Which immigrant settled in California?

1 Answer

Answer :

California is like the rest of the country that has a variety of ethic groups. Over 70 different languages are spoken in the state.

Related questions

Description : Which immigrant group settled in California?

Last Answer : California is like the rest of the country that has a variety ofethic groups. Over 70 different languages are spoken in thestate.

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Last Answer : Well, she can certainly live wherever she wishes. She may find it very difficult, however, to communicate. I’m trying to imagine her pantomiming to a cab driver or attempting to order food in a restaurant!

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Last Answer : answer:Hemingway kept his American citizenship. I believe that an expat is generally defined as a person who retains their original citizenship even if permanently living overseas. An emigrant leaves with no intention of returning or retaining his/her citizenship..

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Last Answer : No. I would tell him to go to Europe instead.

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Last Answer : answer:I'm not an immigrant, but I know many. My Vietnamese friends came here and knew little English, so since they had shared meals with us, we had a Mexican night, and made all kinds of good ... so, and we later saw my little friend Dang, carrying a burrito in his pocket. It was sooo funny!

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Last Answer : answer:Your premise is flawed (surprise, surprise): “In 2008, immigrants represented about 17 percent of all new business owners in the U.S., according to The Washington Post. By 2011, immigrants were creating 28 percent of all new businesses, CNN reports.” Huffington Post

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Last Answer : answer:I am originally from a little place called Amursk one of the coldest places in Russia. Also lived in Sochi for a long time. At the age of 14, I was adopted into an American family in ... I ended up skipping a few years of school and entering college early. It ended up being quite alright.

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Last Answer : What a nightmare this would be for all involved.

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Last Answer : answer:Yeah, that makes no sense. They are not convered by our consitution, but of course would be covered under basic human rights. What do you mean by the feds keeping it undercover? What undercover?

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Last Answer : answer:Shows, and lots of them. Take her to shows, find out what kind of music she likes and tell her you’ll take her to shows at a local venue. That’ll make you a really cool big cousin in my opinion. But you’re on the right track with music.

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Last Answer : Yes. I dropped out of college for a couple years, then went back and took a while trying to find a career path. I am glad I did that, though, because I found a career that is well-suited to my ... changes in health care are an ongoing challenge, but I will ride the waves of change as long as I can.

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Last Answer : Yes he can. Spot payment with no written agreement, you hit him.

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Last Answer : My wife and I were both part-timers for the first few months, and later on she became a full-time mom – for the first few years. Money was tight, but the kids had their mom with them and they even breast-fed for about 2 years. Nothing like a mom, or a dad, at home.

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Last Answer : Saltines are great! Not really much of a meal, though. You might try oatmeal!

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Last Answer : apartments.com

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Last Answer : Check the newspaper classifieds online or in print; use Craig’s List.

Description : Have any of you settled with an insurance company without a lawyer?

Last Answer : answer:You can. They are likely to call you. They will offer you a check and ask that you sign a waiver for any future claims. Just make sure that you are confident (medical exam; reasonable length of time) that no future injuries will crop up. I have done it and had it work out OK.

Description : (ii) Some people say that Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled there. (para 3) -Other

Last Answer : (ii) As one story goes