what are the risks of having bariatric surgery?

1 Answer

Answer :

The incisions may become infected and bleed which could complicate your recovery; additionally, your heart, lungs, and intestines may be inadvertently affected. Also consider that bariatric surgery is a general anesthesia procedure; as with all such procedures, an allergic reaction or asphyxiation- possibly from using the wrong general anesthesia agent- could prove fatal.

Related questions

Description : What are the risks associated with getting bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Some risks associated with bariatric surgery afterward are gastric dumping syndrome, incisional hernia, infections, and pneumonia.

Description : What are the risks of bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : One of the risks of bariatric surgery are impaired nutrient absorption. Another is dumping syndrome if you aren't careful of what you eat. It is important to take a good multivitamin daily and to commit to the lifestyle changes necessary after the surgery.

Description : Are the benifits of bariatric surgery worth the risks involved?

Last Answer : While bariatic surgery has its positive aspects, there are also risks to consider. It is up to you to weigh the risks and rewards, personally. No one can tell you what it right for ... consider both, as there are research studies available highlighting data that the risks may outweigh the rewards.

Description : Are the Risks of Bariatric Surgery Worth Your Weight Loss?

Last Answer : A great way to determine whether or not weight loss surgery is right for you is to determine whether or not you feel okay with the risks of bariatric surgery. For example, having this type of surgery ... your physician about the risks and benefits to come to a general consensus on what can be done.

Description : What are your veiws on a 15 year old having bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : My weight is 275lbs. You have to be more specific in your question? Also Welcome to Fluther!

Description : How soon will I be able to jog after having bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : No strenuous exercise or heavy lifting is recommended until you are completely healed from the surgery. Be sure to consult a physician immediately if you feel any tearing of your post op scar. Talk to your doctor about what levels of exercise are safe.

Description : What are the risks and benefits of bariatric medical?

Last Answer : Some of the benefits of Bariatric surgery is the lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol as well as improved blood sugar levels.The risks are wound infections and lung problems as well as blood clots and bleeding.

Description : What are the risks of having weight loss surgery?

Last Answer : As with any surgery, there are severe risks when it comes to weight loss surgery. Infections, internal bleeding, hernias, and possibly death are all risks of undergoing weight loss surgery.

Description : How does a person not slowly starve after bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : answer:Most of your nutrition needs are collected and passed to the blood stream through your small intestine; the stomach is there for processing (digesting) to pass onto the small intestine. By reducing the size of ... can't eat as much, now all he eats are foods that are heavy on sugar and fat.

Description : Is bariatric surgery the most successful way to keep weight off?

Last Answer : There are a lot of risks. I think (could be wrong) that 1 in 100 die from gastric bypass. It is not reversible. The Lap band (I believe) is less dangerous, but they are still pretty picky about who ... a friend who got the lap band and said but I can still eat fudge! She wasn't real successful.

Description : Why is it that when someone has bariatric surgery, they first have to go through a gauntlet of all kinds of specialists?

Last Answer : The nutritionist and psychologist are to be sure the person is ready for the responsibility that comes with the surgery. There are special diets they are supposed to stick to so having a ... insurance companies will only cover bariatric surgery if the patient has sleep apnea as well as obesity.

Description : Bariatric Surgery Revisions?

Last Answer : Bariatric surgery proceedings do not always produce the resultsthat were expected upon first having the surgery. As more bariatricprocedures are performed, there is a growing need for physicians todo some ... order to be considered as a candidate for a revision ofbariatric procedures, there must be

Description : If you don't have health insurance, or your insurance won't pay for bariatric surgery costs, are their other funding programs to offset the cost.?

Last Answer : Most doctors will set up payment arrangements that may include zero interest or will even give cash discounts if paid in full up front. Talk to your doctor to be sure.

Description : Where can I learn more about medicare and bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : This link https://www.cms.gov/MedicareApprovedFacilitie/BSF/list.asp will direct you to the baraitric information tab of the centers for medicare and medicaide

Description : Where can I found out about medicare bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : If you are on Medicare, a portion of the costs of bariatric surgery and related care may be covered, but only if you are obese. You can find more information on www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/insurance

Description : How much does it cost to have bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : The cost of bariatric surgery depends on the place the surgery is done, the doctor, and if the insurance will pay for any of the expenses. Some insurances pay money on bariatric surgery depending on if it is a need.

