How does one make a cholesterol diet food list?

1 Answer

Answer :

Create a list of foods that you eat regularly and then check the cholesterol content of these foods. Exclude foods that are especially high in cholesterol and you should be left with a list of foods that you enjoy that are also healthy.

Related questions

Description : Where to get a cholesterol diet food list?

Last Answer : You can find a food list on with your doctor also they can give you a list with what you should eat to help lower your cholestrol.Also you can try the food and drug adminstration website.

Description : Low Cholesterol Diet Food List?

Last Answer : For those with high cholesterol, often times diet and lifestyle changes can significantly reduce cholesterol levels. There are several food types that have cholesterol lowering properties. Eating a balanced ... , it is best to consult a physician who has experience with treating high cholesterol.

Description : How to Lower your LDL Cholesterol Through Changes in Your Diet?

Last Answer : When you go to your doctor, how may tell you that your hdl/ldl ratio is not good or he may simply tell you that your cholesterol as too high. The important thing to understand is that ... drugs. A common commercial touts the benefit of a well-known brand of cereal for lowering cholesterol and

Description : Can you eat meat when your on a low cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : It's advisable to keep your meat intake to a minimum while on a low cholestreol diet. Eating meat can raise your cholesterol.

Description : Do chicken eggs fit into a low cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : No, they do not. Eggs are extremely high in cholesterol. All animal products contain cholesterol. Your best bet would be to follow a low-fat, plant-based diet.

Description : What are the best diet programs to beat high cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are lots of specialized diets that can help with high cholesterol. It is best to talk to a specialist who can set out a specific diet for a person.

Description : What kind of diet is best for lowering cholesterol?

Last Answer : Low cholesterol diets include a lot of dietary fiber and call for an elimination of highly processed foods such as Hot Dogs and highly processed meats.

Description : How do I find information about a high cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : Information on a high cholesterol diet can be given from a nutritionist or a specialist. They can provide a layout for a diet that fits the need of a person.

Description : What is the best diet to reduce my cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : In order to lower your cholesterol levels it is important to remember that you are going to need to start eating healthy as soon as possible. This means cutting out any fats, processed foods, and starchy foods.

Description : How can I adapt my diet for lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : You can adapt your diet for lower cholesterol by adding more vegetables and decreasing the amount of beef and fried food you consume.

Description : How can diet help to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many foods you can eat to help to lower high cholesterol levels. Some easy every foods include Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods. Additionally fish high in omega 3 fatty acids, such as mackerel and lake trout are good.

Description : How can my diet lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can lower your cholesterol by eating healthier food, losing weight, and by watching what times you eat and how much you are eating throughout the day.

Description : Where can I find information about high cholesterol and how diet and exercise effect high cholesterol?

Last Answer : You can find lots of information online and in books at your local library. You would need to research info about high cholesterol and diet plans for cholesterol.

Description : What is a diet that helps you lower both your weight and maintain a healthy cholesterol level?

Last Answer : Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream. Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your total and LDL cholesterol and help you lose weight.

Description : What's the most effective diet to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Lowering cholesterol is easy when you have three super foods on hand. These foods are apples, beans, and brown rice. If you center your diet around these foods, you'll see that your cholesterol will lower dramatically.

Description : Will diet and medication help lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Instead of going on medication, the best way to lower your bad cholesterol is with a healthy diet. You should eat foods with good cholesterol and stay away from the foods with bad cholesterol in them.

Description : Whats the best low fat, cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : A low fat and low cholesterol diet is not so hard to do. You have to monitor what you eat, the best foods you can eat are fruits and meats, like steaks and chicken breasts.

Description : How can I lower my cholesterol naturally using diet and exercise?

Last Answer : You can lower your cholesterol by avoiding fatty foods and eating more whole grains, such as cereal and pasta. Any kind of exercise can help control cholesterol but studies have proven the best for lowering are aerobic, jogging and swimming.

Description : What is the simplest thing that can be removed from one's diet to lower cholesterol?

Last Answer : Cholesterol levels can be heightened when eating foods most people just don't think about. Some of the foods that can raise cholesterol include cake, pies, butter, and egg yolk.

Description : Diet & Exercise to Reduce Your Cholesterol Level?

Last Answer : A high cholesterol level can put you at risk for a heart attack or other health problems. One way to help reduce your cholesterol level or keep your level low is to incorporate exercise and a ... doctor, but your cholesterol level is still high, then you may need to take cholesterol lowering drugs.

Description : High Cholesterol Diet Dangers?

Last Answer : A diet high in cholesterol is a diet that includes both cholesterol and saturated fat, which raises bad cholesterol levels in the body. High cholesterol leads to many health problems and should be ... in cholesterol and should be avoided by people looking to lower the cholesterol in their diets.

Description : Which cholesterol lowering diet plan includes tasty meals?

Last Answer : There is a good cholesterol lowering diet plan from Natural Solutions magazine. You can go here to read it:

Description : What is a good high cholesterol diet plan?

Last Answer : There are several sites that offer this info. Here is one of

Description : What are good and bad cholesterol diet foods?

Last Answer : There is a great website you can go that will give you the low down on good and bad cholesterol food. It comes from Harvard University and the site is .

Description : Where can i learn more about a low cholesterol diet plan?

Last Answer : Http:// and are good sites to learn about diets to lower your cholesterol. As a nurse, I know a good diet can eliminate the need for medication to lower cholesterol.

