Is there a diet that can relieve me of GERD symptoms?

1 Answer

Answer :

There are two sites that have information about GERD, WebMD and and both suggest that the GERD symptoms require surgery rather than any type of symptom relieve because they don't work long term.

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Last Answer : There is a diet that helps relieve the symptoms of Arthritis and gout. You can find the diet at The diet emphasizes dairy products, vegetable protein and water.

Description : Where do I find information about the symptoms of GERD?

Last Answer : You could ask your doctor about the symptoms of gerd throat and how to avoid getting it. They will be able to tell you if you have it, if you think you got it.

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Last Answer : answer:Well not exactly the same, however, I have recently had the joy of a Gallbladder flare up and the diet is similar to these conditions as well. Low fat, sugar, not eating large meals, not eating in ... long as she keeps to a light diet she is fine but anything rich or spicy sets off an attack.

Description : Eating Smaller Meals on a GERD Diet ?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease that causes patients to suffer from chronic heartburn. While there are standard foods, such as fried or acidic foods, to avoid on a GERD diet, ... large quantities of stomach acid. Many smaller meals reduce this risk and result in more comfort.

Description : What kind of diet do people with GERD usually have?

Last Answer : Some foods can make GERD symptoms worse. You should avoid caffeine and Carbonated Beverages. It has been said that spicy and acidic foods can also trigger bad symptoms, as well as chocolate.

Description : Is there a diet for GERD patients that allows them to eat a balanced diet?

Last Answer : Yes, when you suffer from GERD or basically acid reflux disease, there are definitely foods that you should avoid eating.

Description : Where do I need to go to find out more about diet for gerd?

Last Answer : GERD, also known as acid reflux is a frustrating affliction. It is best to stay away from acidic foods such as sugar, meat and processed foods. Diet to help treat symptoms of GERD is a ... is very acidic but alkalizes in the stomach. For more information visit

Description : Where can I find a diet for gerd patients?

Last Answer : Patients following a diet for GERD should choose a wide variety of low-calorie, nutritious foods in moderate amounts. This should include lots of ... meat, poultry, or dry beans. Also, choose foods that are low in fat and added sugars.

Description : what exactly is the gerd diet?

Last Answer : GERD diets help to trigger acid reflux. Avoid alcohol, chocolate, carbonated drinks, spicy food, high fat diets coffee, and high citrus fruits. Have papaya, pinapple, protein rich food,fibrous food, lean meat like chicken breast and fish.

Description : What all is on the gerd diet menu?

Last Answer : According to, you can eat non-acidic fruits, vegetables, grains, and most meat including chicken, ground beef, and fish. You may also eat some dairy products such as cream cheese, goat cheese, and soy based cheeses.

Description : The nurse teaches the patient with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which of the following measures to manage his disease? a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not ... blocks. d) Eat a low carbohydrate diet The patient is instructed to eat a low-fat diet

Last Answer : a) Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime. The patient should not recline with a full stomach.

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Last Answer : Gout is a form of Arthritis that is caused by high levels of uric acid in the body. The excess uric acid crystallizes and settles in the joints, which causes swelling and severe pain. It can ... developing this condition. In contrast, there are foods that can help to relieve the symptoms of gout.

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Description : Can GERD be chronic and not turn into cancer?

Last Answer : Although GERD is sometimes misrepresented as gastroesophageal reflux disease it is, in actuality, a disorder, not a sickness. (Hope this bit of info makes you feel a little better!) I hope you ... Smoking will aggravate it. I don't have GERD anymore since controlling it, and eating more sensibly

Description : How to control GERD without medication?

Last Answer : Raise the head of your bed about 1½ to 2 inches. Stop eating spicy foods. Stop drinking acidic liquids, like coffee. When you have heartburn, mix 1 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it.

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Last Answer : You mentioned you are hungry/starving 3x's so I would focus your attention towards foods that are both good for your IBS and GERDS yet satiating and filling so you are not always feeling hungry ... calorie wise. Discipline is key in breaking away from the syndromes you are suffering. Good luck.

Description : Any magic bullets to cure GERD naturally?

Last Answer : answer:I have GERDS and what is crucial to stopping the attack of acid reflux is to avoid acidic foods and carbonated beverages, reduce the amounts you eat by half and not eat past 6 PM. Any form of ... much. If you control your intake you can make GERDS go away. DO consult with your Doc on this.

Description : How to differentiate a pain caused by Heart attack and GERD?

Last Answer : Heart attack pain happens when one of the arteries supplying the heart becomes blocked. GERD is heartburn is burning pain often in the upper belly or lower chest. Heart attack You may feel like you have ... choking or your throat is tight. It is caused by stomach acid going back up the food pipe.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What foods should people with GERD avoid?

