The Warning Signs Of Thyroid Cancer?

1 Answer

Answer :

The thyroid is located right below the adam's apple, at the base of the neck. The thyroid's main function is to create hormones that regulate the body's temperature, weight and metabolism, heart rate, and blood pressure. Thyroid cancer occurs when the cells in the thyroid mutate and become cancerous. The cause of thyroid cancer is unknown, however, there are risk factors that make some people more susceptible to developing it. Also, thyroid cancer symptoms can be hard to spot, and are only noticed when the disease has progressed. The chances of women getting thyroid cancer is three times more likely than men. Having a family history of goiter, which is the enlargement of the thyroid gland, can cause a person to be at risk of getting thyroid cancer. Another risk factor is if there is a history of having thyroid cancer in the family. Also, being exposed to radiation at high levels have shown to cause thyroid cancer. Older people and Caucasians are more likely to get thyroid cancer than any other age or race. Although thyroid cancer does not manifest with many signs and symptoms during the early stages, as it gets larger, there are several symptoms that show up. As the tumor grows, it can press on the voice box and cause hoarseness or other voice changes. People can also experience difficulty in swallowing, and often accompanied by pain in the throat or neck. Thyroid cancer can also be detected when a person notices a nodule or visible bump on their neck. Because thyroid cancer is not common in the United States, doctors will most likely try to find other reasons for the symptoms. If thyroid cancer is suspected, a biopsy is done to the nodule to determine if it is benign or is indeed cancerous. When the symptoms do point to thyroid cancer, the customary treatment is surgery. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are other treatments that are used. If the cancer has not spread, there is a large chance of success. Survival rates vary depending on how large the tumor was, the person's age, and whether it has spread. For the most part, long-term survival rates are high for people who develop thyroid cancer.

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Description : Thyroid Cancer Symptoms

Last Answer : As we grow older, we develop nodules in our thyroid glands. A study shows that as much as 75 percent of the population will develop thyroid nodules but almost all of them (99%) is noncancerous ... patients forget. For some of them, it is too late. Consulting your physician regularly saves lives.

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Last Answer : Surgery is the most common treatment option for thyroid cancer. It can be a lobectomy, wherein a part of the thyroid is removed from your body, or a thyroidectomy, wherein the doctor ... the performance of the endocrine system in regulating the body's metabolism, temperature, growth and fertility.

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Last Answer : First, you have to know how cancers, in general, develop. Cells, the basic unit of our body, have a life cycle. They grow and divide to form new cells. Old cells die. This process occurs according ... factors don't have it. The best way to make sure is to visit your doctor for checkups regularly.

Description : Papillary Thyroid Cancer

Last Answer : Papillary thyroid cancer is the most common but the most treatable of all thyroid cancers. In fact, it comprises about 70% of all diagnosed thyroid cancer cases. In the United States alone, at least 10 ... removed from the body. A follow up is also necessary to check for recurrence of cancer cells.

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Last Answer : Before trying to understand metastatic thyroid carcinoma, you have to know the concept called "metastasis" first. Metastasis is the movement or spread of a disease or an infection from one organ ... disease follows. Chemotherapy also works and can also be used for curing metastatic thyroid cancer.

Description : Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Last Answer : Medullary thyroid cancer is the third most common of all thyroid cancers. It accounts for 5 to 8 percent of the entire thyroid cancer cases. It is completely different from all the other thyroid ... remove the lymph nodes and fatty tissues within the side of the neck that harbors the cancer.

Description : The Guide to Thyroid Cancer

Last Answer : The thyroid is one underrated organ. Most people do not know much about this small part of our body as much as we do about the lungs, heart or liver. The thyroid is a gland located at ... prognosis is excellent most of the time. It is also often treatable and can be completely removed with surgery.

Description : Thyroid Cancer Treatment

Last Answer : The good news is that thyroid cancer is treatable. There are many ways of treating it depending on the stage and type of the disease, the patient's demographic, and the patient's choice. ... These chemical substances enter the bloodstream. It is also very effective but comes with nasty side effects.

Description : Follicular Thyroid Cancer

Last Answer : Follicular thyroid cancer is the second most common of all thyroid cancers. It comprises about 15% of all thy thyroid cancer cases. Considered more aggressive than the more common papillary ... also required to undergo hormone treatment to replace the natural hormones that the thyroid produce.

Description : Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

Last Answer : Anaplastic thyroid cancer is the rarest of all the thyroid cancers. It constitutes 0.5 to 1.5 percent of all the thyroid cancer cases. However, it is the most aggressive and the ... undergo surgery. Instead, external radiation therapy will prove useful to them. Chemotherapy is also an option.

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Last Answer : Oftentimes, colon cancer signs are not obvious unless you are actively looking for them. There is a wide range of symptoms associated with the disease, from severe to mild. Understanding the symptoms is ... your doctor closely to determine the cause of any symptoms, and plan a course of treatment.

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