How has Christianity influence Judaism?

1 Answer

Answer :

Judaism is the source of most of The Bible (the Christians call the Jewish-accepted portions "the Old Testament"), the origin of the concept of Messiah is from Judaism, both are monotheistic religions, and Jesus himself was Jewish and was learned of Jewish traditions and laws--he was a rabbi.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : The earliest was Judaism.

Description : What do judaism and Christianity have in common?

Last Answer : Judaism and Christianity do not share any symbols.

Description : How are judaism and Christianity similar?

Last Answer : This asks for a qualitative answer and therefore is up to the discretion of the answerer. The best way for someone to come to a reasonable conclusion would be to examine the similarities and differences and come to a personal conclusion.

Description : Is Christianity a sect of Judaism?

Last Answer : It began as one, but by the end of the second century, there was what might be described as a divorce. One hypothesis is that the final straw was the Jewish revolt led by Simon Bar Kochba in the second century ... effect, "wait, we've already got our Messiah, don't blame us, we're not part of this."

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Last Answer : Conquering empires, namely the Babylonians and (later) Rome,caused the Jewish diaspora by overrunning Judea (Israel) and makingit untenable for the Jews to remain there.While the Babylonians ... pronunciation and accent (for the Hebrewalphabet), differences in dress, and minor differences incustoms.

Description : What are the different types of Judaism?

Last Answer : I suck at religion, but I’ll give it a shot. Orthodox are the conservative members of the faith, black clothing, beards, very stern on their views, and nothing interrupts their Sabbath. Reform is a little more liberal. That’s all I got. Sorry.

Description : To what extent does Judaism play a role in the state of Israel?

Last Answer : answer:There is a long standing tension in Israel between Orthodox interpretation of laws and secular interpretation. This carries to such things as travel on the Sabbath, non-kosher food stuffs ... Orthodox right has worked to tighten the privilege. You should find discussion in recent periodicals.

Description : If God made man in his own image why does Judaism (and no doubt other religions) insist on circumcision as a religous practice? Do they believe man has to improve on God's design?

Last Answer : God suggested it, as a sign of the Covenant. You could look it up.

Description : Why is judaism most commonly passed on through the mother?

Last Answer : dunno, possibly because more women care about raising a child with a religious background than fathers typically do.

Description : Want to know more about Judaism ?

Last Answer : Answer : David's Star Symbol of Judaism Judaism is the religion of the Jewish community and one of the oldest and most monotheistic religions and the oldest religious traditions still practiced today. ... the moral and historical basis of other religions, including Christianity and Islam.

Description : Who is the proponent of Judaism movement ?

Last Answer : Theodore Herzl, proponent of the Zionist movement.

Last Answer : Theodore Herzl.

Description : What are three legacies of Judaism?

Last Answer : Monotheism, the Ten Commandments, the Torah and the Prophets.Judaism is egalitarian and values all individuals, both men and women. The wealthy have no privileges; and the poor are valued, treated well ... Johnson, Christian historian, author of A History of the Jews and A History of Christianity).

Description : What is the traditional beginning of Judaism are described in the ancient text known as the Torah?

Last Answer : Torah-tradition states that Abraham (18th century BCE) founded Judaism.The Kuzari (Rabbi Judah HaLevi,1075-1141) states that Abraham was gifted with high intelligence; and, as Maimonides (1135-1204) describes, ... 49:29-32) is located in Hebron and has been known and attested to for many centuries.

Description : In the future what role do you think holidays and other traditions will play in Judaism explain your answer?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What are similarities between Judaism and Mesopotamia's?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is the major sects of judaism?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What is one word that describes Judaism?

Last Answer : Monotheism is a word describing Judaism.Want others?Prophets; optimistic; Torah; synagogue; diaspora; ancient - -these are a few more examples.

Description : What other religions did Judaism play a role in the development of?

Last Answer : Christianity and Islam.The Hebrew Bible has been accepted by Christians among their scriptures. Islam too, was heavily influenced by Judaism and its texts, both directly and indirectly.Very many concepts ... received the Biblical and Haggadic narratives which occupy so large a part of the Koran."

Description : What is the cultural hearth of Judaism?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What was the conflict of Judaism?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : How many countries believe in Judaism?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What are 2 contributions that the Hebrew Bible says David and Solomon made to the development of Judaism?

Last Answer : David:1) Gave us the Book of Psalms.2) He secured from the prophet Nathan a promise from God that his (David's) son Solomon would build the Holy Temple.Solomon: 1) Built the First Temple in ... prosperity (1 Kings 4:20).3) King Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes (Kohellet), Proverbs, and Song of Songs.

Description : How does a person follow the moral code of Judaism?

Last Answer : By learning the Torah and obeying it.Judaism has an all-enveloping and passionate dedication to the ideals of morality and justice. The moral imperatives of justice, ethics and morality were taught by ... maintain its fertility. These laws are observed in Israel to this day, by religious farmers.

Description : What is house of worship called in judaism?

Last Answer : Jewish congregations build synagogues. The word synagogue is Greek. Some synagogues (mostly but not all associated with the Reform movement) are called temples. Many Jews also use the Yiddish word schul to refer to their synagogues.

Description : What is the Jewish sacred text of Judaism?

Last Answer : The Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) is the central sacred text of Judaism. The Hebrew Bible includes the Torah plus the books of the prophets plus the books of writings, essentially the same ... of the many commandments in the Torah but also incorporating a wide variety of other material.

Description : Who is the founder of Judaism?

Last Answer : Unlike Islam and Christiantiy, where you can point to one key figure, Judaism evolved. Jewish and Islamic traditions point to Abraham as the founder of monotheism, but the religion of Abraham would be ... who among all these do you identify as the founder? Each played a role in the founding.