Last Answer : Avoid foods such as citrus (Oranges and kiwi), tomato and coffee that directly irritate the mucosa. Other irritants that should be avoided in a GERD diet include onions, large amounts of chocolate, mints and any food with high fat (lipid) content that affect pressure in the stomach.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately I couldn't seem to find gerd free foods, but I did find something that might help. Try eating small meals instead of 3 large meals, and take time eating, that might help the heartburn. I noticed ... a diet for you, that might help as well. Sorry I couldn't have been more of a help.

Description : What foods should a patient with GERD avoid?

Last Answer : There are several foods to avoid if you are battling GERD. These foods include: chocolate, peppermint and fat.

Description : what foods should i avoid with gerd?

Last Answer : Acidic foods, such as citruses, can upset gerd. Be careful with eating some fruits or strong foods as well. In moderation, they probably won't affect you but symptoms can increase through frequent eating of things like some berries or fried eggs.

Description : What foods should GERD patients avoid?

Last Answer : Patients with GERD should try to avoid foods that are highly acidic. Some of these foods include acidic fruits (grapefruit, Oranges, lemons), salad dressings, french fries, onions, and some meats.

Description : What are the foods to avoid with GERD?

Last Answer : GERD is basically acid reflux disease, and its true there are certain foods you should avoid eating. Here is a list of them

Description : Where can I find information on foods to avoid when you have GERD?

Last Answer : You should avoid certain foods if you have GERD. Most notably, you should avoid foods that have a high acid content, which will only aggravate symptoms. Things like citrus, coffee, and spices can aggravate GERD.

Description : What is GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is another name for heartburn, which is a chronic condition. It occurs when the sphincter of the esophogus, going into the stomach, allows some stomach acid to rise into the esophogus, and irritate the tissue there. It is a very painful, damaging, condition.

Description : What is GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) definition?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is another name for heartburn, which is a chronic condition. It occurs when the sphincter of the esophogus, going into the stomach, allows some stomach acid to rise into the esophogus, and irritate the tissue there. It is a very painful, damaging, condition.

Description : what does GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) mean?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseGastro Esophagus Reflux DiseaseGERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Description : Is GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) a disease?

Last Answer : Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, is another name for heartburn, which is a chronic condition. It occurs when the sphincter of the esophogus, going into the stomach, allows some stomach acid to rise into the esophogus, and irritate the tissue there. It is a very painful, damaging, condition.

Description : Which of the following terms refers to the symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which is characterized by a burning sensation in the esophagus? a) Pyrosis Pyrosis refers to ... Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing is termed dysphagia. d) Odynophagia Pain on swallowing is termed odynophagia.

Last Answer : a) Pyrosis Pyrosis refers to a burning sensation in the esophagus and indicates GERD.

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Last Answer : When that happens to me (I have chronic ear infections) I put cotton balls soaked in warm mineral oil just inside the opening. My doctor says don’t push it in, just lay it on the outer portion. I have also found that a warm cloth over the entire ear and face area provides relief.

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Last Answer : The DC-14 is a great vacuum, and will go a long way towards getting all your cat hair and dander out of the carpet. However, if you have very strong Allergies, you may want to find something else to complement it.

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Last Answer : My hospital that I work in has a 24 hour medical clinic. I’m not sure how much it helps emergency rooms, but non emergencies are sent to our clinic at least 3 times a day from other ER’s.

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Last Answer : answer:Get to the airport early. As early as possible so you can deal with any hiccups that may emerge. Make a list of what you need to bring and check it off as you pack. I always forget hair ... plane. It's kinda a security blanket. If you don't have something similar maybe you should get one.

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Last Answer : Have you tried doing nothing, and letting your ear’s heal naturally? Instead of aggravating your ears by fooling with them. You might have to go to sleep and let time take its course.

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Last Answer : answer:This drug is very unique, so much so that it's not really very well classified, even by the DEA. Pot has a variety of effects and like any drug, those effects are more relative to the user ... , and can cause anxiety for a person expecting the effects of an Indica (which is a mellow downer).

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Last Answer : The chamomile listing of Wikipedia has a whole section devoted to what is in the plant that gets infused into tea. Not fair for me to repeat when it is at your fingertips.

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Last Answer : answer:Just rest! The delayed muscle soreness is just because you're not used to lifting. It will last 2-3 days in each muscle group and then go - it's not a repeat' feature of lifting weights. If ... you're looking to build muscle - about 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day.

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Last Answer : answer:Can you call the nurse at the doctor’s office and ask for help? The doctor has an obligation to help you deal with the severe discomfort. Ice cream to tide you over.

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Last Answer : This happened to one of my kids this summer, and honestly I just gave him a cool, clean, damp washcloth to rest over his eyes while he slept. It was soothing, but non-irritating. You could try taking an Advil/ibuprofen to combat the swelling, if you’re comfortable taking something like that.

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Last Answer : Writing, shooting, compulsive cleaning.