Do you enjoy dreaming?

1 Answer

Answer :

I do. My dreams are very cinematic and since I am a very light sleeper, I often wake up in the night remembering them. Sometimes they are working out an emotional issue I have and often just a mishmash of various elements of my days. The one problem is that I often wake up tired from living so much at night!

Related questions

Description : Do you enjoy dreaming?

Last Answer : I rarely sleep deep enough to dream and when I do dream my dreams are mostly stressful. I prefer not to dream.

Description : How has your dreaming changed over the years?

Last Answer : I dream and have always dreamed a lot, and they have ranged from funny and entertaining to downright scary. But these days they seem often to bring up anger and sadness. I keep seeing old friend’s faces or composites of them and having lengthy conversations, not always pleasant ones.

Description : What is the deal with lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : I have done it a few times, but not for about a year. With me it starts with waking up in the morning as normal, but noticing that things seem a bit strange, and then checking and double checking ... awakening. I get stuck in that cycle for what feels like about an hour until i genuinely wake up.

Description : Any tips on Lucid Dreaming?

Last Answer : It was simple for me.I used to have nightmares about getting attacked by bears.I finally told myself before I went to sleep that I would fight back if I dreamt of bears again.Sure enough,it happened.I ... bothered by those dreams for a long time.Until recently. What does that mean?? Oh,never mind ;)

Description : If you suspected you were dreaming, what would you do to find out for sure?

Last Answer : Open my eyes? Or are they already open? If so, I think I’d shut them.

Description : How can I stop dreaming so much at night?

Last Answer : You can’t really stop yourself from dreaming. Maybe you could listen to some soothing music before you go to bed and things won’t be so hectic.

Description : Any tips on intentionally lucid dreaming?

Last Answer : Edit: the question that partially inspired this question is, not the link I posted in the question.

Description : Why am I dreaming all of the sudden?

Last Answer : The question is NOT Why am I dreaming all of a sudden? . You ALWAYS dream. What you should ask is Why am I REMEMBERING my dreams all of a sudden? and I suspect the answer is that something is ... before you go to bed? P.S. Try to remember who's PROPERTY you dived on. THAT might be revealing.

Description : Dreaming?

Last Answer : i heard that dreams that happen just before you wake up are the result of stress. it dosnt really make sense, but im not a psycologist, so who cares what i think.

Description : Do you enjoy sleeping?

Last Answer : answer:When I was younger I loved it. I didn't like going to sleep at night, but I liked the actual sleep. Now my sleep is fraught with some sort if crap about half the time. Might be a nightmare ... a nap when I need it. Especially if my husband cuddles up with me. That happens maybe once a month.

Description : Was this sleepwalking?

Last Answer : Maybe you were just drowzy, or in the middle of your deep sleep? You stepped into the outside of the house (and woke from the change in temperature)? Was alcohol involved?

Description : Do you sleep better (more deeply) if your sheets and pillowcases match?

Last Answer : Yes, because I’m gay.

Description : Why do my ears sometimes hurt when I sleep on them?

Last Answer : I used to have some kind of periodic zit-type thing under one of my ears, maybe some kind of bacterial infection or something. It lasted for a few years then just went away. But during that ... ear. Putting pressure on it would hurt. No idea whether this has anything to do with your situation.

Description : What does and doesn't sleep cure?

Last Answer : Sleep does not cure hunger,. Sleep does not cure air pollution. Sleep does not cure poverty. Can you make your question a little more precise?

Description : Does anyone know a good way to "turn off" your mind so you can go to sleep?

Last Answer : There’s a pretty good list here in @canidmajor’s question from a week ago.

Description : Is it true that the purple mattress and purple pillows smell like plastic?

Last Answer : My wife and I tried a Purple and returned it. We got a Casper and love it; it doesn't heat up like most memory foam. The Purple felt very firm to both of us, but mattresses are highly personal, so you ... odor, but that could be just be that it was new. I can't say whether it would fade over time.

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed while you sleep?

Last Answer : 2. I don’t understand the need for more than that, personally. My head only rests on one, but the two differ in firmness and sometimes I want one over the other. I also use the two to sit against when I’m watching TV in bed.

Description : Do you have any all-nighter study session/work tips?

Last Answer : Take eye breaks every 20 minutes or so. Bring some mini snacks with you like mixed nuts or trail mix. Drink water only.

Description : When have you had your best sleep?

Last Answer : If I take a nap it’s usually great sleep.

Description : How can I cool off my head at night so I can sleep comfortable ?

Last Answer : Chillow worked for me.

Description : Do you personally know anyone who fell asleep while driving?

Last Answer : I have started to fall asleep while driving a few times, maybe even been asleep briefly but I didn't leave my lane. Driving long distances can be a bit hypnotic, and when also quite fatigued, I had ... but perhaps there's just much more noise in all the public conversations so it doesn't stand out.

Description : What do you love about staying up late?

Last Answer : Less people,fewer bosses ,weigh scales mostly closed, I much prefer to work nights over a day shift.

Description : Do you have any tips on staying awake from 8am to 8am June 26-June 27?

Last Answer : Have family or friend stay with you to do something you enjoy. Boardgames, card games, movies?

Description : Older jellies: do you find you need less sleep as you get older?

Last Answer : Yes. But I’m also not busting my ass 24/7 with kids either. Every thing has slowed down, including how much food I can eat.

Description : If you don't know you fell asleep, does your body still get the benefit of having fallen asleep?

