Lower High Blood Pressure?

1 Answer

Answer :

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, affects millions of people around the world. Individuals with high blood pressure are usually advised by their doctors to improve their nutrition and make minor changes to their daily routine. However, many doctors also prescribe high blood pressure medications for lower blood pressure as well.Individuals Can Lower Blood Pressure by Eating Well and ExercisingIndividuals who suffer from high blood pressure can get on road to lower blood pressure by doing simple things such as watching their diet, losing weight and walking each day. By making these minor changes, many individuals experience lower blood pressure very quickly. However, this is not always the case.Healthy Individuals Can Have High Blood PressureMany patients who eat well, are not overweight and exercise suffer from high blood pressure as well. This is because many patients are genetically predisposed to high blood pressure because high blood pressure runs in their family. For patients who are genetically disposed to high blood pressure having a lean body, eating well and leading a healthy life does not always result in lower blood pressure. Individuals who are predisposed to high blood pressure rates often have to take medication for a lower blood pressure rate.Avoiding Foods High in Sodium Content Can Help Lower Blood Pressure ResultsMost individuals who have high blood pressure and want lower blood pressure results are always advised to stay away from high sodium content foods and salt. Foods that contain salt and have a high sodium content do not help lower blood pressure. This is because people who eat salt are known to retain more water in their body which always drives the blood pressure up.Individuals who would like lower blood pressure must take the steps to improve their health. Maintaining a low sodium diet is always recommended for people with high blood pressure. However, avoiding food high sodium content does not always lead to lower blood pressure. That is why individuals who have high blood pressure should always be under the care of a Doctor Who will prescribe blood pressure medication.

Related questions

Description : What are the most effective ways to lower my high blood pressure?

Last Answer : Diet to Lower High Blood Pressure. One of the simplest and most effective ways to lower your blood pressure is to eat a healthy diet, such as the DASH diet.

Description : Are there any medications that will directly lower my high blood pressure?

Last Answer : High blood pressure also known as hypertension can be treated with many different medications. Benicar, Cardizem, Lopresser. Norvasc, and Vasotec are a few of these medications.

Description : Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally in Just One Month?

Last Answer : High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a disease the wreaks havoc on the body. Left untreated it can result in kidney failure, heart attack and stroke. A normal blood pressure reading ... lifestyle changes. These changes not only affect blood pressure, but increase an individual's overall health.

Description : Are there natural supplements that help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are only a few natural remedies for high blood pressure that I know of. Adding garlic to your diet and lowering sodium intake will help. Also, if you are over weight and aren't very active, exercising will help to lower your blood pressure.

Description : What foods should be eaten to help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : He should eat lean cuts of meat, skimmed milk, soups that are low in sodium, foods high in potasium have been found to lower blood pressure, spinach, garlic and Dark Chocolate are also good for blood pressure.

Description : What types of vitamins help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : You should not take any sort of vitamins, especially ones claiming to lower blood pressure without talking to your doctor. It sounds like there may be an underlying problem to your high blood pressure.

Description : What are some good vitamins to help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), Garlic, fish oil, hawthorn, and folic acid are some really good natural remedies for help in lowering high blood pressure. Hope things work out for you.

Description : Which foods help lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : High blood pressure is also referred to as hypertension. There are some diets that will help you control this issue. Here is a link www.webmd.com/���hypertension-high-blood-pressure/���dash-diet

Description : Are there vitamins that lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : Vitamins do not lower your blood pressure values. You have to couple vitamins with a good diet, lower sodium intake, and exercise. You have to do things that healthy for you and avoid stress.

Description : What are some good supplements to lower high blood pressure?

Last Answer : http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/factors/supls.htm has some supplement issues you could look into. http://www.raysahelian.com/highbloodpressure.html also has some blood pressure advice.

Description : People who take blood pressure medicine: does your heart rate go up a little when your BP is lower?

Last Answer : No, but I’d think if you are taking Thyroid replacement would cause a rise in heart rate.

