What are some questions that we can be pretty sure have never been asked on a Q&A website before?

1 Answer

Answer :

If I asked them, then those questions will have been asked, thereby taking away their mystqiue and uniqueness.

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Last Answer : With all respect, why not spend some time here and see what works, and what doesn't work? And then make your own decisions about what's important. There are plenty of other Q&A sites out there ... job of naming yourself. Anonymous9056 doesn't give me a feeling of confidence that you are serious.

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Last Answer : answer:http://forums.macnn.com/ http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/frm/f/8300945231 Those are what I use for Mac help.

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Last Answer : C) Who Never Encourages Children To Known Something Not In Curriculum. 

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Last Answer : I like the basic concept, but would prefer to eliminate the whole modded-substantive-answer part. How about you just can’t see the other answers until you’ve answered. You could still have mods to enforce basic rules and writing standards, similar to ask-public.

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Last Answer : Who said you can ask only 3 Qs? I have never heard of that.

Description : How do I get pretty URLs on my website?

Last Answer : answer:It's done (or can be done) with mod_rewrite, which may be configurable from .htaccess files, and the details are rather more complex than a ask-public answer really allows. In part, it ... host provides upon request. Failing that, google for mod_rewrite and read up on it, and good luck.

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Last Answer : Who have you worked for is one. A second would be what is your favorite picture. Third, show me your best work.

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Last Answer : Why am I going through all these problems? I’m an analyst in nature and as a profession, but lately things have been rough on me and my family. . . and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to go about things without too much abrassion on everyone.

Description : Do you feel you have to add your input on questions that have been asked a million times?

Last Answer : Like dogs with fire hydrants, some folks. Or this: https://xkcd.com/386/ I know, sometimes I get sucked in too, but I do try not to. What bugs me more than this is the guys who, instead of ... dared to ask them personally that question. Hey, you can just skip a question if it's not to your liking.

Description : How often have you asked other people's questions simply because they haven't been responded to?

Last Answer : I have occasionally asked someone else’s unanswered question on another (or even the same) forum to try to get an answer, when I think I might be able to get an answer that way, but not very often.

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Last Answer : answer:007 I checked. fact

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Last Answer : I am finding lots of things odd these days, one of which is the “non-vigil” being held at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, with media everywhere to talk to every person they can. Apparently, they weren’t viewing a major hollywood production and were therefore not newsworthy.

Description : At what point in time will all questions have been asked on Fluther?

Last Answer : Never…..

Description : What kind of questions have been moderated that you asked, while other questions of a similar nature got through?

Last Answer : I believe that if people flag questions, the moderaters take note. Sometimes it is too exhausting to flag, flag, flag. But I agree with you about swingers and toe widths.

Description : What are the best interview questions you've been asked?

Last Answer : "Would you like way more money than expected?"

Description : If a Q&A site where prizes or giveaways were possible, would quantity trump quality as far as the giveaways or visa versa?

Last Answer : You would definitely get people gaming the site just to get the loot. So quantity would go through the roof , and quality would most likely fall.

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Last Answer : This

Description : Has anyone stumbled by or discovered a good faith-based Q&A site?

Last Answer : answer:How about Rapture Ready You would feel right at home.

Description : What is an easy, low tech, foolproof way for someone to link to a personal photo on a Q&A site?

Last Answer : answer:I upload mine to http://tinypic.com/index.php Here’s the uncut version of my avatar photo: http://oi58.tinypic.com/2hxr0w1.jpg

Description : What best idea could you think up to stop point gaming on a Q&A site?

Last Answer : I think I’d be willing to let people game the system. Any site that uses points to “win prizes or cash” is inviting people to game it, and it likely deserves to be gamed. Let the sad people have their way with it.

Description : Care to share your story of being an internet Q&A refugee?

Last Answer : I was on Answerbag. Really loved that site. They changed it. I understand that changes have to be made, but the changes they made were very drastic. Completely changed the whole site. Not one part ... the site and change everything you could possibly think of changing. Fluther is nice the way it is.

Description : What discussion or q&a sites allow freedom of speech?

Last Answer : From what I hear, Sodahead is one such.

Description : Does anybody know of a social Q&A site where they specialize in discussing art, literature and history?

Last Answer : I did a quick Google search and didn’t find anything with all three. It might be better to break up the topics. For example I found this

Description : Can someone recommend a Q&A tool that I can point a custom domain to?

Last Answer : How about Federated Fluther?

Description : Is there a ask-public-like Q&A platform for use in the enterprise?

Last Answer : ask-public launches Federated

Description : Would it be impossible for one to earn popularity in other Q&A sites?

Last Answer : answer:Are you asking what you could do to raise your score on ask-public, or are you asking how you could raise your score on other sites? With regards to other sites each one is ... answers you provide align with the perspective of the other sites' participants (quality) would affect the ranking.

Description : How many Q&A sites are on the Internet?

Last Answer : I would guess thousands.

Description : What's the better Q&A software for a library environment?

Last Answer : frdelrosario Please don’t be so dismissive. It’s easy to find a bunch of application x, but you rarely find the diamond in the rough on Google.

Description : Can any Q&A site stand the test of time by only offering Q&A (serious answers only please)?

Last Answer : answer:I think they live and die by the quality of their communities. That requires social engineering. There is a complex relationship between interface, rules, and community culture. You need to know what you ... the team that will make the site. That's what's unique and individual to every site.