Description : Where can I find out more about bariatric surgery risk?

Last Answer : As with all surgery, there poses risk. Here are some informative websites that you can look at for bariatric surgery risk. www.webmd.com/diet/weight-loss-surgery/gastric-bypass www.surgicalriskcalculator.com/bariatric-surgery-risk-calculator

Description : Where can I find info on bariatric post surgery diet online?

Last Answer : You can find the correct information for a post bariatric surgery diet the website dukehealth.org. they will tell you exactly what the proper steps are that you need to take.

Description : Does Medicare cover bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Yes, Medicare will pay for lap-band surgery for individuals who have a BMI (body mass index) greater than 35. This website offers procedural information as well as hospital location and a link ... that will be needed to start the process. http://www.lapbandsurgery.net/medicare-medicaid-lapband.html

Description : Is there an option for laparoscopic bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Yes it is! You can have laproscopic bariatric surgery to spare yourself from scarring, as well as minimize post-operative pain. This may also minimize surgical costs and recovery time. Speak with your doctor beforehand, of course.

Description : Is there a bariatric surgery price guide online?

Last Answer : A great website where you can compare prices for bariatric surgery from state to state is http://www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/cost/. The average cost for this procedure is approximately 10,000 United States Dollars.

Description : I am going to have weight loss surgery and I would love to hear before and after bariatric surgery testimonials from patients who have undergone this surgery.?

Last Answer : Since its inception, bariatric surgery has been widely used as a means of weight loss with great results. For testimonials and additional information on the procedure, please visit www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com.

Description : What is the best bariatric surgery hospital in the country?

Last Answer : The best rated bariatric surgery hospital is the Universaty General in Houston, Texas. To contact Universaity General in Houstan,Texas the bariatric surgery department Bariatric Program at 713-375-7650 .

Description : What is a good bariatric post surgery diet?

Last Answer : Your doctor and nutritionist will be working with you before and after you have the surgery. They are the only ones who can help you decide what food options are best for you individually post-surgery.

Description : How long is recovery time from bariatric weight loss surgery?

Last Answer : The recovery time for each individual is different, some people recover very quickly and others do not. However, on average the recovery time is 4-6 weeks.

Description : What is the recovery time for bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : The average recovery time from bariatric surgery is about 6 weeks. It is best to save up vacation and sick time if you are planning on having the surgery.

Description : How much do people way before bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : There really is no one specific answer to your question. Typically to qualify for gastric bypass surgery a person needs to be at least 100 lbs overweight.

Description : Average cost of bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : The cost of a gastric bypass surgey is usually between $20,000-$50,000 without insurance. In compareson a Lap Band surgy cost between $15,000-$20,000.

Description : What criteria must I meet in order to have bariatric weight loss surgery?

Last Answer : It should depend on the type of Diabetes that you have. Type 1 diabetes should have more risks, so be careful if this is your case.

Description : How can I prepare for the bariatric surgery, according to the American Society of Baratric Surgery?

Last Answer : First, stop using certain medications. Next, there is a list of medications you must take before surgery. You must also not eat or drink before the procedure.

Description : Does my insurance provider cover bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Begin by reading the "Exclusions" portion of your insurance policy. If this procedure is excluded there is little you can do. If, however, this procedure is listed in the "Covered Services" portion ... may require you and your doctor to submit an appeal if the initial authorization was turned down.

Description : What is the difference between gastric bypass and bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : The definition of a bariatric surgery is a surgery used to reduce the size of the stomach. A gastric bypass surgery is a sub version of this, in which a piece of the stomach is cut to reduce the size.

Description : Where can I find a free bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : You can find out more about it here: www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/trials/. Please be sure to check with your doctor to see if it is right for you.

Description : Is there a specific diet for bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : First of all, no fatty, high carbohydrate foods (sugars especially). The basic diet will consist of a clear liquid protein diet, pureed food as well as strained foods.

Description : How does diabetes bariatric surgery help someone with diabetes?

