What is the difference between an elliptical machine and a treadmill?

1 Answer

Answer :

The elliptical machine is basically a treadmill but more. It combines a stepper with incline to get a three in one combo to lose body fat faster and easier.

Related questions

Description : Is an elliptical machine better for the knees than a treadmill?

Last Answer : Treadmills and elliptical trainers are two of the most popular pieces of exercise equipment and are excellent tools for getting an aerobic workout indoors. When you compare treadmills vs. elliptical trainers, ... go and buy that treadmill, you may want to give elliptical trainers a second glance.

Description : Does an elliptical machine or a standard treadmill provide a safer exercise option?

Last Answer : An elliptical machine is good for bad knees (Its like a cross trainer) as they don't land any pressure on your knees. On the other hand treadmill will force you to put your leg on it ... my advice is to buy an elliptical machine. For more information go to:- http://www.ellipticalvstreadmill.us/

Description : What burns more calories per hour, a treadmill or elliptical machine?

Last Answer : The amount of calories you burn is based on how much effort you put in, how efficient you are at the exercise and how much you weigh. A 150 pound woman on an elliptical burns between 250- ... 30 minutes of moderate exercise. The same woman on a treadmill will burn around 300 for moderate exercise.

Description : How does an elliptical machine compare with a treadmill?

Last Answer : An elliptical machine focuses on particular parts of the body, such as the arm, legs and lower abdomen. The treadmill acts as a running-platform for its users, enabling runners to run in place without having to go outside.

Description : Which machine is easier on your body, an elliptical or a treadmill?

Last Answer : The Elliptical Machine wins by far in the battle of treadmill vs. elliptical. The treadmill is just as harmful to your ligaments as running or walking outside. The elliptical machine is easy on your joints and yet gives you a much better work-out, including burning more calories.

Description : A treadmill or elliptical? Which one is the better one to lose weight and burn calories?

Last Answer : Elliptical is easier to stay on for a longer time, IMO. I find treadmill boring, elliptical can actually be fun and i believe you do burn more calories in a shorter time (as compared to treadmill) with an elliptical.

Description : What is better for a good workout -- elliptical or treadmill?

Last Answer : In my opinion the elliptical is better as it gives your whole leg a workout. It is also safer to use than a treadmill and feels easier to use. The elliptical also is better on for your joints.

Description : What are the differences between using a treadmill compared to using an elliptical?

Last Answer : Both the treadmill and the elliptical are machines made to make your body move. The treadmill will give you a high intensity workout that can put stress on joints, ankles, hips and knees, if you're ... keep the stress off the joints. Both are very good machines but you must first know your body.

Description : How do a treadmill and an elliptical compare?

Last Answer : Both the treadmill and elliptical are good in terms of being fit and losing weight; however, they have differences too. In elliptical, it is a much lighter workout session where the user can't feel too much pain after a workout session, whereas with treadmills provide a hard workout experience.

Description : Are elliptical workouts more effective then the treadmill?

Last Answer : Both elliptical and treadmill workouts are great cardio. The elliptical is a full body workout, while the treadmill focuses mostly on your lower body. Both will burn calories, I think the decision should be based on your body. The treadmill can be harder on your knees and joints than the elliptical.

Description : What's the difference between an elliptical bike and a machine?

Last Answer : There is no such thing as an elliptical bike, sorry. Elliptical machines are machines that allow you to walk in a circular motion with your legs. It's good for working out.

Description : On a treadmill, why is the degree of incline shown on the machine not the true incline?

Last Answer : When we run on an incline, in addition to running forward, we are moving upward against the force of gravity. Our legs are performing work by lifting our body mass up - like walking up stairs. The work ... Incline or no, the device will still work as a perfect clothes rack 4 months after you get it.

Description : Taking a car to the gymnasium to use a treadmill exercise machine - When will people rediscover the value of walking for daily errands?

Last Answer : I think it’s far from a new trend, and I don’t think it will have any effect on the treadmill industry.

Description : Where can I purchase a Weslo Cardio Glide new or used exercise machine, with seat, handlebar and pedals I don't want a treadmill. The seat rises as you push your legs out, feet on the pedals, pull the handle bar towards you. What is approximate price?

