Do you think the House should consider a challenge to Iowa's representative who won a squeaker by six votes?

1 Answer

Answer :

They have no grounds for the state of Iowa. Non issue.

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Last Answer : Brexit.

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Last Answer : Ready set , turn your flame throwers on now!

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Last Answer : You will have wasted your vote. Hell, forget new ballots. They could have hired a few people to just line through the name. Simple.

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Last Answer : 0.7

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Last Answer : Seemed staged, but I’m surprised the f bomb hasn’t been dropped sooner.

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Last Answer : This problem was solved by one of our brilliant new LifeHacker members @gggristo! Many many thanks to you gggristo! Wish you would post to get the Lurve you so deserve!

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Last Answer : Because YouTube and Time Magazine are completely unaffiliated. That's like saying, Why is Barack Obama president when the majority of voters in a World Net Daily poll said that Buchanan ... necessarily his official campaign, but the dozens of Facebook groups that contain 99% of his supporters.

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Last Answer : Yup. Sure does. It’s not likely to make much of a difference in the outcome, though. I would doubt if it’s a very high percentage.

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Last Answer : answer: That is a link to your answer on wikipedia. I had to use tinyurl because some wikipedia links break when posted here. Look on the right side of the chart.

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Last Answer : The answer is 'One vote'

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : How many votes are entitled for members of the UN Economic and Social Council? -General Knowledge

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Description : what situation is called when all citizens had the right to attend assembly to meet in open discussion and cast votes in ancient athens1. direct democracy2. totalitarianism3. parliamentary democracy 4. absolutism?

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Last Answer : FDR got the most in the 1936 election. He won every state except Maine and Vermont for a total of 523 electorial votes!

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