Compared to amphibians what are the two reproductive novelties of beings of the class Reptilia for the survival in dry environments?

1 Answer

Answer :

Compared to amphibians the two main reproductive innovations of beings of the class Reptilia for the terrestrial habitat are internal fecundation and shelled eggs. Image Diversity: reptilian egg

Related questions

Description : Compared to amphibians what is an example of evolutionary novelty present in beings of the class Reptilia against the loss of water through the skin?

Last Answer : The reptile skin is keratinized and impermeable to water while the amphibian skin is permeable. The skin impermeability made impossible the cutaneous gas exchange performed by amphibians and respiration became dependent on internal organs like airways and lungs.

Description : Do beings of the class Reptilia perform gas exchange in the same way amphibians do?

Last Answer : These beings do not have permeable skin so they do not make cutaneous respiration like amphibians do. Just like in birds and in mammals, their respiration is pulmonary.

Description : The characteristics of Class Reptilia are (a) body covered with moist skin which is devoid of scales, the ear is represented by a tympanum, alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open into ... dry and cornified skin, scales over the body are epidermal, they do not have external ears.

Last Answer : (d) body covered with dry and cornified skin, scales over the body are epidermal, they do not have external ears.

Description : The characteristics of Class Reptilia are (a) body covered with moist skin which is devoid of scales, the ear is represented by a tympanum, alimentary canal, urinary and reproductive tracts open into ... dry and cornified skin, scales over the body are epidermal, they do not have external ears.

Last Answer : (d) body covered with dry and cornified skin, scales over the body are epidermal, they do not have external ears.

Description : Class Reptilia identity card. How are they characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, skin, respiration, circulation, nitrogen waste, thermal control and types of reproduction?

Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: snakes, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, dinosaurs (extinct). Basic morphology: tetrapods, some with carapaces (like turtles). Skin: impermeable keratinized, corneous ... sexual, internal fecundation, shelled eggs with extraembryonic membranes. Class Aves - Q&A Review

Description : Concerning the maintenance of body temperature how do beings of the class Reptilia classify?

Last Answer : Like fishes and amphibians, beings of the class Reptilia are heterothermic animals (also known as poikilothermic, or ectothermic), i.e., they are not able to control by themselves their body temperature and thus they depend on external warm sources (mainly the sun).

Description : Do beings of the class Reptilia have direct or indirect development?

Last Answer : In beings of the class Reptilia the embryonic development is direct. So there is no larval stage.

Description : How is reproduction done in beings of the class Reptilia?

Last Answer : These beings reproduce sexually through internal fecundation by means of copulation between male and female individuals. They lay eggs with shell and extraembryonic membranes. The embryo thus develops ... there are also ovoviviparous reptiles that retain the egg within the body until hatching).

Description : Which is the type of nitrogen waste eliminated by beings of the class Reptilia?

Last Answer : These beings excrete mainly uric acid. This substance is less toxic than ammonia and it can be kept stored for a longer time inside the individual, including within eggs. In addition uric acid is practically insoluble and it depends less on water to be eliminated. Image Diversity: uric acid molecule

Description : Amphibian identity card. How are amphibians characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, skin, respiration, circulation, nitrogen waste, thermal control and types of reproduction?

Last Answer : Examples of representing beings: frogs, toads, salamanders. Basic morphology: two pairs of limbs, eyelids, hydrodynamic larvae. Skin: moist and permeable, mucous glands. Respiration: ... reproduction: sexual, water dependant, external fecundation and aquatic larval stage. Class Reptilia Review

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Last Answer : Terrorism. It just bores me.

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Last Answer : Compared to cyclostomes, evolutionary novelties presented by fishes are: pectoral and pelvic fins, symmetric and paired; the presence of mandibles. Fish Facts - Image Diversity: fish body structure

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Description : Write the distinguishing features of class Reptilia.

Last Answer : Write the distinguishing features of class Reptilia.

Description : What is an example of a hypothesis which may explain why there is not a big representation of the class Reptilia found in polar regions?

Last Answer : Beings of the class Reptilia are abundant and more diverse in hot climate regions and they are rare in intensely cold regions like close to the earth poles. This is explained because these animals are ... active during the day, a period when they can use the sun heat to warm their bodies.

Description : Mention the characteristics of class Reptilia.

Last Answer : a) Reptiles are the first true terrestrial vertebrates. b) Most of them are land forms and some are adapted for life in water. c) The body is elongated, divided into head, ... are oviparous animals. Fertilization is internal but development is external. Ex: Turtles, tortoise, lizards, snakes

Description : Write down the characteristics of class Reptilia? Also give example? 

Last Answer : Characteristics: - i) Members of this groups are called reptiles. ii) Most of animals of this group are terrestrial. A few live in water. iii) They are also called crawlers. iv) ... garter and copper head keep their shelled eggs in their body, which hatch inside the body. 

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Last Answer : c) Petromyzon Ectoparasite Cyclostomata

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Last Answer : How does reptilia differ from other vertebrates ? A. Due to epidermal scale B. Due to cleidoic eggs C. Due to tetrapod limb D. None of them

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Last Answer : A lizard - like member of reptilia is sitting on a tree with its tail coiled ... ) showing camouflage D. Chamaeleon showing protective colouration

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