Last Answer : The Weslo Cardio Glide machine is difficult to find new however there is one etailer that still carries it, www.ranchomurieta.com. It may be easier however to simply purchase another machine with the ... as Craigslist.org where you can occasionally find the Weslo Cardio Glide for around $20 - $40.

Description : How does a rowing machine compare to a treadmill for aerobic activity?

Last Answer : Both rowing machines and treadmills offer good aerobic work outs. However treadmills cause more impact and stress on the knees and ankles. You may prefer rowing machines if you have joint pain or weak knees and ankles.

Description : What elliptical machine would you recommend, and why?

Last Answer : It depends a lot on your budget. The good ones are pricey. What’s your price range?

Description : Where can I purchase a used elliptical exercise machine in Richardson, TX?

Last Answer : You can go to used appliances stores. There are also some exercise products outlets where you can find an elliptical machine. You can also check local thrift stores.

Description : Are there any downsides to an elliptical exercise machine?

Last Answer : There are some negatives to an elliptical exercise machine like the potential for injury. With a good exercise regime and proper safety precautions there should be very little risk involved with an elliptical exercise machine.

Description : How much room do you need for an elliptical exercise machine?

Last Answer : Elliptical exercise machines vary in size. However, many are around 5 x 3 feet, so leave at least this much room.

Description : How much should I pay for a used elliptical machine?

Last Answer : That depends upon the quality of the machine. Costs of ellipticals vary widely from 150$ to over 1000$. You should check to see what it's worth new and then make sure it's in good condition. In general you should be able to buy a good machine for 250$ or less.

Description : What web site would I go to or what other source would I use to find elliptical machine reviews?

Last Answer : You could either try a general website that sells elliptical machines, such as Amazon, and search for reviews on there. Alternatively you could visit a website that specializes in consumer reviews, for example www.consumerreports.org

Description : What is a sole elliptical machine?

Last Answer : The sole elliptical machine combines both natural human movement and exercise to simulate the pattern your foot travels. The Sole E35 cross trainer has received a "Best Buy" award for two consecutive years.

Description : How much is it to buy an elliptical machine?

Last Answer : Prices for these machines tend to vary. It really depends on how much you are trying to spend. used machines are way cheaper. prices are usually from $160-$300.

Description : What are the benefits of an elliptical machine?

Last Answer : Working out on an elliptical machine offers many benefits. Some of the benefits of working out on this machine are that you are able to work the entire body, it is non-impact and it is also convenient.

Description : What are the elliptical machine benefits?

Last Answer : The elliptical allows is a low impact exercise machine for the whole body-both upper and lower body. The arm motions involve use of the entire upper body. It promotes cardiovascular fitness.

Description : What is a good price to pay for an elliptical machine?

Last Answer : According to Lance Armstrong, you get what you pay for when purchasing elliptical machines. I think a visit to his website would provide the information you need about purchasing elliptical machines: www.livestrong.com/.../380796-what-are-the-best-elliptical-machine

Description : Shape Up With a Cheap Elliptical Machine?

Last Answer : Basic Elliptical Machine RoutineOne of the best workouts individuals can get at home is on a cheap elliptical machine. People who do not own an elliptical machine should consider buying a cheap ... a week, individuals will be on their way to improving their appearance and cardiovascular health.

Description : What is an elliptical machine, is it for exercise?

Last Answer : And elliptical machine is a low impact workout machine that is cardio. You do cardiovascular exercises on it and it works out your legs and back very well.

Description : What is the difference in calories burned between a tread climber and treadmill?

Last Answer : A tread climber burns more but it really depends on the workout that you do. You can burn just as many calories on a treadmill as a tread climber but your going to have to work harder. If you run say, a 10 minute mile on both, the tread climber will burn more.

Description : What's the difference between an ordinary bicycle and an elliptical one?

Last Answer : An elliptical bicycle is a bicycle that is placed in your home and that stays stationary. A regular bicycle is only suited for outdoor use unless you buy specific equipment which then makes it become ... you may want to buy a rack to make it become stationary instead of splurging on an elliptical.

