Have you gotten a Covid vaccine booster shot?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes I have. It was Pfizer, the same as my first 2 shots. I had no side effects or reactions. I did feel a sense of relief though. It had been 8 months since my last shot and I was a bit anxious that my shots were wearing off.

Related questions

Description : Will you be getting the booster vaccine when it’s available?

Last Answer : Yes, I’ll get the booster dose as soon as it’s available to me.

Description : Band Aid on Covid Vaccine?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : Has the vaccine become an IQ test?

Last Answer : I think alt-right media and conversations have become a kind of cultural intelligence test. It's not that rural Americans who haven't gone to college necessarily have low IQ , but they do ... , and denial that their radio, Fox News, and xenophobic/homophobic preachers might be lying to them.

Description : Do you think Tucker is anti-vaccine?

Last Answer : Jim Acosta is deliberately misrepresenting the position of Tucker Carlson. To accidentally do this, in journalism school, would give one an automatic F . At least up until 2010 or so it did. To do it ... 's actual position. It doesn't mean they have to agree with it, Just know what it is.

Description : What is a vaccine?

Last Answer : The word vaccine originates from the Latin Variolae vaccinae (cowpox), which Edward Jenner demonstrated in 1798 could prevent smallpox in humans. Today the term vaccine' applies to all biological ... Vaccines are administered in liquid form, either by injection, by oral, or by intranasal routes.

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Last Answer : I don’t have one either. It wasn’t universal, and if you didn’t pick at the reaction from the vaccination, it wasn’t as pronounced a scar.

Description : Should the U.S. be permitted to administer Covid vaccine booster shots?

Last Answer : If needed.

Description : Have you received a Covid booster shot?

Last Answer : I got my second shot on 4/21/21, and I got my booster toady (10/20/21). I got it at a Walgreen’s near my house. All three of my vaccines were Pfizer.

Description : Is having had COVID 19 + one shot of vaccine equal to adequately protected from COVID again?

Last Answer : The experts are saying no and recommending you get both vaccinations even if you have had covid-19. I had covid-19 in December and I did get both Moderna shots.

Description : I had the moderna vaccine so which booster would I get?

Last Answer : Moderna

Description : Vaccine question number 2: How important is a tetanus booster?

Last Answer : My opinion only: get the tetanus booster because it doesn’t work to get one after you need it. Especially as much as you travel and hike.

Description : Why should you get a new influenza vaccine every year? a. it wears off fast b. the viruses change rapidly c. you need a booster to keep the immune level up d. none of the above are correct

Last Answer : b. the viruses change rapidly

Description : Should I get my booster shot or flu shot?

Last Answer : Isn’t it on the late-ish side for the flu shot? If I were eligible, I most certainly would get the booster. But it’s my understanding that you can get both at the same time. If you feel uncomfortable about it, you could always get the booster now and the flu shot next week?

Description : If you've gotten through the pandemic so far without getting Covid, do you feel it was luck or the precautions you took?

Last Answer : I've never gotten sick from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I've been tested twice (both negative) and have had 2 Pfizer vaccine shots. But this doesn't meant that I haven't been exposed to virus ... just kicked it's butt. And antibody test from a blood specimen would indicate weather or not I was exposed.

Description : Have you gotten your flu shot this year yet?

Last Answer : I will get on October 24th. Three years in a row and no flu.

Description : There is still flu out there. Have you gotten your flu shot?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. I hope those people recover :(.

Description : 11 Bay Area flu deaths so far. Have you gotten your flu shot?

Last Answer : Got it in early Sept. Surgeon wouldn’t do my knee surgery without the jab.

Description : Have You Gotten Your Flu Shot Yet?

Last Answer : I never get it. I’ve never gotten the flu. I’ve been around many people who have had it, even my own sister, but I don’t seem to contract it.

Description : Has anyone gotten the depo shot?

