Fight-or-flight reactions cause activation of
(a) the parathyroid glands, leading to increased
metabolic rate
(b) the kidney, leading to suppression of renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone pathway
(c) the adrenal medulla, leading to increased
secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine
(d) the pancreas leading to a reduction in the blood
sugar levels.

1 Answer

Answer :

(c) the adrenal medulla, leading to increased
secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine

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Last Answer : Answer: c, d The neuroendocrine response to shock attempts to achieve restoration of effective blood volume, mobilization of metabolic substrates, and maintenance of central ... . Angiotensin II is an extremely effective vasoconstrictor that further augments sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction

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Last Answer : C) hypothalamus and anterior pituitary.

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Last Answer : D) parathyroid gland.

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Last Answer : its secretion is stimulated by angiotensin

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Last Answer : C. Their precursor proteins are plasma α2 globulins

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Last Answer : B) thymus--decrease in sex drive and changes in secondary sexual characteristics

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Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : D. All of the above

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Last Answer : Ans: D

Description : Assertion `:-` An increase in glomerular blood pressure can activate the JG of kidney to release renin. Reason `:-` Angiotensin I is a powerful vaso c

Last Answer : Assertion `:-` An increase in glomerular blood pressure can activate the JG of kidney to release renin. ... . D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Last Answer : B) adrenal cortex.

Description : Angiotensin III is equipotent to angiotensin II in: A. Releasing aldosterone from adrenal cortex B. Promoting Na+ and water reabsorption by direct intrarenal action C. Causing vasoconstriction D. Contracting intestinal smooth muscle

Last Answer : A. Releasing aldosterone from adrenal cortex

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B -- THYROID

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Last Answer : (b) Norepine- Adrenal Increases heart phrine medulla beat, rate of respiration and alterness

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Last Answer : Answer : D

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Last Answer : (b) Reabsorption of Na+ and water from renal tubules due to aldosterone.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Assertion `:-` Feedback mechanism for regulartion of kidney involve hypothalamus & JGA. Reason `:-` ANF mechanism check renin-angiotensin mechanism.

Last Answer : Assertion `:-` Feedback mechanism for regulartion of kidney involve hypothalamus & JGA. Reason `:-` ANF ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

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Last Answer : Answer : C

Description : Aldosterone secretion is controlled by: a. plasma sodium concentration b. plasma calcium concentration c. plasma potassium concentration d. angiotensin II

Last Answer : angiotensin II

Description : Increased reabsorption of water from the kidney is the major consequence of the secretion of the hormone? (A) Cortisol (B) Insulin (C) Vasopressin (D) Aldosterone

Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : Answer: a, c One of the earliest consequence of a surgical procedure is the rise in levels of circulating cortisol that occur in response to a sudden outpouring of ACTH ... hepatic glucose production, and, with other hormones (epinephrine and glucocorticoids), gluconeogenesis is maintained

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Last Answer : Answer : B

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Last Answer : (1) Pituitary Explanation: The pituitary is sometimes referred to as the "master gland" as it controls hormone functions such as our temperature, thyroid activity, growth during childhood, ... functions as our thermostat that controls all other glands that are responsible for hormone secretion.

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Last Answer : (2) Thyroid Explanation: Iodine is mostly concentrated in thyroid gland. A healthy adult body contains 15- 20 mg of iodine, 7080% of which is stored in the thyroid gland

Description : Which one of the Endocrine glands is known as master gland? (1) Pituitary (2) Adrenal (3) Thyroid (4) Parathyroid

Last Answer : Pituitary

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Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : Pheochromocytomas are tumours of (A) Adrenal cortex (B) Adrenal medulla (C) Pancreas (D) Bone

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : A woman with a beard most likely has a malfunctioning A) pancreas. B) pituitary. C) adrenal cortex. D) adrenal medulla. E) thyroid.

Last Answer : C) adrenal cortex.

Description : Which endocrine organ acts like the postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system? A) thyroid gland B) thymus gland C) adrenal cortex D) adrenal medulla E) islets of Langerhans of the pancreas

Last Answer : D) adrenal medulla

Description : A person is having problems with calcium and phosphorus metabolism in his body. Which one of the following glands may not be functioning properly? (a) Parotid (b) Pancreas (c) Thyroid (d) Parathyroid

Last Answer : (d) Parathyroid

Description : A decrease in blood pressure/volume will not cause the release of (a) atrial natriuretic factor (b) aldosterone (c) ADH (d) renin.

Last Answer : (a) atrial natriuretic factor

Description : A decrease in blood pressure / volume will not cause the release of : (1) Atrial natriuretic factor(2) Aldosterone (3) ADH (4) Renin

Last Answer : (1) Atrial natriuretic factor

Description : Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter at: a. sweat glands b. the adrenal medulla c. parasympathetic ganglia d. all above

Last Answer : all above

Description : Which of the following endocrine glands does NOT produce its own hormones but stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus? A) thyroid B) adrenal cortex C) adrenal medulla D) posterior pituitary E) anterior pituitary

Last Answer : D) posterior pituitary

Description : The following are true about the hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex: a. zona fasciculata secretes cortisol b. zona glomerulosa secretes aldosterone c. secretion of aldosterone is stimulated by ACTH d. all

Last Answer : all

Description : Injury to adrenal cortex is not likely to affect the secretion of which one of the following? (a) Aldosterone (b) Both androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (c) Adrenaline (d) Cortisol

Last Answer : (c) Adrenaline

Description : Where are parathyroid glands located? Mention the hormone secreted. Mention the disorder caused due to its under secretion and over secretion. State its function.

Last Answer : Parathyroid glands are embedded in the tissues of thyroid gland. Parathyroid gland secreted a hormone called parathormone. The function of parathormone is to control the amount of calcium salts in ... cramps. Over secretion of parathormone removes calcium from the bones making them soft and spongy.

Description : The following factors enhance renin release from the kidney except: A. Fall in blood pressure B. Reduction in blood volume C. Enhanced sympathetic activity D. Volume overload

Last Answer : D. Volume overload