Some of the symptoms and heart attack signs of someone who is overweight.?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you are having trouble breathing and have sharp pains down the left side of your body, you could be having a heart attack. This is the same symptoms for any body type.

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Description : Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms by Gender?

Last Answer : Most people are knowledgeable about the more common signs of a heart attack such as chest pain, pain radiating down the left arm and shortness of breath. However, there are many other subtle ... can be deadly for you and others. With prompt and proper treatment your survival rate greatly improves.

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of having a heart attack?

Last Answer : Symptoms of a heart attack is a sharp pain in the chest area and an inability to breath properly. If you have these symptoms, go see a doctor and stay away from activities that could cause heart attacks.

Description : What are some of the signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Typically, heart attack symptoms are felt on the opposite side of the body than where the heart is located. They include tightness in the chest area and feeling hot and sweaty.

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Last Answer : Some heart attack warning signs include chest pain, loss of strength and difficulty breathing. You can find more information online at websites like

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Last Answer : Yes sweating and nausea and dizziness can be a sign of a stroke or heart problem in people . Here are some sites that can help you out with this

Description : Where can I find the signs of a heart attack online?

Last Answer : Signs for heart attacks include; dizziness, nausea, chest pain, double vision, weariness, headaches and pain. Consult a doctoral website for symptoms list.

Description : What are the top signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : according to the Cleveland Clinc's website, the signs of a heart attack are angina, chest pain, pain in the upper body , like the arms or shoulder, a fullness or choking feeling, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. If you suspect you;re having a heart attach it says to call 911 right away.

Description : What are the warning signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Warning signs of heart attacks include a sudden numbness or weakness on one side of your body, sudden confusion understanding, or speaking, trouble seeing, walking, a loss of balance or a sudden headache.

Description : What are the most common signs of a heart attack?

Last Answer : A lot of the time, a lot of people who get a heart attack are old, diabetic, and female. Most of the time, many people who have a heart attack have chest pain that goes away and comes back, usually in the center or left side of the chest.It sometimes feels like indigestion or heartburn.

Description : What are the signs of a heart attack and stroke?

Last Answer : The signs of a heart attack and stroke are numbness and sudden tingling in your arms--usually the left. you may also feel heart palpations, weakness, dizziness, or sweating. There's a helpful thing to ... to a doctor as soon as any of these symptoms appear because it's better safe than sorry).

Description : Is there a list of heart attack signs I can review?

Last Answer : Yes, there are several common heart attack signs and symptoms to look for. Chest, stomach, and upper body pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sweating are just a few.

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of heart failure is older adults?

Last Answer : The symptoms of heart failure are shortness of breath, fatigue or weakness, reduced ability to move or exercise, and head problems, the most known one is losing your alertness.

Description : What are some heart attack symptoms?

Last Answer : As long as you feel you are in control of what you are doing you should be OK. If the patient is prone to heart attacks, he might give you indications like giddiness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, lightheadedness and upper body pains. Watch for these symptoms.

Description : What are some symptoms of heart attack?

Last Answer : Potentially, shortness of breath can be a sign of a heart attack. Other symptoms include sudden persistent chest pain and nausea. The best way to prevent heart attack is to exercise and keep a healthy diet.

Description : What are some early symptoms for heart attack?

Last Answer : What is the silent heart attack?A quiet coronary episode is much the same as some other and similarly as harming. Your heart needs oxygen-rich blood to work. In the event that plaque which ... failures really include just mellow torment or uneasiness in the focal point of your chest. You may likewi

Description : Is it possible to prevent or avoid heart attack, after you notice the symptoms of it?

Last Answer : You could try taking 1 baby aspirin per day (or at the onslaught of heart attack symptoms) if you’re not already taking a blood thinner.

Last Answer : There are probably no people in the world who are not afraid of heart attack . This deadly disease is the cause of many deaths even in this modern medical age. Heart attacks are the leading cause ... the symptoms of girls are such that they are ignored. Many people think that normal body feels bad.

