Considering the presence of segmentation (metameres) in their body to which other already studied phylum are arthropods proximal?

1 Answer

Answer :

Considering their metameric feature arthropods are proximal to annelids that also have segmented bodies. In the embryonic development of some arthropods there are fusions of metameres forming structures like, for example, the cephalothorax of arachnids. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: athropod cephalothorax

Related questions

Description : What is the morphological characteristic that evolutionarily approximates the beings of the phylum Annelida to arthropods?

Last Answer : The metameric feature, i.e., the body segmentation in metameres, approximates annelids to arthropods since these animals are segmented beings too. (Bristles present in oligochaete and polychaete annelids are also covered with chitin, the same substance of the arthropod exoskeleton.)

Description : Which of the following is incorect matching of the phylum, their alimentary canal , and metameric segmentation ?

Last Answer : Which of the following is incorect matching of the phylum, their alimentary canal , and metameric segmentation ?

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Last Answer : (a) Pseudocoelom

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Last Answer : In crustaceans there are species with direct and others with indirect development. In insects there are species without larval stage (ametabolic insects), others undergoing indirect ... while holometabolic insects undergo complete metamorphosis. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: metamorphosis

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Last Answer : Since they have exoskeleton and periodic ecdysis, the growth of arthropods is limited to avoid the animal becoming vulnerable to environmental harm. There are however some arthropod species with relatively large-sized individuals, like “giant” cockroaches, crabs and spiders.

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Last Answer : Arthropods are triploblastic (they have three germ layers) and coelomate beings.

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Last Answer : Until the exit of the stomach, carbohydrates, in the mouth, and proteins, in the stomach, have already undergone chemical breaking by digestive enzymes. Carbohydrates have suffered action of the salivary ... of the gastric juice. Fats, until reaching the duodenum, do not undergo chemical digestion.

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Last Answer : The presence of tube feet is the characteristic feature of phylum A. Annelida B. Mollusca C. Arthropoda D. Echinodermata

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Last Answer : In these beings there are a longitudinal muscular layer under the epidermis and, internally juxtaposed and perpendicular to it, another circular (radial to the axis) muscular layer. The ... of elongating the body while the longitudinal shortens it. By alternating actions both promote movement.

Description : Body cavity of arthropods is called

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Last Answer : d. None of the above( A-C) is correct.

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Last Answer : Most important appendage which Arthropods use for sensingenvironment is antenna .Antenna is head appendage used to sensesound chemicals heat etc.

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Last Answer : They grow just after they moult and before the new shell hardens.

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Last Answer : Tick

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Last Answer : (B) Bilateral symmetry

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Last Answer : A. About 9/10th of glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed proximal to their site of action

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Last Answer : answer:I would say (I'm not schooled in this field, but I do know some information) arthropods, over the years have developed different parts of their brains to adapt. Taste & smell are more important & ... answer I can provide based on what little I know. Sorry I don't know much about the subject.

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Last Answer : Malpighian Tubes

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Last Answer : The characteristics of the animals of the Arthropoda period are: The body is divided into different regions and the articular appendages exist. A pair of clusters and antennae exist on the head. The soft ... the body is known as hemosil. The body is clearly divided into head , chest and abdomen.

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Last Answer : Assertion : Annelids, arthropods, and molluscs are protostomial coelomates . Reason : All the three ... . If both Assertion and Reason are false.

Description : Green glands found in some arthropods take part in

Last Answer : Green glands found in some arthropods take part in A. Excretion B. Respiration C. Digestion D. Both (1) and (2)

Description : Respiratory organs of arthropods are

Last Answer : Respiratory organs of arthropods are A. Gills B. Book gills C. Book lungs, tracheal system D. All of these

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Last Answer : How many animals in the given list have gills for respiration ? Earthworm , Frog, Fish, Insects, Reptiles, ... A. Six B. Four C. Three D. Five

Description : Match the following and mark the correct options `{:("Animal","Repiratory organ"),("Earthworm", (i). "Moist cuticle"), ("Aquatic Arthropods", (ii). "G

Last Answer : Match the following and mark the correct options `{:("Animal","Repiratory organ"),("Earthworm", (i). "Moist cuticle") ... -iv D. A-I,B-ii,C-i,v, D-iii

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What are differences between mollusks with Arthropods?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : How are appendage adaptations and segmentations key to the success of Arthropods as a group?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Which describes the leg of all arthropods?