Description : What is a low fat, low cholesterol diet made of?

Last Answer : There are lots of foods you can eat that are low in fat and also low in cholesterol. You mainly should eat lots of whole grain foods.���low-cholesterol-recipes

Description : What is a good diet for someone with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : Someone with high cholesterol should make sure to get plenty of fiber. Beans, bananas, and apples are all great sources of fiber. For other recommended foods and foods to avoid, I recommend this article from Livestrong:

Description : Where can I find more information on lower cholesterol diet plan ?

Last Answer : Http:// is a good website with great information on lowering your cholesterol. It outlines some good things to eat and others to avoid.

Description : Is there a cholesterol diet plan to lower cholesterol levels?

Last Answer : Yes, there are many diets that you can go on to help lower your bad cholesterol levels. The most important thing to keep in mind is that healthy is best, so a lot of fresh, organic fruits and veggies will do you well on your quest to lower bad cholesterol.

Description : What are some diet plans for people with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : High cholesterol is a problem shared by many. Learning what foods to eat and how to prepare them in a way that will lower cholesterol could help one prolong the need to take cholesterol lowering medication.

Description : What is a healthy diet that will help lower my blood pressure and my cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are alot of ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.You should eat healthy like apples, lettuce, drinking water, eating Oranges, and exercising everyday.

Description : Is there a diet for high cholesterol?

Last Answer : Generally, increasing your fiber is a good way to decrease your cholesterol. Recent news reports also show soy reduces bad cholesterol nearly as much as medication.

Description : High Cholesterol Diet Plans?

Last Answer : Learning to follow a diet plan low in fat and cholesterol in hopes of lowering your cholesterol levels is often tough. Diets are confusing by nature, and you may find yourself unsure of what you can and ... the diet by focusing on natural, low fat foods, you can have success in just a few months.

Description : What is a good high cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : Guys this article teaches very well what food we should eat to keep cholesterol down, copy the address without a link space htt ps://

Description : When trying to lower your cholesterol, is it better to eat good foods or to diet?

Last Answer : When lowering your cholesterol, it is ALWAYS better to eat more wholesome and healthy foods rather than dieting. Eating foods with much more grains and less fats is the best way to go. Try eating a bowl of cheerios every morning and avoid eating fatty meats.

Description : Where can I find out more about lowering cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : is a great way to start gathering information about lowering cholesterol diet. There are toolbars for expert answers, basics and in-depth details, and resources to gather even more information.

Description : What is an example of a low cholesterol diet recipe?

Last Answer : You can find low cholesterol recipes at You can also try for some great recipes.

Description : What are some good things to eat when on a high cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : If you have recently found out from your doctor about a high cholesterol problem, changing your diet can make a huge difference. Whole grains have been proven to lower cholesterol levels across the board, and have many other positive healthy effects as well.

Description : Where can I find more information on cholesterol lowering diet?

Last Answer : WebMD has a wonderful article on cholesterol lowering diets at Another comprehensive site specifically devoted to this topic is Good luck!

Description : Does Weight Watchers have a diet plan that will help lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : Yes, weight watchers offer a variety of different diet and meal plans. They do have some that are designed to help you lose weight as well as lower you cholesterol level at the same time.

Description : Where can I see a cholesterol diet menu?

Last Answer : There are many place you can find cholesterol diet menus. On, they have hundreds of low cholesterol recipes for breakfasts, main dishes, desserts and snacks. Another good site is ..., they have a seven day diet menu.

Description : Where can I find info on low cholesterol diet online?

Last Answer : Low Cholesterol Diet High Cholesterol Foods - Free Online Health ... can help you to eat the right cholesterol and still keep your cholesterol down.

Description : Best diet for someone with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : The best way is keto diet I have used this an amazing Keto diet custom plan and I have lost 15 kg in 3 month, it was incredible guy! believe m. Check it out click here to see it:

Description : Where can I found out about cholesterol lowering diet?

Last Answer : There are many good foods that are beneficial to lowering cholesterol. In addition to fresh fruits and veggies, there are a lot of foods that contain healthy cholesterol. Please check out

Description : Where can I find a low cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : For me, I always refer to Web MD before making any health changes to my diet. They also offer unique many tools to also track your progress and keep track of how well you are doing in your quest to maintain better health.

Description : How can I lower my cholesterol through my diet?

Last Answer : The best foods to eat to lower your cholesterol include garlic, fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains. Limit red meats, cheese and fried foods.

Description : What would be a good diet for someone with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : A good diet for someone with high cholesterol is to start eating healthy food like fresh vegetable and fruits. One should also avoid greasy and oil food like fast food and should start cooking at ... the amount calories of the food they're eating so control the amount of cholesterol they're eating.

Description : What are some foods that can be eaten on a high cholesterol diet?

Last Answer : If you are trying to avoid eating foods high in cholesterol then avoid dairy such as high fat content milks, yogurts and eggs. Also avoid fatty meats like bacon and ham, Hamburgers etc. ... diet would be dark leafy greens and roughage. Fruits and vegetables are a very healthy alternative.

Description : Where can I find a diet for high cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are many diets for high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol you should eat more fruits and vegetables. There are some suggestions here:

Description : What foods can I add to my diet to lower my cholesterol?

Last Answer : Oatmeal, fish, and nuts are the top three that is recommended by doctors to lower cholesterol. Some other foods that will be beneficial are soy and olive oil.