Last Answer : Heart attack is a silent killer. Anyone can be a victim of it at any time. Irregular exercise , unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle increase the risk of heart attack. It is possible to save a life if ... is shortness of breath , nausea , and pain in the jaw and spine. Symptoms of a heart attack

Description : What different symptoms do men vs. women experience when having a heart attack.?

Last Answer : Women and men experience different symptoms of heart attack. Usually many women shortness of breath, fatigue and dizziness at the onset and during heart attack. Chest pain and high blood pressure are also some of the other indications.

Description : What are the difference in symptoms for heartburn vs. a heart attack?

Last Answer : Stomach acid radiating up your throat is a sign of heartburn and it can last for a short while or even up to a few hours. It tends to occur more right after eating, bending over, or lying down. There ... it's just heartburn or a heart attack is to go to your nearest emergency room just to be safe.

Description : Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and Women?

Last Answer : Heart Attack Symptoms in Men and WomenHeart attack is one of the major killers of both men and women. The sooner treatment is received after the onset, the better chance an individual has of ... that anyone experiencing them seek prompt medical attention, as doing so could save his or her life.

Description : It has been said that a person feels something unusual before a heart attack, what are the symptoms that a person is going to have a heart attack?

Last Answer : Symptoms of a heart attack vary from person to person and from women to men. The classic signs of a heart attack are chest pain more on the left side than the right, a shooting pain down the left arm, difficulty breathing and sudden weakness.

Description : What are the major symptoms of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Any time you have chest pain you should see your physician or go to the emergency room. While not all chest pain indicates a heart attack, it is better to be safe than sorry. Heart attack ... , but chest pain and shortness of breath along with anxiety, sweating and nausea are all common symptoms.

Description : Know the Symptoms of a Heart Attack and How to Act?

Last Answer : Recognizing symptoms of a heart attack can clearly save a person's life. Everyone should be able to recognize signs of a heart attack. Each heart attack is different, so it is necessary to take any ... physician, being aware of a heart attack's symptoms and acting on those symptoms will save a life.

Description : Heart Attack Symptoms?

Last Answer : Myocardial infarction, or heart attack, is the leading cause of death in adults in the world. It occurs when lack of circulation to part of the heart kills the cells in that area, thus ceasing ... attack should be noted during autopsy whether or not it is the cause of death or occurred earlier.

Description : Where can I find more information on heart attack symptoms ?

Last Answer : You can find information on heart attack symptoms by going to the Mayo Clinic website. Their information is detailed and factual. Their website address is

Description : What are common heart attack symptoms?

Last Answer : The most-common symptoms of a heart attack include an uncomfortable feeling, like tightness, in the chest; shortness of breath; and pain in the left arm. Heart attack sufferers might also feel pain in other areas, like their jaws, and experience chills or nausea.

Description : The Most Common Heart Attack Symptoms in Women?

Last Answer : Are you a woman? You should know that research has found that heart attack symptoms in women are significantly different than symptoms in men. In fact, a study by the National Institute of Health found that ... going to the emergency room. It's not worth it to be the woman who died of embarrassment.

Description : What are the most common symptoms of a heart attack?

Last Answer : Although symptoms of a heart attack may vary from person to person, there are a list of common symptoms that everybody should be aware of. Among these common symptoms are chest pains or ... of breath, and nausea.

Description : What are the top 5 heart attack symptoms in men?

Last Answer : The five symptoms include, fatigue and weakness, loss of concussness, chest pain, coughing. These the most common symptoms of the heart failure of men.

Description : Where can I find an article that describes major heart attack symptoms in women?

Last Answer : Women can have symptoms of an impending heart attack for up to a month before the actual event. Mild symptoms such as heartburn,sleep disturbances, or weakness in the arms,are things that we can ... /heart-attack-symptoms-in-women...

Description : How long can heart attack symptoms last?

Last Answer : Symptoms of a heart attack typically last from 15-20 minutes and will generally be more than just chest discomfort. If you have had chest discomfort for nearly 2 months, you need to see your doctor.

Description : What are the symptoms for heart attack in men?

