Is leg pain an indicator of a serious health condition in elderly people?

1 Answer

Answer :

Leg pain can result from a number of different causes. However, it can also be caused by a blood clot. I feel that it is important to have this looked at if you have any of the other symptoms of venous clots such as swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. If you have any of these other symptoms I advise contacting your doctor immediatley or going to your local emergency room.

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Last Answer : You take calcium tablets (if you are 14 years old). Apply ointment on the feet. Do not keep feet cold. Heat your feet with hot water and you will get a lot of comfort. And the envoy should consult a physician directly.

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Last Answer : Leg pain can have many causes. For example, even a minor injury can cause pain in the legs. Arthritis can also cause leg pain. Muscle contractions can also cause pain. If there is tension in ... . Therefore, in case of leg pain, the advice of an experienced doctor should be sought without neglect.

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Last Answer : There are some reasons , if you walk for a long time, your legs will hurt. If the leg is injured in any way, the leg will hurt. Again, some people have seen that if the flesh of the foot is ... leg hurts. Again, if you ride a bicycle for many days, your legs will hurt. Hope you understand. Thanks

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Last Answer : Pain in leg vein or it is due to some other reason. Be sure to take the medicine after that. See a doctor in the medicine department for this.

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Last Answer : Drain the hot water. If it hurts more, take paracetamol.

Last Answer : Some causes of leg pain: Even a minor injury can cause leg pain. Arthritis can also cause leg pain. Muscle contractions can also cause pain. If there is tension in the muscles, then there ... caused by weak muscles , lack of nutrition , dehydration , muscle tension , prolonged walking or standing.

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Last Answer : Sedentary employment is a problem. Long-term sitting should be avoided. He wants to go for a walk every free moment (for a drink, to the toilet, to take something away). It is also necessary not ... to an alternating shower (alternating cold and hot water) and you will see how your feet get better.

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Last Answer : It is better to take vitamin B1, B6, and B12 for leg pains. This is a natural way to help your joints and keep them from pain. I learned this a very long time ago when I broke my hand and had to ... my hand and the nerve damage. This worked so well and it is the best way to get rid of your pain.

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Last Answer : R.I.C.E, standing for Rest, Icing, Compression, and Elevation.The same is true for the left leg.

Description : Leg pain?

Last Answer : DefinitionLeg pain is a common symptom and complaint.For more specific information, see:Foot painKnee painJoint painHip painMuscle painShin splintsAlternative NamesPain - leg; Aches - leg; Cramps - ... or overstretched muscle (strain)Hairline crack in the bone (stress fracture)Inflamed tendon (ten

Description : How can I counteract nerve pain in my leg?

Last Answer : When having nerve pain in your leg, it is first important to see a doctor about the cause of the condition. For treating pain, pain medication and cold compresses are often used to help numb pain.

Description : Where can I purchase medicine for my lower leg pain?

Last Answer : You should start off by figuring out what is actually causing the leg pain, then determine what type of medicine would be best for treating it. You can get medicine from any drug store, or get a prescription from a doctor.

Description : How do I relieve constant lower leg pain?

Last Answer : Of course, the symptoms vary depending on your specific knee injury, but things to look out for are: Pain, often when bending or straightening the knee Swelling If you have either of these symptoms, seek ... type of MRI in which a dye is injected into the knee to see more detail of the joint.

Description : What are the symptoms and signs of left leg pain.?

Last Answer : You can go to and get the signs and treatment of leg pain. The site gives great information as to what may have caused the pain and how to treat it. There is also a section that tells you when you should see a doctor.

Description : Should I be worried about pain in my left leg?

Last Answer : The pain you are experiencing may or may not be normal, and the causes for your pain varies, I suggest seeing a doctor about your pain and seek a proper diagnosis for your problem.

Description : What is the pain in my hip and leg?

Last Answer : Pain in the hips could be a number of issues including, but not limited to; Snapping Hip Syndrome or Iliotobial Band syndrome. Another issue that could be causing hip pain would be a hip stress fracture.

Description : What's the best way to figure out the cause of leg pain?

Last Answer : You can start with your primary care physician to find out the cause of your leg pain. Your PCP can do an array of test to try to determine what the underlying reason is for the pain.

Description : What can I do to cure my leg pain at night?

Last Answer : The most common cures of leg cramps are to drink more water and stretch regularly. you can also apply heat, massage the area and eat plenty of potassium rich foods.

Description : Why am I having leg pain at night?

Last Answer : Severe leg pain at night could be a symptom of Restless Leg Syndrome or a potassium deficiency. If the leg pain seems to get better when you get up and move, it may be RLS and you should see your ... it is a potassium deficiency, try eating a banana and drinking a glass of milk before you go to bed.

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Last Answer : Leg pain is in fact a symptom of fibromyalgia. however, having leg pain does not necessarily mean you have fibromyalgia, it could be a symptom of many leg-related problems.

Description : Does anyone know what could be causing my leg pain?

Last Answer : Leg pain could be due to poor blood flow, figuring this out is difficult because leg pain can also come from spinal stenosis and both pains come as cramping pain after minimal walking. It's best to consult your Doctor to discover which kind of pain you have.