Last Answer : " Quick Health Tips: Lower Blood Pressure" Many people suffer from high blood pressure. All you have to do is mix honey with a little bit of lemon juice , it will lower blood pressure or high blood pressure.

Description : how to lower blood pressure quickly

Last Answer : You never want to raise or lower BP fast. It can cause you to get dizzy, blackout or stroke. Seek a doctor's counsel when dealing with health issues, especially dangerous issues like high blood pressure.

Description : What can a normal weight person do to lower their blood pressure?

Last Answer : In order to lower blood pressure, proper diet and exercise is key. Someone with high blood pressure should cut fatty, sugary foods out of their diet completely. By adding exercise, their body is becoming healthier, thus helping lower their blood pressure.

Description : What are the most effective ways to lower blood pressure without using medication?

Last Answer : The most effective way to lower blood pressure without medication is through proper diet and exercise. Medication is still the best way to lower blood pressure though.

Description : Is there a holistic way to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : Yes there are ways to lower your blood pressure healthy . One way is to eat healthier foods and get exercise and if you are over weight exercise to loss a few pounds , but talk to your doctor about this way first .

Description : What are some of the most natural ways to lower blood pressure without depending on medication?

Last Answer : Some natural ways to lower your blood pressure without depending on medication could include quitting smoking if you smoke, or losing weight if you are overweight.

Description : What steps can one take to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : You can lower blood pressure by keeping fit and watching your weight. This includes eating a healthy diet, and exercising on a regular basis. Reduce your sodium intake, drink more water, and limit the alcohol you drink.

Description : What are some of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : The most effective ways to lower blood pressure is to eat foods in high fiber. The other most effective way to lower blood pressure is to stay calm and humbled.

Description : What foods should I avoid to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : Watch your sugar intake. One healthy snack is cheerios. It also helps lower your cholesterol. Don't eat mayo, it is bad for so many other reasons. I think you can eat peanut butter cups to help, also works as a Viagra type medication.

Description : What is a way to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : High blood pressure can come from a lot of things. Try changing up your diet and exercise. Avoiding unneeded stress and getting plenty of sleep at night. All these things should help with lowering your bp.

Description : Do they make tea that will help lower your blood pressure?

Last Answer : According to WebMD, there is evidence that drinking up to three cups of tea a day may reduce the odds of developing hypertension, but no evidence mentioned for lowering blood pressure once it ... water. Finally, it should be noted that tea contains caffeine, which temporarily raises blood pressure.

Description : What foods can I eat that will help to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : Nearly all vegetables are good for helping blood pressure, and, at least very least, certainly won't hurt it. You can try carrots, cabbage, broccoli, and leafy greens to help your blood pressure.

Description : What foods can my husband eat to help lower his blood pressure?

Last Answer : The best things to incorporate are high in grains, low in saturated fats, and high in healthy fats foods, such as peanuts, almonds, brown rice,, brocolli, and similar foods.

Description : What foods help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : While on the internet, I discovered a list of foods that help lower blood pressures. http://www.choose-healthy-food.com/foods-that-lower-blood-pressure.html. These foods listed are: sprouts, green ... chard), herbs, vegetables (broccoli, beets), fruits, nuts/seeds, whole grains, beans and berries.

Description : Are there any vitimins to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are Vitamins and Supplements to help lower blood pressure. You should ask our doctor about getting a prescription. Using the vitamins along with a good diet should help.

Description : What is a good diet to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : The DASH diet is the diet of choice for lowering blood pressure. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has information on this diet. http://emall.nhlbihin.net/hbpSubLink.asp?p=2&h=3&g=27&r=1

Description : Are there any foods I can eat to help lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are several foods you can eat to help with hypertension or high blood pressure. Here is a link to more information about the DASH diet. www.webmd.com/���hypertension-high-blood-pressure/���dash-diet

Description : What are some supplements to help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : One of the best things you can take to help lower your blood pressure is potassium. You should be able to get enough of this in your diet without needing supplements. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/hbp/prevent/factors/supls.htm

Description : What diets lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are several foods that have been shown to lower your blood pressure that you could try. Those are garlic,pomegranate,dark chocolate, bananas,kiwi, beans of all kinds, tomatos, and fish have all been shown to help lower your blood pressure.