Last Answer : Symptoms of a heart attack in men are tight pains in the chest and having a hard time to breath. The worst possible symptom that someone could endure is death.

Description : Is it true that symptoms of a heart attack are different for women than men?

Last Answer : Yes, this is true. Heart attack symptoms in women are often manifested as indigestion type symptoms. For example, a heart attack can be mistaken for acid reflux or nausea.

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Last Answer : I’m 20,000 years old, and a little bit overweight. So I would guess at least that.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't necessarily go around calling people names but we all have internal dialoge. I ususally split it up into unhealthy weight and healthy weight. Not everyone in the healthy weight has a lean body. Some ... don't like a person than I just don't like them. Weight has nothing to do with it.

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Last Answer : Depends…do you think she’s overweight?

Description : At what point do YOU consider someone overweight?

Last Answer : answer:Basically if people have excessive padding, I'd say they're overweight and could stand to lose a few kg's. [edit]: It's very varied and depends on the person's build. Two people with same height and ... be, while the other isn't. If you have excessive fat, you're overweight (like I do :))

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Last Answer : If you are looking to lose that much weight safely you really should consult with a doctor. I think Weight Watchers might be another good choice, but really a doctor needs to be involved.

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Last Answer : I had cancer 20 years ago, it was years before I stopped having the concept of my own mortality often front and center. I believe it’s very normal. We don’t really tend to think of such things unless we have reason to believe that it could happen in an untimely fashion.

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Last Answer : I suppose it’s possible, but the case would probably get thrown out almost immediately.

Description : What are some signs and symptoms of schizophrenia?

Last Answer : Schizophrenia is a chronic yet severe mental disorder that affects your brain. Schizophrenia is to believed to be cause by imbalance of chemicals in your brain. Symptoms for this disorder are hallucinations, paranoia, and delusions.

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Last Answer : Multiple Sclerosis symptoms are usually seen between the ages of 20 and 40. Some of the common symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis include: Tingling, numbness, loss of balance, blurred vision, slurred speech, weakness of the limbs, sudden paralysis, and lack of cordination.

Description : What are some signs and symptoms of diabetes in children?

Last Answer : There are two types of Diabetes. Frequent thirst and urination are signs of Type I diabetes in children. Children with Type II diabetes may exhibit extreme fatigue and blurred vision.

Description : What are some signs and symptoms for diabetes?

Last Answer : Several signs and symptoms for Diabetes include: Frequent urination, blurred vision, frequent infection, extreme hunger and unusual weightless as well as other symptoms. Here's a link to the American Diabetes Association's website:

Description : Which of the following statements regarding hypercalcemia are true? A. The symptoms of hypercalcemia may mimic some symptoms of hyperglycemia. B. Metastatic breast cancer is an unusual cause of ... fluid volume deficit. E. Urinary calcium excretion may be increased by vigorous volume repletion.

Last Answer : Answer: ADE DISCUSSION: Markedly elevated serum calcium levels produce polydipsia, polyuria, and thirst. Vigorous volume repletion and saline diuresis correct the extracellular fluid volume ... , from bony metastasis. The calcitonin effect on calcium is diminished with repeat administrations

Description : The antidote to heparin is a) protamine sulfate. Protamine sulfate, in the appropriate dosage, acts quickly to reverse the effects of heparin. b) vitamin K. Vitamin K is the antidote to ... and symptoms of medicationinduced narcosis. d) Ipecac. Ipecac is an emetic used to treat some poisonings.

Last Answer : a) protamine sulfate. Protamine sulfate, in the appropriate dosage, acts quickly to reverse the effects of heparin.

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Last Answer : I also feed him Blue buffalo Adult sensitive stomach dry cat food, because he vomits with almost any other food. Poor kitty tummy. I also feed him wellness canned sometimes but mostly the dry buffalo product. Is this food good for him, can It prevent Diabetes?

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Last Answer : I’m not a car mechanic (but I was married to one)... the noise is rhythmic with the speed you are driving, and it gets louder as you turn in the opposite direction of the bad side and is quieter as you turn toward the bad side.