Description : Explain the difference in the earths climate change when the earths orbit changes from elliptical to circular?

Last Answer : Earth's eccentricity Eccentricity is defined as the difference in shape between an ellipse and a perfect circle. In a similar fashion to Earth's obliquity, the more uniform Earth's orbit is (more like a perfect circle), the less difference there is in climate change throughout the year.

Description : Is ten minutes on the treadmill a waste of time and worthless?

Last Answer : Yes. Bring music or an audio-book next time.

Description : How much would you pay a couple of guys to lift a heavy treadmill up 3, then 4 easy stairs, and load it into a truck?

Last Answer : answer:It costs c. $500 to move a baby grand piano. The treadmill is less delicate and can be jarred a bit. I'd offer $100 per guy. When my treadmill (worth $2000 and over 15 years ... negotiating stairs. They had a forklift or dolly to load the thing onto the truck from the warehouse originally.

Description : I have a little blood blister (about the size of a dime) on the bottom of my left foot. It hurts, but not in a crippling way. I was wondering if I could continue walking on the treadmill?

Last Answer : Let it heel heal. You can walk on the treadmill though. Maybe try it w/o shoes though if it is an at home personal mill?

Description : What is a good brand of treadmill?

Last Answer : A new puppy! XD

Description : What should I use to lubricate my manual treadmill?

Last Answer : answer:I’m having trouble even picturing a manual treadmill. Maybe you could see if you still have the manual, or call the company who makes them?

Description : Any ideas on how to make a 30 minute treadmill run a little less boring?

Last Answer : Naked?

Description : Is it okay to run barefoot on a private treadmill?

Last Answer : I think that if it doesn’t hurt you and you want to do it, I see no problem with it.

Description : Runners: Do you prefer to run outside or on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Treadmill. If I collapse, I want to be near a phone.

Description : A question about the aeroplane on a treadmill. Can you solve this conundrum?

Last Answer : http://blag.xkcd.com/2008/09/09/the-goddamn-airplane-on-the-goddamn-treadmill/

Description : What stats are good when using a treadmill?

Last Answer : If you're going to do an aerobic workout get yourself a decent heart rate monitor and then start to figure out what your anaerobic threshold is and then what your target heart rate should be ... and then will vary speeds and inclines automatically to keep you properly challenged. Hope that helps..

Description : Outdoor running vs. running on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Outdoor pro: Better scenery. Outdoor con: Possible uneven footing. Outdoor con: Traffic. Outdoor con: Weather

Description : How long after eating can you exercise, say on a treadmill?

Last Answer : Growing up, we were not allowed to swim for an hr. after eating, for whatever that is worth.I always wait several hrs after a meal before walking or treadmeal...less, I guess, if meal is small.

Description : Can a plane take off on a giant treadmill?

Last Answer : I doubt. A plane need drag that creates lift. This is only done by speed of air over top of wings

Description : If I use the treadmill on my second floor apartment, could it bother my downstairs neighbors?

Last Answer : Oh yes. We live in a two-story house with a treadmill upstairs, and the noise is very noticable downstairs.

Description : Would you do more treadmill excercises if your computer with Internet was hooked to it?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps, but what would you do with all of that jostling around? Hook up an FPS requiring the player to run faster to get the in-game character to run faster, and we have a good exercise program!

Description : What is a treadmill ?

Last Answer : A treadmill is a device that allows you to do walking or running exercises from the same place.

Description : Hello everyone, I wonder if anyone has experience with this machine or with the same brand at least. http://www.give.cz/p/insportline-incondi-t60i I would like to buy a treadmill and I am most interested in ... he's really good. What do you think of him? Thanks so much in advance for the answers

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : When You walked 1.5 kilometers on the treadmill. How many meters did you walk?

Last Answer : There are 1,000 metres in a kilometre.Therefore, in 1.5 kilometres, there are 1,500 metres.

Description : If your pace on a treadmill is 65 meters per minute how many minutes will it take for you to walk a distance of 7500 feet?

Last Answer : 35 minutes