Do you know what that “ultra pasteurized” probably implies on your milk carton?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, on german packaging, the word is “ultrahocherhitzt”, translating to “heated ultra high”, which is self-explanatory.

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Last Answer : LuckyGuy Excellent question. That was a huge amount of money, and do they just put the workers in storage for another 3 years or so?

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Last Answer : answer:@cma123 Welcome to Fluther and thanks for a Great Question. Advertising certainly tries to make us all compliant materialists, but it's had a paradoxical effect on me. It has taken me ... and fairly abhorrent. It's the blueprint to the destruction of the ecosystem that sustains us.

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Last Answer : Watch Mad Men for tips on the art of advertising. :-)

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Last Answer : answer:They want YOU! They’re going to get you, convert now, the message is clear.

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Last Answer : You could get all crazy and ignore them and keep walking.

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Last Answer : answer:Do you eat hot dogs? Occasionally—certainly not one a day, not even one a week. Would this ad change your eating habits? Not in the least. Do car race fans even read billboards? LOL—nah, they’re in a hurry How effective will this be? Not at all. Frankly, it’s gone to the dogs.

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Last Answer : Not anymore. I’ve seen them for years now.

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Last Answer : Turn the ad blocker off. Then click the remove ad link that Microsoft have put under the ad.

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Last Answer : Sorry, but you lost me after the fourth sentence. We need a photo.

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Description : Is this a good advertising idea?

Last Answer : I would say rollerskating down the halls with a megaphone would be much, much better. It would attract more attention.

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Last Answer : Yes, it’s littering.

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Description : What do you know about podcasts?

Last Answer : answer:I can't help you with the promotion part, but assuming you have your source file as any MP3 then all you have to do is set yourself up with a blog.. -1:1 internet link is a ... the promotion part.. word of mouth and using SEO (Search Engine optimization) you will get yourself out there.

Description : Can you think of some really silly things to put in a personals ad?

Last Answer : My first thought was “If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, if you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain… ” etc. etc. Can you tell it has been a while since I was on the dating scene?

Description : Any examples of inappropriate advertising slogans?

Last Answer : answer:What gets me most aren't the advertising slogans, but the company names. Like, no one said this to themselves and went Waitaminit Like, Pat R. Cox Law Firm. Yung Ho Tae Kwon Do Fu ... hearing aid, I think) - Quietus is a euphemism for death. KumHo Tires Badcock Furniture Easy Lay Carpets

Description : What Advertising Agencies have real killer websites?

Last Answer : answer:Not an ad agency, but the absolutely most fabulous web site I've ever seen. It is a demo, and I cannot believe the client never launched it, considering what their real web site looks like ... the millions. I cannot believe they never launched it.

Description : Have you ever fallen prey to false advertising?

Last Answer : My sources say no.

Description : How to increase quality score of Google adwords?

Last Answer : Here is a copy/ paste of the formulas that Google uses to calculate the quality scores. You can play on these factors to increase your score. But you will notice that most of the factors in the ... on: -The historical CTR of the ad on this and similar sites -The quality of your landing page

Description : Would it be wise to film a let's say clip to help pitch an idea for a commercial to a company?

Last Answer : Then the best way to get their attention is to film the video and put it up on youtube. When it gets a following, then a major beer company is likely to come knocking on your door.

Description : What are different ways that goods or events are advertised?

Last Answer : Radio, Newspapers.

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Last Answer : I have seen none of these ads… can you link to them?

Description : Have any Flutherites heard or read the phrase "Slightly higher in the West and South" as related to advertising?

Last Answer : No. I have heard Slightly higher in Canada but that may be due to the rate of exchange and the fact that both the US and Canada use dollars. I have no idea what that small piece of paper is. ... my mouth if I were you. Paper on the floor near bathrooms is often something you don't want to ingest.

Description : Do you like and/or pay attention to vehicles that are 'wrapped' with advertising?

Last Answer : Pay attention to? Yup. Like. Not really. How much are they paid for the full wrap?

Description : Has anyone ever experienced advertising backfiring?

Last Answer : Yes, I noticed the spammer, too. It happens on all Q&A sites. However, here in Fluther you will notice that the mods are QUICK and removed each post almost as fast as the troll posted them.

Description : How can we bring digital brand marketing to the 21st century?

Last Answer : “no ads” is actually the reason I use social networks. Like Fluther, Twitter, and with a little manipulation, Facebook. I can’t stand commercials on tv either

Description : Avatar ads for cash - start up idea?

Last Answer : Would any forum allow that, you think? I agree that the user more often pay services by ads, and might become a billboard for other users. But avatars? I am not sure. Howeverr, Star Fleet should pay you. They abandoned the concept of money, but I believe they at least owe you a hug. :p

Description : How to resize document in Illustrator?

Last Answer : Go to view and select “show rulers” and “show grid” and that makes things much more precise. Inside your document, select everything and then hold down while scaling down the vector drawing. This will keep your width in proportion to your height.

Description : Should Duke be allowed to sell the Bush family's secret recipe? Why?

Last Answer : Yep.

Description : Is anyone else bothered by commercials for televisions purporting to show how great the competition's screens are through your own television screen?

Last Answer : Pretty stupid, I guess.