Last Answer : I am guessing with that short a final interval, you get ripped out of sleep right in the middle of the deep sleep phase, which will absolutely wreck you. Happens to me all the time. You can try to ... if you are quick about the business you need to perform, and keep the lights down while you do it.

Description : Is an expensive pillow worth the price?

Last Answer : I think I got a deal on a My Pillow when I bought my mattress some years ago. (This was before the politics came into it.) I will say that it has held up much longer than the $19.99 ones I ... that weren't on a special sale which makes me wonder if people ever pay the full listed price for them.

Description : I'm thinking of starting to drink coffee. How or should I start?

Last Answer : Don't start with expensive stuff. Not even Starbucks. Just go some place and ask for a cup of coffee. Some tastes you will like. Some will be too strong, while others will be too weak. Find one ... . Of course there will be plenty of snobs and pseudo-experts who will disagree, but that's my opinion.

Description : Are concurrent sentencing and circadian rhythm similar in any way, and if so how?

Last Answer : No, they are not at all related. Circadian rhythm has to do with cyclical activities in the body. Concurrent sentencing has to do with criminal justice application of punishment.

Description : When was the last time you got a decent night’s sleep?

Last Answer : Last night.

Description : How much extra sleep do you get or staying in bed awake do you do before you feel bad about it?

Last Answer : I’m retired and don’t sleep well. I often wake around 6:30 or 7 but generally stay in bed til around 8 or so. I will sometimes stay in bed until 9ish but if it’s much later than that, I feel like I am being unproductive.

Description : What percentage of the population of your country works nights/evenings?

Last Answer : A great deal,I am a night shift truck driver, and Mrs Squeeky works graveyard shift in our local hospital. A lot of companies have three shifts and work 7 days a week.

Description : Have you ever woken up to the sensation that someone is sitting on your bed?

Last Answer : I've had other hypnagogic hallucinations, though not that. But my late aunt, who was probably near your age when her father died, afterward used to insist that he came and sat on her bed in the night and ... is a state of very light sleep in which we often think we're awake, but we're really not.

Description : Do painkillers do something for sleeping deep?

Last Answer : I have some pesky lower back aches and knee pains at times and if I take ibuprofen I do sleep better. Not sure if the pain meds have some sleep aid quality or if it is just the secession of discomfort.

Description : Would you like to have two queen beds instead of a king?

Last Answer : I would rather have a king. I enjoy sleeping with my partner, even the occasional touch in the middle of the night.

Description : Is this a good bed time device for sleeping comfortably ?

Last Answer : It doesn't look efficient to me!!!As a matter of fact, it looks fairly restrictive as you'll need to be able ti breathe in a certain way which doesn't appear normal by any stretch of the imagination. I'm ... t see you yet you can still breathe fresh air!!! Try it to see IF it might work for you!!!

Description : Can you please help me find a cooling pillow that actually works?

Last Answer : You may be in luck here. I moved from Montana (cold) to southern Utah. (waay hot) I found a product called a Chillow which was a God send so to speak and it made sleep possible on hot hot nites. ... It is a device you add water to and put it on my regular pillow and for me it's been wonderful.

Description : How to sleep with out my arms and legs going numb?

Last Answer : Previous question Can you recommend a good pillow?

Description : How many pillows do you have on your bed?

Last Answer : Six. My husband has four & I have two.

Description : Are your arms usually colder than your legs at night?

Last Answer : Neither. Thank god for waterbeds with heaters.

Description : How is your sleep pattern?

Last Answer : Not sure what you mean. Here's how I sleep: Bed time between 11-1130pm Solid deep sleep Awaken at 6:30-7:00 to pee, depending on how much I drank the night before. If it is a weekday, I make coffee, read the ... it is a weekend, I'll get back in bed and if I am luck, I'll sleep another hour or two.

Description : How do I sleep in a way that I don't cut my circulation off in my arms and legs?

Last Answer : Walk for a hour a day. Get the heart strong so it can push blood around. And yeah losing weight would help. Now that summer is here it is perfect to get your walk on.

Description : Where are the kids sleeping at night?

Last Answer : Don’t know but I would imagine sympathetic people along the way are putting them up. A little too cold for sleep outs! Or possibly in houses of worship.

Description : How to sleep faster?

Last Answer : Read a boring book. Watch “A River Runs Through It”.

Description : Is 8:58am measurebly more brighter than 1:11am?

Last Answer : Yes. 13 line’s more bright.

Description : Would you date someone who snores as loud as lions?

Last Answer : Personally I would not, I’m a light sleeper and lack of sleep would make life intolerable, or at least make me intolerable.

Description : If you woke during the night when at home what noises might you hear?

Last Answer : My dog snoring.

Description : Could you tell me a little or a lot about your pillow?

Last Answer : Mine are stuffed with shredded memory foam. Nice and firm, can be fluffed up as much as i like, and they never go flat.

Description : How can I persuade my "monkey mind" to let me fall asleep?

Last Answer : Don’t Fluther within two hours of sleeping. No tv either. Make your bed only for sleeping. I like Having a glass of tapwater, and an ensure. I used to listen to coast to coast am on the radio from 1–5am when ever I can’t sleep.

Description : How do I avoid squishing my ears and legs when sleeping?

Last Answer : Lay on your back…

Description : Do you ever remember falling asleep?

Last Answer : Yes, but for me it's usually a gradual process, where the waking world fades subtly from my awareness and blends into the betwixt and between before sleep and dreams. So I'm often still ... s real and what's a dream because my perception is slowly melting from material reality into dream logic.