Last Answer : This specific type of procedure can help the body produce more insulin naturally, so diabetics won't have to rely on synthetic insulin. Also, this surgery can help curb negative eating habits which can affect the severity of one's Diabetes.

Description : What can be expected before and after bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : There are many different dietary and lifestyle changes that must be made for bariatric surgery patients. The following website covers everything from cost to recovery and follow-up plastic surgery. http://www.obeseinfo.com/

Description : Where can I find more information on before and after bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : You kind find information about several things such as activities, diets, medications etc. before and after your bariatric surgery here: http://www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/surgery-after/

Description : Do I need to be a certain weight prior to bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Body mass index between 35 and 40, along with a serious medical problem (including Diabetes, severe joint pain, or sleep apnea) that would improve with weight loss.

Description : Where can I find out if my insurance covers bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : To find out if your insurance will cover bariatric surgery, look at the insurance policy. You should either have a hard copy of the policy that was sent via mail, or you can go online to the insurance website to access this policy.

Description : How much does it cost to have the bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : The cost of a gastric bypass/ bariatric surgery depends on the doctor, the hospital, and if the insurance company will pay for any part of the surgery.

Description : What's a good bariatric surgery blog?

Last Answer : There are a number of online blogs written by patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. Suggested blogs include- gastricbypasstruth.com and livingafterwls.blogspot.com and bariatricgirl.blogspot.com.

Description : Where can I learn more about bariatric laproscopic surgery?

Last Answer : Bariatric Laparoscopic Surgery is for people who have been obese for 5 or more years. The surgeon uses a laparoscope (a small camera) and other tools to "tie off" the upper portion of the ... causing fullness when eating a small amount of food. Exercise and diet are still essential post surgery.

Description : What are the complications to bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : Complications from this surgery include abdominal pain, vomiting, vitamin deficiencies diarrhea, and an increased risk of gall stones. A more extensive bypass means that there is a greater risk to these complications.

Description : Two of the Many Celebrities that Chose Weight Loss Bariatric Surgery?

Last Answer : Many celebrities have undergone dramatic transformations due to weight loss bariatric surgery. Carnie Wilson underwent a gastric bypass in 1999 and often discusses her surgery during interviews. A gastric bypass ... band procedure, resulting in a stomach that will hold only a small amount of food.

Description : What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Last Answer : Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a surgical procedure that helps obese individuals that have been unable to lose weight through traditional methods. Bariatric surgery is usually only ... have bariatric surgery can often see dramatic weight loss in just a short amount of time.

Description : A Variety of Bariatric Surgery Options?

Last Answer : The many types of baratric surgery procedures may be divided into two categories, restrictive and malabsorptive. Restrictive techniques limit the amount of food the stomach can hold. Malabsorptive techniques ... of the stomach. In a biliopancreatic diversion a portion of the stomach is removed.

Description : Gastric Sleeve, a Bariatric Surgery Option for Weight Loss?

Last Answer : An invasive bariatric surgery that is quite different to the normal gastric bypass and duodenal switch is the gastric sleeve procedure. This procedure involves a surgeon surgically removing over seventy-five ... that have eclipsed the forty percent mark in regards to the total body mass index.

Description : Weight Loss Goals With Bariatric Bypass Surgery?

Last Answer : While it would be a bit abnormal to not lose weight following bariatric surgery, there are a few reasons that you might not. Bariatric surgery, lap band or gastric sleeve, is not a free pass ... My Fast Weightloss Method...linktr.ee/ trueweightloss2021 (Remove the space in the link Hope this helps!

Description : The Cost For Bariatric Surgery?

Last Answer : The cost for bariatric surgery encompasses many factors including pre-op lab and X-ray fees, anesthesia, hospital facility and surgeon's fee. Additionally there are post-procedure costs to be ... cases of morbid obesity most insurances will cover the procedure if the doctor deems it necessary.

Description : Complications are Rare But Possible Following Bariatric Surgery?

Last Answer : Short- and long-term complications bariatric surgery are possible. Immediately following the procedure, there is an increased risk of pneumonia and blood clots in the legs. The latter may be ... include the development of ulcers and narrowing of the stoma between the stomach and the intestine.