Is Paula Deen divorced?

1 Answer

Answer :

yasm yes

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Last Answer : answer:I have a real hard time assigning right and wrong' to a personal thing like a chronic disease and how a person deals with it. It's easy for us in the cheap seats to say things. But I hesitate ... if the can make a few dollars and deal with her diabetes, who are any of us to criticize her?

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Description : How can I repair my Paula Deen Cookware?

Last Answer : Try scraping out as much of the burned food out of the pan as possible. Next, soak the pan in hot, soapy water. After about 10 minutes, remove the pan from the water and add a generous amount ... "How to Treat Burned Pots and Pans" on eHow. They have some good articles on cleaning burned dishware.

Description : Is Paula Deen cookware any good?

Last Answer : Like all cookware, there are pros and cons, thus it is up to the buyer to decide which cookware matches their needs. For Paula Deen, some pros include being lightweight and even temperature cooking, but the cons include not being dishwasher friendly and sticking to glass stove tops.

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Last Answer : A[Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya] Explanation: The Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Nagar marshalling yard is the largest in Asia. It is 12.5 km long and handles around 1,500 wagons daily.

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Last Answer : I am no lawyer but wouldn't they have some kind of a morals clause in the contract? I am not sure that is the right term, but I am guessing that there is some kind of clause in ... her if she does anything that damages her reputation to the point that it would reflect negatively on their brand.

Description : Paula Deen's accent: why does she say "ole" for "oil," but "pie-yan" for "pan"?

Last Answer : LOL… I don’t see the “pan” being so pronounced

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Description : What's the best part of getting divorced?

Last Answer : Your children don’t have to see scary fights anymore. There will still be fights, for a while, but it’ll be easier to keep the kids out of the fray.

Description : My my wife and I are both divorced and on social security. She is asking for $500.00 that ss pays me monthy. She gets half of my ss. Can she di this I live in Michigan?

Last Answer : In divorce situations the ex spouse is only entitled to 50% of the SS benefit of the higher earning partner. No, she cannot do this. A quick call to your local SS office will ... requesting modification and they must prove a major change in circumstance not just arbitrarily deciding they want more.

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Last Answer : answer:There's never an easy answer. In many families the non-custodial parent has the child all holidays. Sharing holidays is a good compromise. With skype, facebook, and telephones, they child won' ... father is hiring a sitter for his work days. Some companies give parental leave for those days.

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Last Answer : Perhaps some of the ideas in this article will help you.

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Last Answer : My Ex recently asked for my two sons’ SS# but they are adults. My assumption in that situation was that he was making a new will or something like that.

Description : If you're divorced, how do you handle this?

Last Answer : answer:We humans are emotional creatures. There's no escaping it. While my emotions give me trouble for reasons other than my divorce, I can understand your plight. I'd give you a big hug, were I ... some action no matter how small, I can step outside the wash of negative emotions, and I can heal.

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Last Answer : answer:@josie: When I got divorced, and also when a couple of friends got divorced, the general rule seemed to be If the girl leaves it is because the guy is an asshole. If the guy leaves it ... the man. I suspect that you are either paranoid, or you live in a strange part of the country.

Description : Divorced people: What surprised you the most about getting a divorce?

Last Answer : The fact that I know nothing about him. We were married for 15 years. He was my world. I thought we were one, and I thought we were perfect. He cheated on me, and when reading the things he said during our divorce, it was like it was a different man, talking about a different couple.

Description : Do you ever wish your parents would just get divorced?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps tell them their fighting is affecting you. My parents went silent when I told them “I wish you guys could just love each other.”

Description : When you got divorced - what were some of the first steps you took?

Last Answer : I In hind site I believe that time does not heal no. But how that time is managed can assist in growth and healing.

Description : Divorced people: What do you think of the people your ex is dating?

Last Answer : My ex-husband has been with his ice queen (and what the French call his “sembable”) for 16 years. They are a perfect fit; their favorite activity is attending or chairing directors’ meetings of charitable foundations and private schools. I am thrilled that he goes home to her at night and not me.

Description : Those of you that are divorced, do you think you will ever marry again?

Last Answer : No. Although I would never remarry my ex, we still have strong ties.

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Last Answer : answer:From people that are thinking about dating you? Seems like due diligence.

Description : I'm scared that my parents are going to get divorced?

Last Answer : Sometimes we need to step back and look at situations from different perspectives. You want your parents to stay together for your sake, but you are not looking at how unhappy they are together ... understand their issues. Your parents will still love you the same whether they are together or not.

