Was Jonah swallowed by a fish or whale?

1 Answer

Answer :

When Jonah was cast into the sea, a "great fish" that the **** had prepared for him swallowed him. Jonah was swallowed by a fish, not a whale, since a whale is a mammal, not a fish.By a WhaleMatthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly. The Greek word translated "whale" in the King James Version (above) and many other English translations may also be translated "great fish." The word is ketos or kaytos � probably derived from the word xasma or khasmah (from which we get the English word chasm) � referring to a huge fish "gaping for prey." More than likely the translators of the 17th century KJV didn't know or didn't care that a whale is not a fish; for them, if it swam and had "fins," it was a fish.By a FishJonah 1:17 Now the **** had prepared a great

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Last Answer : (3) Salmon Explanation: Salmon is the common name for several species of rayfinned fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

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Last Answer : A. Fish (Answer)

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Last Answer : Salmon

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Last Answer : Cockroach and Silverfish

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Last Answer : Shark

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Last Answer : Plant – Rabbit – Tiger

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Last Answer : shirt. Who has hands but no legs and no head and cuts the chest wherever people fall.

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Last Answer : why not try MOUTHGLOVE hun? You can get a complete denture or complete NEW PAIR of dentures even expensive VALPLAST, if you dont mind making your own mold....and save literally THOUSANDS!!!!! Im not kidding ... and he works w you on payments. try MouthGlove. I dont know why but my post didnt go thru

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Last Answer : Many Action Figures come with small parts and pieces. To be honst most of them should be thrown away wihen your child is asleep because they more than likely won't play with them or they'll end up getting lost. Having the action figure itself is usually enough for the child.

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Last Answer : The esophagus is a predominantly muscular organ so the assertion is correct. The esophagus is a muscular tube formed in its superior third of striated muscle tissue, in its middle third of ... of the esophagus provides the movement of the food towards the stomach even without gravitational help.

Description : When food is swallowed the swallow reflex is activated and the larynx elevates and closes to avoid portions of the food bolus entering the trachea causing aspiration of strange material to the bronchi. Digestion System - Image Diversity: esophagus

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