Can two normal individuals of the same species with sexual reproduction have identical genomes and identical karyotypes ? How the human karyotype is usually represented?

1 Answer

Answer :

Except for clones (individuals created from nucleus transplantation, like the Dolly sheep) and monozygotic twins, it is very improbable the genomes of two individuals of the same species and generated by sexual reproduction to be identical. Nevertheless the karyotypes of two normal individuals of the same species and of the same sex are always identical. The human normal karyotype is represented by the formula 44+XX for women and 44+XY for men.

Related questions

Description : What is the difference between the concepts of karyotype and genome ?

Last Answer : Genome is the set of DNA molecules that characterizes each living being or each species. The concept then includes the specific nucleotide sequence of the DNA molecules of each individual or species. ... of each chromosome or pair of homologous. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: karyotype

Description : A metagenome refers to a. A Large Genome In An Organism. b. The Collective Genomes Of Many Organisms. c. The Genome Of A Metazoan. d. Two Identical Genomes In Different Species.

Last Answer : b. The Collective Genomes Of Many Organisms.

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Last Answer : Cytokinesis. Also more commonly known as cell division

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Last Answer : (C) Chromatids

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Last Answer : The structure that maintains identical chromatids bound is the centromere. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: centromere

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Last Answer : Normally, p53 senses DNA damage and acts as a transcription factor for checkpoint control genes.

Description : why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in species?

Last Answer : It combines different sets of DNA, instead of replicating the same set.

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variations in a species?

Last Answer : Because the offspring have genetic material from bothparents

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variations in a species?

Last Answer : Because the offspring have genetic material from bothparents

Description : Why does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in a species?

Last Answer : It mixes the chromosomes of the two parents

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Last Answer : Answer : C

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Last Answer : (D) 46, diploid

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Last Answer : Characteristics. Also, another difference between karyotype and karyogram is that while karyotype describes the number and appearance of chromosomes and includes their length, banding pattern, and centromere position, karyogram contains chromosomes arranged in an appropriate order.Jul

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Last Answer : The answer is C. Gametes

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Last Answer : d. All of the above.

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Last Answer : Which are the human cells that do not have homologous chromosomes? Chromosomes contain genes (genetic information in the form of nucleotide sequences) that command the protein synthesis thus ... chromosomes are the gametes since during meiosis the homologous chromosomes are separated.

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Last Answer : chromatin and chromatids related? In which phase of the cell cycle does DNA duplicate? Chromatin is a set of filamentous DNA molecules dispersed in the karyoplasm forming euchromatin and heterochromatin ... chromosomes (and not only one). Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: chromatids

Description : In the phase when the cell is not dividing ?

Last Answer : interphase) is there activity within the cell nucleus? In the interphase there is intense metabolic activity in the cell nucleus: DNA is duplicating, euchromatin is being transcript and RNA is produced.

Description : What is the relation between the concepts of chromatin and chromosome ?

Last Answer : Are euchromatin and heterochromatin part of chromosomes? Every filament of chromatin is a complete DNA molecule (a complete double helix), i.e., a complete chromosome. A DNA molecule may form ... thus both are part of chromosomes. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: chromosome structure

Description : What are heterochromatin and euchromatin ?

Last Answer : Chromatin is uncondensed nuclear DNA, the typical DNA morphology in interphase (the phase of the cell cycle in which the cells is not dividing itself). In this phase of the cell cycle ... inactive portions of the DNA molecule. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: heterochromatin euchromatin

Description : Do all eukaryotic cells have nucleus and only one nucleus ?

Last Answer : There are eukaryotic cells without nucleus and others with more than one nucleus. Osteoclasts, the cells responsible for resorption of the osseous matrix, for example, are multinucleate cells; ... cells. Cell Nucleus Review - Image Diversity: cell nucleus miltinucleate cells enucleated cells

Description : How are cells with delimited nucleus called ?

Last Answer : What are the main elements of the nucleus? Cells with delimited nucleus are called eukaryotic cells. Organisms composed of one or more eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes. The mains elements of the ... the nucleolus, the karyolymph, or nucleoplasm, and the nuclear membrane (or karyotheca).

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Last Answer : The remodelation of the osseous tissue, the function of acrosomes in sperm cells and the elimination of the tadpole tail are examples of biological processes in which lysosomic enzymes are key factors. The ... cell by its own mechanisms is called autolysis, a type of apoptosis (celll suicide).

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Last Answer : How is this process accomplished? Heterophagic intracellular digestion is the breaking into smaller substances of external substances engulfed in the cell by pinocytosis or phagocytosis. Phagosomes or pinosomes fuse ... with the plasma membrane and liberates its waste in the exterior space.

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Description : What is intracellular digestion ?

Last Answer : Intracellular digestion, or cellular digestion, is the breaking in the interior of the cell of big molecules coming from outside or even from the own cell metabolism into smaller ... is classified into two types: heterophagic intracellular digestion and autophagic intracellular digestion.

Description : What is extracellular digestion ?

Last Answer : Extracellular digestion is that in which food breaking into utile molecules that can be internalized by the cell is done in the extracellular space, i.e., outside the cell. In extracellular digestion ... the external environment. Later the cell can benefit from these products of the digestion.

Description : What are some examples of secretory cells ?

Last Answer : Endocrine and exocrine pancreatic cells, thyroid and parathyroid endocrine cells, adenohypophysis, adrenal and pineal endocrine cells, the many types of gastric exocrine and endocrine cells, the mucous secretory cells ... of the ovaries and testicles, etc., are all examples of secretory cells.

Description : How do the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus act in the production and releasing of proteins ?

Last Answer : The rough endoplasmic reticulum has in its outer membrane numerous ribosomes, structures where translation of messenger RNA and protein synthesis occur. These proteins are stored in the rough endoplasmic reticulum ... exocytosis) in the right place and its content is liberated outside the cell.

Description : Which cell organelles are well-developed in secretory cells ?

Last Answer : In secretory cells, like the secretory cells of endocrine glands, organelles related to production, processing and exportation of substances are widely present and well-developed. These ... protein synthesis between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus

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Last Answer : Cell secretion is the elimination to the exterior of substances produced by the cell (for example, hormones, mucous, sweat, etc.)

Description : What is cyclosis ?

Last Answer : Cyclosis is a type of internal cell movement in which an oriented flow of circulating material is created and maintained in the cytoplasm by the action of microfilaments. Cyclosis is more easily observed in plant cells. Cytoskeleton and Cell Movement - Image Diversity: cyclosis

Description : What are some examples of movement created by the contraction of sarcomeres of the muscle cells ?

Last Answer : The handling of a cup of coffee, the peristaltic movements of the bowels, the cardiac beats and even a smile are examples of movement created by contraction of the sarcomeres of the muscle cells. This contraction is a type of cell movement.