Description : What is the symbol of Judaism?

Last Answer : The Menorah is the ancient symbol of Jewish faith. It is a seven-branched candelabrum that was lit by the Kohanim (high priests) every evening in the Temple (in Jerusalem). In modern times, ... new. The earliest uses of the Magen David among Jewish literature only dates back to the middle ages.

Description : What is the sacred text of Judaism?

Last Answer : The Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) is the central sacred text of Judaism. The Hebrew Bible includes the Torah plus the books of the prophets plus the books of writings, essentially the same ... of the many commandments in the Torah but also incorporating a wide variety of other material.

Description : What foods are forbidden in Judaism?

Last Answer : pork

Description : Is Judaism a religion or philosophy?

Last Answer : It's a religion, if by religion, you mean system of beliefs, traditions, rituals and liturgy that addresses questions such as why we are here and what is required of us. Philosophies may address similar questions, but philosophies usually do not come with rituals and liturgy.

Description : Can anyone join Judaism?

Last Answer : Conversion to Judaism is not easy or fast, but any person willing to take the time to learn the obligations that go with membership in the Jewish community and sincerely accept those obligations can ... in smaller communities, study is one-on-one with the rabbi and things are very much customiz

Description : Did judaism come from Hinduism?

Last Answer : This is extraordinarily unlikely. There's adequate historical and archaeological evidence to show that Judaism developed as an indigenous religion in the Middle East before the Jewish Diaspora, and there is ... , but that is not grounds enough to suggest descent of one religion from the other.

Description : Which is older Hinduism or judaism?

Last Answer : Answer 1Followers of both Judaism and Hinduism will say that their religion is older, pointing to the fact that their religion contains a creation story and must therefore be as old as ... that Judaism and Hinduism are both very ancient religions.Answer 2Even though Hinduism and Judaism have cre

Description : Is Hinduism older than judaism?

Last Answer : No. Judaism is about 6000 years old and Hinduism is well over 10000 years old.

Description : What is the role of Jesus Christ in Judaism?

Last Answer : Jesus has no particular role in Judaism.

Description : What are the differences between Judaism and Buddhism?

Last Answer : Islam teaches us to believe in the oneness of Allah and not to associate any partner with Him. Islam also teaches to believe in all the prophets, angels and all the books given to these prophets.

Description : What is the most liberal branch of Judaism?

Last Answer : There are a cluster of smaller branches of Judaism that might be the most liberal. Of these, Humanist Judaism is the largest. Reform Judaism is far larger but not quite as liberal. ... in some ways more conservative. Conservative Judaism is the most conservative of the liberal Jewish movements.

Description : Is conversion to Judaism easy if you have Jewish ancestry?

Last Answer : Technically, if your maternal line is Jewish, you are Jewish and have no need for conversion, while if your Jewish ancestry is paternal at any link in the chain, you need to convert. ... significant knowledge of Judaism, the most this can provide to the potential convert is motivation to learn.

Description : How to study Judaism?

Last Answer : Pirke Avot (the Ethics of the Fathers) says, find yourself a teacher, and that advice remains good. The best way is to study with a rabbi. Many rabbis offer introduction to Judaism courses. These are frequently ... is a tiny little book, but for many people, a small bite is a good way to begin.

Description : Is it true that people can't convert to Judaism?

Last Answer : Moses married a Midianite convert. Ruth converted to Judaism and King David was one of her descendants. One of the first great translations of the Hebrew Bible was made by a man known as Onkelos the ... to save their souls. Jewish tradition holds that "all the righteous of the world have a place

Description : Can I convert to Judaism and get an Israeli passport?

Last Answer : Conversion to Judaism is not easy. All branches of Judaism require an extended period of study before appearance before a beit din (a judicial panel of 3 judges) that oversees the process. Israel ... someone converting for the purpose of entering Israel with no real intent to be a practicing Jew.

Description : Is Reform Judaism becoming more 'orthodox'?

Last Answer : Orthodox may be the wrong term, but traditional Reform in the early 20th century abandoned a large number of practices that it has since or is now reclaiming. A century ago, there ... current Reform prayerbook has restored the preliminary services (with notes saying some congregations skip them).

Description : Is Judaism a closed religion?

Last Answer : Judaism has always accepted converts. Moses's wife was the daughter of a Midianite priest. Ruth, the ancestor of King David was a Moabite convert. Onkelos, the creator of the most ... oversee their conversion have been subject to serious consequences, including at many times the death penalty.

Description : What is the code of conduct of Judaism?

Last Answer : Jewish ethics and other laws are found in the Torah, the rest of the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud, and other Rabbinic writings.Judaism has an all-enveloping and passionate dedication to the ideal of ... Torah teaches the ideal of justice for the benefit of society and the moral guidance of the i

Description : What are the worst sins a Jew can commit according to Judaism?

Last Answer : The 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah are supposed to be incomparable, which is to say, each, in its own way, is equally important. However, there is a hierarchy. Commandments that cannot be ... cannot commit idolatry, and you cannot engage in forbidden sexual acts. So, it's OK to steal

Description : Is Orthodox Judaism a religion or a cult?

Last Answer : It is a religion. Note that Orthodoxy, like other branches of Judaism, is not homogeneous. Broadly speaking, Orthodox Judaism is divided into the Modern Orthodox, Jews who observe Jewish law ... Some Hassidic groups do have strong cult-like aspects, including focus on a single charismatic leader.

Description : How much time does it take to convert to Orthodox Judaism?

Last Answer : Conversion to any stream of Judaism, Orthodox or not, is not fast. Potential converts must typically spend many hours of study under the supervision of a rabbi before they face a rabbinical ... depend on the community. Some large communities have formal classes for converts, with a fixed curri