Flippers of penguins and dolphins are examples of
(a) adaptive radiation (b) convergent evolution
(c) industrial melanism (d) natural selection.

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Last Answer : (d) convergent evolution

Description : Assertion :- Tasmanian wolf and Placental wolf are the good example of convergent evolution. Reason :- More than one adaptive radiation apperared to h

Last Answer : Assertion :- Tasmanian wolf and Placental wolf are the good example of convergent evolution. Reason :- ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

Description : Forelimbs of cat, lizard used in walking; forelimbs of whale used in swimming and forelimbs of bats used in flying are an example of (a) analogous organs (b) adaptive radiation (c) homologous organs (d) convergent evolution.

Last Answer : (c) homologous organs

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Last Answer : (a) homology

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Last Answer : (1) Homology

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Last Answer : Adaptive radiation

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Last Answer : (d) natural selection.

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Last Answer : D . All of the above

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Last Answer : (d) convergent evolution.

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Last Answer : c. Natural selection

Description : he major phenomenon responsible for micro evolution and mega evolution a. Genetic drift b. Adaptative radiation c. Natural selection d. None of the above

Last Answer : c. Natural selection

Description : In your study of the fossil record of early mammals, you notice a changing environment is followed by the initial appearance of a tree-climbing species, which is then followed by many later tree-climbing ... is an example of A) anagenesis. B) gradualism. C) species selection. D) adaptive radiation.

Last Answer : D) adaptive radiation.

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Last Answer : B) adaptive radiation.

Description : Industrial melanism is an example of

Last Answer : Industrial melanism is an example of A. Drug resistance B. Darkening of skin due to ... D. Defensive adaptation of skin against ultraviolet radiations

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Last Answer : Industrial melanism is an example of A. Neo Lamarckism B. Neo Drawinism C. Natrual selection D. Mutation

Description : Industrial melanism as observed in peppered moth proves that

Last Answer : Industrial melanism as observed in peppered moth proves that A. The true balck melanic forms ... area. D. Melanism is pollution-generated feature

Description : Industrial melanism is an example of

Last Answer : Industrial melanism is an example of A. Natural selection B. Mutation C. Racial difference D. Predation

Description : Give examples of adaptive radiation. -Biology

Last Answer : A striking example is the radiation, beginning in the Paleogene Period (beginning 66 million years ago), of basal mammalian stock into forms adapted to running, leaping, climbing, swimming, and ... include Australian marsupials, cichlid fish, and Darwin's finches (also known as Galapagos finches).

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Last Answer : (c) Poison fangs in snakes

Description : Assertion :- Analogous structures are a result of convergent evolution. Reason :- Different strutures evolving for the same function and hence having

Last Answer : Assertion :- Analogous structures are a result of convergent evolution. Reason :- Different strutures ... . If both Assertion & Reason are false.

Description : Convergent evolution is illustrated by

Last Answer : Convergent evolution is illustrated by A. Rat and dog B. Bacterium and protozoan C. Starfish and cuttle fish D. Dogfish and whale

Description : `{:("Convergent evolution","Divergent evolution"),((1)"Bones of forelimbs of vertebrates","Wings of butterfly and birds"),((2)"Thorns of Bougainvillia

Last Answer : `{:("Convergent evolution","Divergent evolution"),((1)"Bones of forelimbs of vertebrates","Wings ... Cucurbita","Wings of butterflies and birds"):}`

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Last Answer : Convergent evolution of two species is associated with `:` A. analogous organs B. recent common ancestor C. Homologous organs D. different habitat

Description : Which one of the following options gives one correct example each of convergent evolution and divergent evolution? Convergent Divergent evolution evolution (a) Eyes of octopus Bones of forelimbs and ... birds (d) Thorns of Bougainvillea Eyes of octopus and tendrils of and mammals Cucurbita

Last Answer : (a) Eyes of octopus Bones of forelimbs and mammals of vertebrates

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Last Answer : (a) analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution

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Last Answer : (d) analogous structures and represent convergent evolution.

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Last Answer : How can the tubular-dorsal nervous system in chordates be compared to the nervous pattern present in invertebrates?

Description : Can adaptation and natural selection be considered acts separate and distinct from the process of evolution?

Last Answer : answer: to what end? An individual's adaptation has either a positive or neutral effect on evolution, by either allowing it to breed more that it otherwise would without the adaptation, or ... that adaptation to sufficiently alter the species' population, that is the very definition of evolution.

Description : Assertion :- Branching descent and Natural selection are the two key concepits of Darwinian theory of evolution. Reason :- Darwinism is able to explai

Last Answer : Assertion :- Branching descent and Natural selection are the two key concepits of Darwinian theory of ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

Description : Assertion: Population ecology is a link of ecology to population genetics and evolution. Reason: Natural selection operates at population level to evo

Last Answer : Assertion: Population ecology is a link of ecology to population genetics and evolution. Reason: Natural ... and Reason are false, then mark (4).

