According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, long necks in giraffes - (1) arose because of constant attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation (2) do not give them any special advantage and is just an accident (3) give them advantage in finding food, because of which those with long necks survive (4) is a result of the special weather prevalent in African Savannah

1 Answer

Answer :

(1) arose because of constant attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation Explanation: Darwin was the first to propose that long necks evolved in giraffes because they enabled the animals to eat foliage beyond the reach of shorter browsers. Darwin himself wrote %it seems to me almost certain that an ordinary hoofed quadruped might be converted into a giraffe.' He speculated that four-legged animals with longer and longer necks would be capable of reaching higher leaves and vegetation.

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Description : According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, long necks in giraffes (1) arose because of constant attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation (2) do not give them any special ... those with long necks survive (4) is a result of the special weather prevalent in African Savannah

Last Answer : arose because of constant attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation

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Last Answer : answer:No official answers, so I’ll try to reverse-engineer you some. The neck gives the cork someplace to be. And I’ll bet that it’s easier on the glassblower than, say, a flat end. And it’s easier to pour.

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