If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in the center field?

1 Answer

Answer :

One. If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one big stack.

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Last Answer : 2

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Last Answer : 8,536 square meters

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Last Answer : the sides of the fence are parallel to the rows of crops.

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Last Answer : The farmer takes a bath every day.

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Last Answer : None. A pear tree does not bear plums

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Last Answer : None. A pear tree does not bear plums.

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Last Answer : It didn't because roosters don't lay eggs.

Description : A farmer in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to purchase. The ... each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to deliver? -Riddles

Last Answer : None. A pear tree does not bear plums.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : 0, Roosters don't lay eggs.

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Last Answer : None. The rest of the crows flew away when they heard the gunshot.

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Last Answer : Ans.Farming system

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Last Answer : The man's parachute did not open.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : 0.27

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Last Answer : (C) January 29

Description : he local oscillator and mixer are combined in one device because:

Last Answer : it is cheaper

Description : Buddhism arose in India and yet every 30 minutes a farmer in India commits suicide; does Buddha have something against farmers?

Last Answer : Farming in India is very hard work,. The crops are dependent on the arrival of the monsoons. When the monsoons don’t come, drought occurs. The stree of farming in India is what leads to the suicides.

Description : How can I be a better farmer?

Last Answer : I mean when I think of a modern farm I see all crops having a roof that can protect against the subzero, but also retractable to let the sun in. Also I think should go with some fruit trees. Animals may seem important. But having the basic vegetables down is way more important in my opinion.

Description : How do I become a farmer?

Last Answer : Many larger universities have entire departments of agricultural sciences (for example, here's the link to Colorado State's http://www.agsci.colostate.edu/college/majorsandprograms.html). Even if you ... university, you might want to audit some classes that you see being beneficial to your goals.

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Last Answer : A monthly income/stipend might be easiest way to express the answer. Any info from other types of apprenticeships, and guesses, would be welcome.

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Last Answer : Well, I’ve never seen the film, but judging by the title, I thought the bit with the alien cows was quite interesting, and quite tear jerking when they were slaughtered for beef.

Description : OMG! I'm watching "Men In Black" on TV and realize that the guy who plays the farmer I KNOW!

Last Answer : answer:I was just watching Galaxy Quest yesterday and noticed that one of the aliens is Rainn Wilson. btw, if you want to see Vincent D’Onofrio in one of his best early rolls, rent “Full Metal Jacket” You will never be able to watch Law and Order Criminal Intent in the same way again.

Description : how to care for Urban Farmer perenial

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : c. Explain with an example of how the terms of credit can be unfavourable for the small farmer. -Economics 10th

Last Answer : When a small scale farmer borrows money from a bank, he has to repay the amount at a fixed rate of interest. For example, if a farmer borrows money from the bank and during the harvest season his ... not be able to repay the amount loaned him by the bank and will further fall into the debt trap.

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Last Answer : He tractor down! (TRACKED HER down)

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Last Answer : It was not the farmers dog! hahahaha

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Last Answer : With a cabbage patch!

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Last Answer : 9