Last Answer : I had a girlfriend who was on the shot. After a couple of years she decided she didn’t like it. She believed that she gained weight and was moody as a result. She lost weight after discontinuing it, but I can’t say that her mood improved. :)

Description : Are the COVID vaccine mandates a little out of the ordinary or is it just me?

Last Answer : Nobody is forced to take the vaccine. Nobody is being dragged in and held down to take it.

Description : Which celebrities are known to have not taken the Covid-19 vaccine?

Last Answer : Eric Clapton, I believe.

Description : Why don't they just have a Covid vaccine mandate?

Last Answer : I'd say Fear of civil unrest. Western European countries value personal freedom and are loathe to mandate vaccinations, they hope people will come around to it themselves. If they lockdown for ... personalities and trying to do what will be the most effective with the least amount of havoc.

Description : What really motivated you to get the Covid vaccine?

Last Answer : Just wanted praise and adoration from my pharmacy.

Description : If Covid 19 killed an infected person at a much faster rate, would there be less anti-mask and anti-vaccine sentiments and effort?

Last Answer : I'm not sure if it takes (much) longer in reality. No I don't think it would change much, were it a much faster death. I think that if it would literally decimate the population, and people would lose ... . But people (some) who are strongly anti might see in him a straw man of the New World Order.

Description : Do you know anyone who got the vaccine twice but developed Covid months later?

Last Answer : Yes, a couple of people did. Mild symptoms, two weeks quarantine. Neither hospitalized. Both of my friends would likely have been seriously affected had they not been vaccinated.

Description : If you received the COVID vaccine and went back to normal life, are the variants causing you to retreat again?

Last Answer : I've resigned myself to pretty much the covid routine. I've managed to quench 3 requests to visit us since the niece and nephew left, and have only been to 2 gatherings with the family ... and the whole mess has actually benefited me enormously in my realization that I am happy with winding down.

Description : Will more people be inspired to get the COVID vaccine now that golfer Jon Rahm has tested positive? For possibly the second time?

Last Answer : If hundreds of thousands of deceased people didn’t do the trick, some golfer won’t either.

Description : Anyone holding off on getting the COVID-19 vaccine?

Last Answer : No.

Description : What percentage of the population do you think will take the covid vaccine by September 1?

Last Answer : I'll make an uneducated guess. 85%. About half the population here is Republican and half of them have stated they will not get vaccinated. I figure one third of those who said they ... After Sept 1 if an unvaccinated adult ends up hospitalized from Covid their health insurance rates should double.

Description : Would you risk trying to get your second dose of covid vaccine in another state?

Last Answer : Now (mid-March) this is more likely to be possible that it was, say, two months ago. Because of supply. At least here in Georgia, grocery stores and drug stores have their supplies, and no ... might be successful in Atlanta, but less likely to walk in, in Virginia or Maryland. And forget California.

Description : Covid vaccine queue -- how would you feel if you knew someone was cutting in line?

Last Answer : I want everyone who wants the vaccine to get it. And I definitely think there should be a place early in line for household members of the elderly and others in high-risk groups. My thirty-something ... be the case with siphoning resources of other kinds. There will in due course be enough for all.

Description : If your friends say they don't want the Covid vaccine because the long term effects are unproven, do you try to talk them into it?

Last Answer : In the case you describe, no. In fact, in most cases, no. It’s been a year. People know what they know by now. If someone chooses to make decisions about themselves, fine. It may result in me making the decision to not hang around them, or only under very specific and controlled circumstances.

Description : How do you know if you qualify for the Covid vaccine if you have health issues?

Last Answer : I would start with his primary care physician. If he sounds absolutely sure about your husband getting the shot, have him get it. If the doctor is iffy, or isn’t sure, do more research.

Description : What happens if you have covid-19 but don't know it yet, and you get the vaccine?

Last Answer : They ask you questions about your possible exposure and symptoms before they will give you the vaccine. However if you have a concern that you might have it, it makes sense to get a test before going for ... don't know the answer to that. I imagine Caravanfan would be the person on here to know it.