Description : Which is part of the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Last Answer : Animals that survive cannot pass along their adaptation

Description : What's the difference between evolution and natural selection?

Last Answer : Evolution simply means change occurring over time, especially a gradual change. You can, for example, speak of an evolution in architectural styles, or in music.The evolution that biologists talk about is ... is a process of slow change in a group of organisms, natural selection is the means by

Description : How is natural selection related to evolution?

Last Answer : Natural selection is the driving force for evolution. Evolution was not first proposed by Charles Darwin. There had been many observations found pointing to the idea long before Charles Darwin. His ... each species. Second, there must be a high enough Death Rate to prevent the variations wh

Description : Theory of evolution through natural selection was given by

Last Answer : Ans. C.Darwin and A.R.Wallace (1858)

Description : Which of the following is not a part of the Darwin's theory of evolution? (1) Natural selection (2) Struggle for existence (3) Survival of the fittest (4) Inheritance of acquired characters

Last Answer : (4) Inheritance of acquired characters Explanation: The inheritance of acquired characteristics is a hypothesis that physiological changes acquired over the life of an organism such as the ... theory of adaptation equated with the evolutionary theory of French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.'

Description : Which one of the following sequences was proposed by Darwin and Wallace for organic evolution? (a) Overproduction, variations, constancy of population size, natural selection (b) ... variations, natural selection (d) Variations, natural selection, overproduction, constancy of population size

Last Answer : (b) Sea-horse

Description : Which of the following is not a part of the Darwin’s theory of evolution? (1) Natural selection (2) Struggle for existence (3) Survival of the fittest (4) Inheritance of acquired characters

Last Answer : Inheritance of acquired characters

Description : Assertion :- Australian marsupials can be taken as an example of adaptive radiation. Reason :- A number of marsupials, evolved from an ancestral stock

Last Answer : Assertion :- Australian marsupials can be taken as an example of adaptive radiation. Reason :- A number ... D. If both Assertion & Reason are false.

Description : Forelimbs of whatle bat, cheetah and duman do not show- a. Similiarities in the pattern of bones b. Adaptive radiation c. Analogou organs d. Convergen

Last Answer : Forelimbs of whatle bat, cheetah and duman do not show- a. Similiarities in the pattern of bones b. Adaptive radiation ... f C. a and d D. a,b and c

Description : Adaptive radiation refers to

Last Answer : Adaptive radiation refers to A. Adaptations due to Geographical isolation B. Evolution of different ... in an individual to a variety of environments

Description : The classical example of adaptive radiation in development of new species is

Last Answer : The classical example of adaptive radiation in development of new species is A. Darwin finches B. ... Australia C. giant turtle D. all of these

Description : In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia) the black-coloured form became dominant over the light-coloured form in England during industrial revolution. This is an example of (a) ... acquired due to the darker environment (d) natural selection whereby the darker forms were selected.

Last Answer : (d) natural selection whereby the darker forms were selected.

Description : Do you enjoy watching house flippers fail miserably on shows like Property Ladder?

Last Answer : I watched Flip That House once, and this really annoying lady was on it. She was constantly complaining and she had no idea what she was doing. By the end of the show she still hadn’t sold the house; I couldn’t help but feel kind of happy. lurve for schadenfreude

Description : Flippers of seal are modified `:`

Last Answer : Flippers of seal are modified `:` A. fins B. hindlimb C. forelimb D. gills



Description : Which of the following animals have flippers? (a) Tortoise (b) Turtle (c) Water Snake (d) Tortoise and Turtle

Last Answer : Ans:(d)

Description : Which one of the following are analogous structures? (a) Wings of bat and wings of pigeon (b) Gills of prawn and lungs of man (c) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita (d) Flippers of dolphin and legs of horse

Last Answer : (a) Wings of bat and wings of pigeon

Description : Scuba Flippers

Last Answer : Scuba flippers, or fins, are plastic or rubber shoes that are finlike and worn in the water. They are worn to assist the wearer in water activities, including swimming, scuba diving, free-diving ... . The flippers are available in a variety of kinds, including plastic, fiberglass, and carbon fiber.

Description : Which of the following would be prescribed for acne? A. Actiq B. Actonel C. Accu-Check D. Accutane Ans: D 2. An absence of pigment in the skin is called A. acanthosis nigricans B. albinism C. melanism D. xanthoderma

Last Answer : Ans: B

Description : With the help of suitable examples explain natural selection. -Biology

Last Answer : During sexual reproduction, a female gamete or egg cell fuses with a male gamete or sperm cell which are haploid to form zygote. Zygote is diploid which contains 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 ... In this way, an equal genetic contribution of male and female parents is ensured in the progeny