how phone communicate people by using electricity?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cellphones are able to connect with one another with sound waves like that of radie stations or old tvs. The battery on your cellphone powers the device so that it can recieve signals and communicate with other cellphones.

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Last Answer : This is a great early morning question. I like the thoughts that you have laid out (especially regarding the conversation). I am going to mark this question and answer more tomorrow. I don't know why I ... the concept of what you are saying. I am sleepy now ..I will return to discuss furher later.

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Last Answer : Great Question!

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Last Answer : On my cell phone I can call 911 even if I don’t have service. I thought that was standard?

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Last Answer : In my experience, they just sit back and let the news media do that part. They eventually send out a letter, or take out an ad in the paper, saying “Don’t worry, Be Happy”.