Description : Which country developed the covid vaccine first in world -General Knowledge

Last Answer : World's 1st Covid-19 vaccine was approved by the UK. UK becomes the first country to give acceptance to Pfizer & BioNTech candidate.

Description : Which pharma company has reported an 'error' in a trial of the Covid-19 vaccine dosage?

Last Answer : p

Description : have any vaccine of corona pandemic covid-19.?

Last Answer : I don't believe you should because there is a chance that a covid vaccine can kill you and give you covid. I would avoid getting the vaccine instead you should just wear a mask when going to any public places and try to keep a six feet distance remember if you do this you are saving lives.

Description : Covid-19 vaccine side effects?

Last Answer : The common side effects of covid-19 vaccines are :- 1. Injection site pain and swelling 2. Fatigue 3. Headache 4. Chills 5. Fever 6. Muscle and joint pain 7. Nausea 8. Redness or ... saying that side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection. Some people have no side effects.

Description : Disadvantages of getting Covid-19 vaccine?

Last Answer : The long awaited vaccine for covid 19 has already arrived. There have been so much claims on the same. Some people have reported to have blood clots after taking the vaccine but it wasn't ... is a disadvantage of taking the vaccine. Vaccines are meant to help provide immunity against infections.

Description : Did you take the vaccine for the covid?

Last Answer : I was among the people who had long waited for the covid 19 vaccine. But after the emergence of the virus, it has brought complications such as blood clotting. I am still hesitant about taking the vaccine.

Description : What is your reaction regarding the COVID 19 vaccine?

Last Answer : I take it as a sign of relief because it has some protective elements that come with it. Although it might not be 100% effective, but the little it can do is fine. Thinking of persons who have lost loved one to the virus. They wish it could have been made earlier. Am hoping for positive results.

Description : What are you thoughts about the new covid vaccine?

Last Answer : I'm a little wary about it, kind of has me on my toes. I hope the vaccine is effective and doesn't bring anyone to harm. FDA has approved this vaccine to be safe but it's really up to us to I ... to life and death we should just go for it but I would wait till they can officially approve it's safe.

Description : Are you not worried about the allergic reactions if having the vaccine against COVID-19?

Last Answer : Current covid vaccines have to go through a lot of testing. Tests on different blood types Tests on different people with varying metabolism And that's not all you may also have to consider the ... say brazil and their environment condition. So the vaccine needs year worth of testing in that case.

Description : Are you excited for the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Last Answer : Yes everyone exited for corona vaccine. many people has lost their jobs and business virus situation is getting worst now days you can see people dyeing daily due to corona. vaccine is main need for ... available at end of the year. also many labs are trying to create vaccine as soon as possible.

Description : Do you think the vaccine for Covid 19 that will be invented will be success full?

Last Answer : I don't think anyone can really answer that question until the vaccine becomes available and we are able to monitor the results. There have been some successful trials here in the UK and we are being told it could be available in the autumn to high risk groups.

Description : Did they find a vaccine for Covid-19 yet?

Last Answer : No, and most likely they won't because COVID-19 is an infection that consistently mutates, like the flu.. the flu shot only covers 7% of the flu strains, and therefore has been deemed ineffective consistently for the last 3 years.

Description : Is it normal for your arm to swell after having vaccine shot?

Last Answer : It is normal. That is just your immune system responding on site to what it thinks is an infection, which means it is a sign of it working.

Description : Is the third shot actually reducing covid cases?

Last Answer : No.

Description : Should I still get my Pfizer booster on Thursday?

Last Answer : It’s not a stupid question. The truth is we don’t yet know the answers. If it were me, I would still get the booster. I got my booster not too long ago.

Description : Will the definition of "fully vaccinated" change as more people receive booster shots?

Last Answer : I suggest we cross that bridge when we come to it.