Other than modern PCs, what other products are intentionally transparent, so that you can see the machinery inside, for aesthetic reasons?

1 Answer

Answer :

The glass frog.

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Last Answer : answer:Nope. That would be becoming a fan because of a critic’s statement. I’ve had critic’s pieces lead me to view something, but I don’t let them make up my mind. I can’t tell if something new “works” unless i have seen it myself.

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Last Answer : C. Fuzzy logic 

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Last Answer : Yes, daily for the past 21 years, and in the last year I’ve really kicked it up a notch.

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Last Answer : I really do wonder if people know what these words mean.

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Last Answer : Grimdark

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Last Answer : “aesthetic”

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Last Answer : It’s a combination. I love a tailored, well-fitting suit. A sloppy, baggy suit off of a rack doesn’t carry the same appeal, so it isn’t just the meaning of the suit. It is definitely aesthetic as well.

Description : Would an aesthetic of ugliness be aesthetically pleasing?

Last Answer : answer:Not entirely sure I follow, but I'll say that I have always found beauty in dissonance (music, Sonic Youth, and a zillion other bands I like), and art/films that that illustrate some of the ... because she looks ugly , and we finally see the doctors who are all ugly by our standards?

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Last Answer : The strange, uncertain ending of the story is meant to evoke questions from the reader

Description : What are aesthetic values ?

Last Answer : Aesthetic values are the values that play a role in expressing the human instincts .

Description : What is aesthetic in art?

Last Answer : It concerns itself with the aspect of a work of that you mightcall its being "pleasing to the eye in appearance".

Description : Are there any schools in Massachusetts that offer aesthetic laser training?

Last Answer : A career in Aesthetic Laser is a great choice but there are no schools for this located in Massachusetts. There are online colleges that have this course. The most reputable school online is the University of Phoenix.

Description : Aesthetic Courses: Overview?

Last Answer : Aesthetic courses are usually open to any type of field of nursing; however, they are usually taken by nurses in fields such as dermatology and cosmetics. This is due to the emphasis on improving ... will learn about administering the peels and will then help with the car of the skin afterwards.

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Last Answer : (iii) Manufacturing

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Last Answer : (a) Teachers

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Last Answer : c. Gothic arch tracing.