What is the base period?

1 Answer

Answer :

Ans: The period which we like to compare the relative changes is known as referance period or base period.

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Last Answer : answer:@Nimis It's more common than I'd like to think about, quite frankly. A former maintenance man on one of our property's drove his truck into his mobile home. It cost him a lot, as it ... extremely expensive cars. Both of these ^ men had been drinking. Another great reason to not drink & drive.

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Last Answer : answer:The graph is in three sections, the left hand bit, the middle bit and the right hand bit. The middle bit is 0.6463 so the other two bits must total 1- 0.6463 = 0.3537. The bit to the right is ... bit to the left is a third of 0.3537 and the bit to the right is two thirds of 0.3537. Simples!

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Last Answer : http://www.surveysystem.com/sscalc.htm

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Last Answer : answer:This link explains most batterers over estimation of battering behaviors. Not quite what you have in mind maybe but, ties in. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100309131800.htm

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Last Answer : Edit: Never mind. I misread the question. :)

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Last Answer : answer:Is something like this what you’re looking for? They say that as of 2000, 65% of males and 74% of females aged 18 or older had a biological child.

Description : What are the stats on the percentage of American households that actually have in-home internet access?

Last Answer : 239,893,600 Internet users as of June/10, 77.3% of the population, according to ITU. http://www.internetworldstats.com/am/us.htm

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Last Answer : answer:Here’s some info @snowberry. I’m still looking. http://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/rxbrief/

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Last Answer : answer:There are plenty of websites that calculate odds. Obviously there will be more winners in the smaller categories of a couple of bucks. It's luck o' the draw, and for the vast ... are about the same as being attacked by a mountain lion while simultaneously being struck by ligthening. lol

Description : Which statistical test should I use?

Last Answer : Cound the colonies and compare. It seems pretty obvious.

Description : Can you help me find a list of the hungriest cities in the US?

Last Answer : Here is the most recent article I could find on America’s Top 10 most impoverished cities. This site has 2011 US poverty facts.

Description : Does the lesbian and gay community seriously account for 10% of the population?

Last Answer : The Gallup organization estimates in this 2002 article that 10% of the adult male population is gay. The number is less for adult women.