What’s the most bizarre way to flirt with someone ?

1 Answer

Answer :

By pretending to be someone else online

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Last Answer : Ask @FutureMemory.

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Last Answer : “A little flirt never hurt ya know.”

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Last Answer : answer:I was 14 when some kid Asked, “excuse me sir, what time is it?” my “if you Stop calling me sir, i’ll tell you the time” … :)

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Last Answer : that I was NOT adopted : )

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Last Answer : answer:I bought a talking Flip Wilson doll off ebay. It is Flip on one side and Geraldine on the other. An identical doll was my very favorite toy as a child and in a sentimental moment I couldn't ... guess you could say the devil made me buy that doll. I kind of miss previews in Pirate speak.

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Last Answer : Not a tradition anymore, but it was for a few years: At an extended-family get together (usually Christmas or Thanksgiving), my dad would call the people who couldn't make it and we'd all sing them Happy Birthday. It was rarely their birthday.

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Last Answer : When I was around sixteen, I discovered the amazing interaction between eating microwaved popcorn and drinking chocolate milk. Normally, I'd find the combination of butter and chocolate unappealing, but there's ... that hits the tastebuds just right. It's still my go-to movie snack at home.

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Last Answer : Apparently a great many of we men are wired to remain fools about women right to the end.

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Last Answer : No. Not unless she shows some interest. If she isn’t interested you’ll just come off looking like a cad.

Description : Is it alright to flirt with guys?

Last Answer : Yes, it is alright to flirt with guys. But flirting is not to choose a mate, nor is it to tease guys into wanting you and then denying them. Flirting is a form of play, nothing more, nothing less.

Description : Where is an appropriate place to flirt with a woman other than a bar?

Last Answer : Supermarket produce section. Or the meat counter. Or the deli.

Description : When you are really trying to flirt, what do you do?

Last Answer : answer:Lots of eye-contact, ask lots of questions, drop compliments in as often as possible. Works on boys and girls.

Description : I have a neighbor who continues to flirt and invite me over even though he knows that I'm gay and in a relationship. How do I deal with him?

Last Answer : answer:@Jude: I was wearing a robe and nothing underneath (sitting on my back steps with my legs open. I'm such a lady!). That's just cruel. Seriously, though. Other than the robe ... even if he didn't mean anything by it - that you might not get any more uncomfortable drinking invitations.

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Last Answer : answer:Smile at him or make comments when you pass in the hallway. Make a point of stopping by his locker when he is there to talk to him.

Description : Do you flirt when you're in a relationship?

Last Answer : I think so, not cool

Description : Why do some women flirt with every man they see?

Last Answer : Will go with Occam’s Razor on this one. Some woman flirt with every man they see because they like to and they can.

Description : Do you consider yourself a flirt?

Last Answer : No,but I am a friendly person. ;)

Description : Is it ok to flirt at work?

Last Answer : answer:You can be friendly, but not “flirt-friendly”. there is a difference. This is not a good idea. eventually, the flirting situation will arrive back to your s/o and the end results is never good. Either love your s/o or leave her. flirting can have severe consequences.

Description : Come on Ladies, give it up! How do you flirt with a Man?

Last Answer : I don’t ;)

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Last Answer : boredom.

Description : If you flirt with other girls, does that mean you maybe bisexual?

Last Answer : my theory. All girls are bisexual. Even if its just a little bit.

Description : How do you flirt (and meet people)?

Last Answer : Just be nice, and nature will take its course.

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Last Answer : we flirt with everybody

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Last Answer : I point out the imperfections of others.

Description : How do you flirt online without being too obvious?

Last Answer : be interested! say something to start a conversation…

Description : Would you be able to work at the same company with your parent/child? If so, could you bear to watch people flirt and make passes at them?

Last Answer : I used to work with my first wife in different sections of a company. I rather enjoyed seeing customers trying to hit on her while I came into the room before she noticed me. It did a bit for my ego, plus I got to see her shoot them down.

Description : I received a flirt from a guy on Facebook. Is he gay or just wants to be friends with me?

Last Answer : answer:“not pretty sure”? you can look on his profile and see if he’s indicated his orientation. But really, if you’re this worried about maybe possibly leading on someone who you are not pretty sure is gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that), maybe you should ask him before you friend him.

Description : How can I flirt with women to the extreme?

Last Answer : just be confident, when you walk into a room act like you own the place. But don’t be arrogant, women respond to confidence not arrogance. Make them laugh, but don’t make an ass of yourself.

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Last Answer : It sounds like he likes you. Maybe you should be bold and just ask him. Don't waste your time waiting around for him to make a move and don't let him play games with your mind!

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Last Answer : Uh. I guess I would say that Fluther does have pretty high standards. But that is part of the attraction, for me, to the pond. It adds a sort of validity, to those who are capable of adhering to the standards. And it discourages the rampant “text” language from proliferating further.

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Last Answer : rockfan Perhaps child protective services needs to look at this. I would be concerned.

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Last Answer : Luckily I have a Samsung Galaxy smartphone so I don’t have to deal with Apple or Trump.

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Last Answer : Car insurance goes by the car, not by the person. So the car owner’s insurance would cover if the damage is considered a covered event by the insurance company.

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Last Answer : answer:Back when I was producing TV and radio commercials, I had an amusing brief encounter with stage and screen actor Herschel Bernardi in the break room of an L.A. recording studio. I looked at him ... don't, Mr. Bernardi, but let me introduce myself and tell you how much I admire your work.

Description : Is there anything bizarre in the animal kingdom you want to share?

Last Answer : answer:Oh boy, have I got a website for you. I’m sorry if you don’t get anything productive done today. I am starting to wonder if the easier question to ask is “Is there anything boring in nature?” The weird just keeps on coming.

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Last Answer : Question: Did you know about this before you tried it? If so, then I would chalk it up to the idiomotor effect.

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Last Answer : I agree that some titles make no sense, but it’s that way with just about every genre out there these days. And the titles of any other genre are much better? I’m not sure why they do it, but I could see it being to get people’s attention (like they did with you).

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Last Answer : answer:Highest Recorded Number of Children The highest officially recorded number of children born to one mother is 69, to the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782) of Shuya, Russia. Between ... any time she walks she risks dislocating her hips and knees, and spending months in the hospital)

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Last Answer : Slug reproduction. I know it sounds normal but trust me, once you see it you’ll know what I mean. It’s beyond description.

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Last Answer : [mod says] Please wait until the question has 1 or 2 legitimate answers to go off topic or make a joke. Thanks!

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Last Answer : I was abducted by aliens.

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