How many have died from Coronavirus?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is the subject of much debate. It sounds simpler than it is as the formula is the number of deaths / number of cases. The problem is that nobody knows the number of cases.There are already more than likely tens of thousands of people walking around who had Coronavirus and didn’t even know it or suspected they had it but weren’t included in the official numbers.Most estimates seem to be a 2%+ mortality rate for known cases, with an actual mortality rate of between 0.8% to 1% for mortality for all cases (including those not reported). The Guardian Newspaper reports wildly varying stats by country – Italy 9%, UK 4.6% and Germany a really low 0.3%. Germany’s higher testing rate is given as a reason for the lower mortality rate for what is the same disease.

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Description : How many died from Coronavirus?

Last Answer : This is the subject of much debate. It sounds simpler than it is as the formula is the number of deaths / number of cases. The problem is that nobody knows the number of cases.There are already ... higher testing rate is given as a reason for the lower mortality rate for what is the same disease.

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Last Answer : 3,119 people have died from the coronavirus.