Last Answer : they are jointed

Description : Open circulatory system is the one in which blood does not circulate only inside blood vessels but it also falls in cavities that irrigate tissues. In the open circulatory system ... and protochordates have open circulatory system. The Circulatory System - Image Diversity: open circulatory system

Last Answer : What is a closed circulatory system?

Description : How can the endoskeleton of echinoderms be characterized in comparison to analogous structures present in vertebrates, arthropods and molluscs?

Last Answer : The echinoderm skeleton is internal, i.e., it is an endoskeleton. It is made of calcium carbonate (calcareous). Vertebrates also have internal skeleton made of bones and cartilages. Arthropods ... of chitin, a chitinous exoskeleton. Some molluscs present a calcareous shell that works as exoskeleton.

Description : Arthropod identity card. How are arthropods characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, type of symmetry, germ layers and coelom, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and types of reproduction?

Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: cockroaches, flies, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, spiders, scorpions, mites. Basic morphology: segmented body (metameric), articulated limbs, chitinous exoskeleton, ... crustaceans, metamorphosis in some insects, no larval stage in arachnids. Phylum Mollusca Review

Description : What are the types of fecundation that occur in arthropods? What is the predominant type?

Last Answer : In arthropods there are species having external fecundation and other species having internal fecundation. Internal fecundation is predominant.

Description : What are the noteworthy features of the nervous system of arthropods?

Last Answer : In arthropods the nervous system has more sophisticated sensory receptors with well-advanced cephalization. In the anterior region of the body there is a fusion of ganglia forming a ... animals to explore many different environments. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: arthropod nervous system

Description : What are respiratory pigments? What is the respiratory pigment present in some arthropods? Which is the analogous molecule in humans?

Last Answer : Respiratory pigments are molecules able to carry oxygen and other respiratory gases present in circulatory fluids. In crustaceans and in arachnids hemocyanin is the respiratory pigment. In humans the analogous pigment is hemoglobin.

Description : What is the type of circulatory system present in arthropods? Do these animals have heart and respiratory pigments?

Last Answer : In arthropods the respiratory system is open (lacunar). Blood, also known as hemolymph, is pumped by a heart and falls into cavities (lacunas) irrigating and draining tissues. All arthropods have ... blood does not carry gases (in them gases reach tissues and cells through tracheal structures).

Description : In arthropods why isn't gas exchange done through cutaneous diffusion?

Last Answer : In arthropods the impermeability of the exoskeleton makes the passage of gases difficult. In addition the new methods of respiration present in arthropods were preserved by evolution because they were more efficient for those animals.

Description : Which organs or respiratory adaptations do aquatic and terrestrial arthropods respectively present?

Last Answer : In crustaceans, typical aquatic beings, there are richly vascularized gills that make contact with water and permit gas exchange. In terrestrial insects the respiration is ... Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: crustacean respiratory systeminsect respiratory system arachnid respiratory system

Description : How do arthropods grow?

Last Answer : Due to the presence of exoskeleton the growth of an arthropod is periodical. During the growth period the animal loses the exoskeleton, grows and develops a new exoskeleton. This process is named ecdysis, or molting. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: ecdysis

Description : What is the external rigid carapace of arthropods called? Of which substance is it made? Which type of organic molecule is that substance?

Last Answer : The external carapace of arthropods is called exoskeleton. The arthropod exoskeleton is made of chitin, a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: exoskeleton

Description : What are the main morphological features of arthropods?

Last Answer : Arthropods present three distinguishing features: they are metameric beings (segmented body), they have an exoskeleton made of chitin and they present articulated limbs. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: arthropod structure

Description : What are some examples of arthropods?

Last Answer : Ants, flies, cockroaches, shrimps, crabs, spiders and scorpions are examples of arthropods. Phylum Arthropoda - Image Diversity: arthropods

Description : Myrtecaine is study of – (1) Insects (2) Ants (3) Crustaceans (4) Arthropods

Last Answer : (2) Ants Explanation: Myrmecology is the scientific study of ants, a branch of entomology. The word myrniecology was coined by William Morton Wheeler (1865-1937), al-though human interest in the life of ants goes back further, with numerous ancient folk references.

Description : The neurogenic heart is the characteristic feature of (a) humans (b) arthropods (c) rabbits (d) rats

Last Answer : (b) arthropods