn’t remember which. I use the pointer finger of my right hand mainly. I think people under 40 are born with the ability to type away with both thumbs on their phones but not I. (And zenvelo.)

Description : When you were in grade school did you raise your three middle fingers to single that you have to use the washroom?

Last Answer : No, I just went, whenever I pleased. Sometimes the teacher tried to prevent me from going, so I just went up to her and pissed on the floor right then and there, while staring at her face.

Description : Opinions on Salad Fingers?

Last Answer : It is a failed meme.

Description : How many fingers am I holding up? (Details)

Last Answer : none.

Description : Has anyone ever had their fingers suddenly curl up but with no pain involved?

Last Answer : Yes. I had the pleasure of experiencing hypocapnia after using a ventilator that forced me to hyperventilate. The reduced CO2 in the blood can cause muscle cramps and involuntary contractions of the ... awful. Fortunately it goes away quickly when you adjust your breathing (or the ventilator)..

Description : Do you have any simple tricks for keeping rings on fingers?

Last Answer : Get ring guards that make them fit more tightly.

Description : Why are my fingers colder than room temperature?

Last Answer : Think of it this way…fingers are an extremity….and as extremities, they are more susceptible to and able to adjust to the ambient temps they are exposed to.