Does the celiac diease diet actually work?

1 Answer

Answer :

I do not believe that the celiac disease diet is for weight loss. it is for people who have the disease, and must eat only certain foods and food products.

Related questions

Description : what is the diet for celiac disease patients?

Last Answer : If you have celiac disease than you need to go on a specific diet. The best diet to go on if you have celiac disease is a gluten free diet. Almost every food contains gluten so this is a very strict diet.

Description : Where to find a celiac disese diet?

Last Answer : Meals for celiac disease can include foods high in fibre, vitamin c, a , and d's. These foods can include pasta, cereal, breads and basically anything that is carbonayted.

Description : Jellies with Celiac or Gluten Intolerance, does this happen to you?

Last Answer : answer:Friends with Celiac have reacted just as you- almost immediate bloatiing, cramping, and nausea. An old girlfriend who is gluten intolerant gets a headache within about ten minutes. People I know that have reactions seem to get them pretty quickly.

Description : I want to attend culinary school to become a chef, but I have celiac disease and I'm lactose intolerant. How difficult do you think it'll be to pursue that profession?

Last Answer : I would imagine chefs and cooks have to sample their food. If you put the food into your mouth and then spit it out, are you affected still? If you touch it, are you affected? I would think if you can do those two things without ill effects, then you should be ok.

Description : Just discovered that I might have celiac disease. Does anyone else have it? How have you dealt with it?

Last Answer : answer:The doctor tested for it? You deal with by going gluten free. I don't know where you live, but many products in the supermarket and food on menus in restaurants are now marked gluten free ... have to do is google, go to the library or bookstore to get some good information and cooking ideas.

Description : Do you know anybody with Celiac Disease? If so, how is it for them?

Last Answer : answer:Some immediate members of my family just got the diagnosis. Ages 51, 7 and 11. They are adjusting to a new way of cooking, eating and thinking about food. Like any change, it has been ... lots of cook books. There are also many choices of breads and cookies in any decent health food store.

Description : Can people with Celiac disease safely use this whey protein product?

Last Answer : I would advise that you check with your physician or nutritionist to be sure that this particular whey protein product is safe for Celiac sufferers. While those with Celiac disease are advised ... , there is an immune boosting bioactive whey protein that is not contraindicated for Celiac patients.

Description : How can I tell if I have celiac disease?

Last Answer : Various symptoms that appear when having the celiac disease are like chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn's disease, iron-deficiency anemia, irritable bowel syndrome, parasite infections, skin disorders, diverticulitis, gastric ulcers, intestinal infections.

Description : How can you stop celiac disease?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, you cannot stop celiac disease. Making wise choices in your diet will help to alleviate your symptoms. It may take some time to find a diet that is right for you. Fortunately, ... Increased awareness of this disease also means you may be able to find support both online and locally.

Description : What is Celiac disease, and how does it affect one's health?

Last Answer : Celiac Disease (CD) is a lifelong inherited autoimmune condition affecting children and adults. When people with CD eat foods that contain gluten, it creates an immune-mediated toxic reaction that causes damage to the small intestine and does not allow food to be properly absorbed.

Description : What Can You Eat if You Have Celiac Disease?

Last Answer : Celiac disease is a severe gluten allergy which limits the foods that a person can eat. The prime offender is wheat, which contains lots of gluten. However, many other foods which don't typically ... label that says gluten free or states that there is gluten, which means it should be avoided.

Description : What are some popular books for Celiac disease diets?

Last Answer : There are many great cookbooks available for people with Celiac disease. Some great ones to try include Gluten Free, Sugar Free Cooking and The Ultimate Gluten Free Diet.

Description : How To Identify Common Symptoms of Celiac Disease?

Last Answer : Celiac disease can produce a variety of symptoms, depending on how severe it is as well as other personal variables. Common symptoms in more severe cases of Celiac include diarrhea and weight loss. ... that occur more rarely, and it is also possible to have Celiac without displaying any symptoms.

Description : What are foods that I can serve to someone who has celiac disease?

Last Answer : Believe it or not there are several foods that your friend can eat. You can find a large variety of recipes that are tasteful to all people through this link,

Description : Whatis celiac disease and is there a cure for it?

Last Answer : Celiac disease is one that interferes with your digesting of food. It attacks your small intestines. The people who have this cannot often have gluten foods. Therefore the only cure for it is a gluten free diet.

Description : How many people are affected with celiac disease each year in the United States?

Last Answer : Celiac disease is where people cannot tolerate gluten products. About 2000 people are diagnosed per year.

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Last Answer : a) Mucosal disorders causing generalized malabsorption In addition to celiac sprue, regional enteritis and radiation enteritis are examples of mucosal disorders.

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