Description : Independent children of divorced parents, what about the holidays? (see details)

Last Answer : I’m thinking that maybe if they live in the same city or not all that far away, one could spend Christmas Eve with one parent and Christmas Day with the other?

Description : Men in your mid 30s, what do you truly think of divorced but very sweet ladies with kids?

Last Answer : Depends on how the children act. It is not just you he would be dating. He would have to accept your children as well. I am 36, with a 10 year old daughter. If a lady is not down with my child, then I can’t be down with her, no matter what.

Description : Any tips for a divorced man with limited emotional range to connect with his 12 year old daughter?

Last Answer : answer:Know what goes on with girl and electronics such as texting, online gaming, social sites. Don't overload her with extracurricular activities thinking it will keep her out of trouble . Don't ... get to know extended family and feel she's part of a greater whole than immediate family members.

Description : How to choose between divorced friends?

Last Answer : You should not choose. You should remain friends with both and spend time with both if you enjoyed their company. It’s selfish for one of them to ask you not to spend time with the other [if it comes to that].

Description : I'd like to go out with the guy who sold my house when my husband and I divorced. How can I approach this man in an appropriate manner?

Last Answer : answer:I wouldn't. When you met him you were in a dither, and I suspect your feelings for him now are a holdover from that time. I doubt highly that he's the only nice guy out there that you could ... be open-minded is your own intuition telling you this isn't a good idea and you want to ignore it.

Description : Any adult children of divorced parents?

Last Answer : My mother divorced her second husband when I was in my teens. They are still friends, but we all learned that some people were never meant to be more than that.

Description : Why do so many divorced people w/children, become bitter enemies?

Last Answer : It’s a fine line between love and hate.

Description : How do I find out if my friend's parents are divorced?

Last Answer : As someone who had a very difficult time in high school explaining why I lived with my sister and where my parents were I would avoid asking to many questions. My mom was in jail for killing my father. Really, don’t ask questions. Wait for them to be comfortable telling you.

Description : Do you look down on people who are divorced?

Last Answer : that would be like the pot calling the kettle black – both my husband and I have a divorce behind us

Description : If you've ever been divorced and had kids, did your X play headgames with you using the kids?

Last Answer : I haven't been divorced, but my brother has, and yes, his ex uses the kids to play all sorts of head games with him and with our parents, and even with me. Unfortunately, even though we don' ... obviously drunk. We often hope she gets a new boyfriend because then she is too busy to mess with anyone.

Description : Getting divorced and need to hide deposit?

Last Answer : If there is a trial over assets, it is considered discoverable, and attempts to actively conceal it will piss off the judge. However, it may not be considered community property if it was a gift from her ... in her jurisdiction. Maybe all she has to do is open an account with it in her own name.

Description : Was it weird for you when your divorced parent(s) remarried?

Last Answer : My mother remarried many years after the divorce, when I was already married and had kids of my own. I didn't particularly care for the guy, but other than that it wasn't a big deal. My dad (actually ... for me to keep their last name but they love my husband, and loved being a part of the wedding.

Description : How would you/ did you feel when your parents divorced?

Last Answer : I'm very glad my parents divorced when I was still really young. I didn't really care, didn't really realize what it meant, and just grow used to it. I can't even imagine how those two have ... 's upbringing. I experienced that with my mother's new boyfriend who lived with us for five years or so.

Description : My best friend truly hates his mother and wants to emancipate her (not his dad though) or he wants his dad to have sole custody of him (they are not divorced) can this happen?

Last Answer : ask-public is a site for solutions, if you don’t have one don’t post a answer, and it says in the description that the relationship won’t work so i don’t think hes going to “get over it”

Description : Five years divorced and I still love him; how do I get over him?

Last Answer : Why did you get a divorce?

Description : Divorce parents and children of divorced parents, what was done right? What was done wrong?

Last Answer : my parents have been split since before i can remember, my parents wont talk, not that they hate each other, they just choose not to. so im stuck being the middle man ALL THE TIME. for example: i ... just make things more complicated than they need to be. do your children a favor, and keep in touch.

Description : What do you wish your divorced parents had done differently?

Last Answer : Definitely to BE SURE that the kids know it is NOT their fault the divorce is happening, and that they are in therapy no matter what. They may say they don’t want to talk to anyone about it, but they probably do really need to.

Description : How can I be Super Divorced Dad?

Last Answer : I am curious to read the responses. I am in the same situation