Description : What foods help to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : Specific foods are not known to lower blood pressure. An overall healthy eating plan can lower blood pressure, and reduce or eliminate the amount of medication a patient requires. This kind of diet includes ... yourself. Use Mrs. Dash (a sodium-free blend of herbs and spices) or a salt substitute.

Description : What foods should be eaten to help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : You can find a list of foods for low blood pressure diet online from WebMD, the MayoClinic, or MedlinePlus. The most important thing to do is lower your sodium/salt intake by removing hight sodium foods from you diet and cutting back with the salt shaker. You can substitute sea salt sometimes.

Description : What are some supplements to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are quite a few supplements that can help lower blood pressure. Supplements like Potassium, calcium, and magnesium are essential if you want to reduce blood pressure.

Description : Which vitamins help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : Vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A is three vitamins that can lower high blood pressure. Vitamin C protects your arties. If you want to lower your blood pressure 800 units of vitamin E everyday.

Description : Can vitamins help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are many vitamins that can help lower blood pressure. Vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium can help with lowering your blood pressure. Adding more of these vitamins can help facilitate a blood pressure drop.

Description : Does it matter what brand of supplements I use to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : Yes it does matter what brand of supplement you are using to lower your blood pressure because some supplements can be harmful. You will want to use natural supplements since they are the healthiest for your body and condition.

Description : What is a healthy diet that will help lower my blood pressure and my cholesterol?

Last Answer : There are alot of ways to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.You should eat healthy like apples, lettuce, drinking water, eating Oranges, and exercising everyday.

Description : What are some foods that help lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : Low sodium foods are the best for lowering blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are very healthy options for healthy eating along with leans meats and organic foods.

Description : Do they have over the counter supplements to lower your blood pressure?

Last Answer : There are many over the counter pills to lower blood pressure. To see what ones are available to you you should check at your local pharmecy. Many times there are generic types of prescription brands, you can get over the counter.

Description : What vitamins help to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : According to an Ehow.com article (http://www.ehow.com/about_5108379_vitamins-lower-blood-pressure.html), B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, Coenzyme Q10, magnesium, and Omega 3 supplements all have been shown to lower blood pressure.

Description : What is the most effective diet to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : The best diet to lower blood pressure is to eat food such as honey nut cheerios its good and healthy. Another food is Oatmeal Squares its healthy and delicious.

Description : What some ways to lower my blood pressure other than medications?

Last Answer : A great way to lower blood pressure is to meditate. This practice will really calm your system and you will benefit greatly from the clarity that it will bring.

Description : What are some natural ways to lower blood pressure?

Last Answer : If your blood pressure is only moderately high, milk thistle and hawthorne have some beneficial effect. Also, taurine, which is an amino acid works well for some people. All three can be found in most ... salt diet and add some exercise, such as walking a few miles three of four times a week.

Description : 63. A hypertensive client is taking herbal supplement for his hypertension. He was prescribed antihypertensive medication. The client wants to continue taking his herbal medication to lower his blood pressure. The nurse’s most appropriate action is to

Last Answer : B. Tell the client that herbal supplements have no proven therapeutic effects

Description : A semiconscious patient of haemorrhagic cerebral stroke has been brought to the emergency. His blood pressure is 240/120 mmHg. Select the procedure to lower his blood pressure as ... injection of hydralazine C. Intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprusside D. Intravenous injection of clonidin

Last Answer : C. Intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprussid

Description : How to Lower Blood Pressure ?

Last Answer : How to Lower Blood Pressure It is absolutely vital that you learn how to lower blood pressure, especially if your doctor says that your blood pressure is a little high. This is due to the fact that ... quick 5 minute check up will be enough for you to start on your journey to lower blood press