How do you stop the itch and sting of ant bites?

1 Answer

Answer :

Try applying some mud to the area. It has a cooling effect. Also, try mixing baking soda and water to make a paste which will bring the discomfort level down.

Related questions

Description : How do you get ant bites to stop itching?

Last Answer : Maybe try icing it to numb the area?

Description : Is there anything I can use to soothe the itch and pain from a bee sting?

Last Answer : Ice is great for bee stings. Ice will relieve the pain, reduce the swelling, and slow down the venom of a bee sting. You can also place a damp tea bag over the sting for ten minutes, as ... in the tea helps relieve and soothe the sting. You can apply hydro-cortisone cream to relieve the itching.

Description : When ant bitten with sting. why we would get pain?

Last Answer : This is not common to all ant but some specie of ants. Some ant posses acidic vedoms that hurts during bite, this burning sensation lasts for a while or even longer depending on the type of ant you have been stung by. This is a form of defence for these insects.

Description : Which of the options in the given table are correct? Option | Natural Source | Acid Present (i) Orange | Oxalic acid (ii) Sour milk | Lactic acid (iii) Ant sting | Methanoic acid (iv) Tamarind | Acetic acid (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv)

Last Answer : Answer: (c)

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Last Answer : (c) it contains sodium hydroxide which neutralises the effect of formic acid

Description : Name the acid present in Ant sting and its chemical formula. (a) Methanoic acid and HCOOH (b) Formic acid and HCOOH (c) Acetic acid and CH3COOH (d) Both a and b

Last Answer : (d) Both a and b

Description : An ant‘s sting can be treated with ............which will neutralise the effect of the chemical injected by the ant‘s sting into our skin. (a). Methanoic acid (b). formic acid (c). Baking soda (d). Caustic soda

Last Answer : (c). Baking soda

Description : Can ant bites spread disease?

Last Answer : Any time someone is bitten by a bug there is a chance for disease or infection. That said, most garden ants will not cause serious problems. Be sure to keep the bites clean and keep an eye for strange rashes or fever.

Description : Do ant bites cause itching and irritation?

Last Answer : That depends on what kind of ant bit you or if you have a propensity to be allergic to ant bites. Fire ant bites can cause painful itching and burning.

Description : Which of the following acid is present in ant bites?

Last Answer : Formic acid

Description : . When an ant bites a person, which irritating chemical it injects?

Last Answer : Formic acid

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Last Answer : there is a predator for this ant species

Description : What is it about the healing process that causes the itch?

Last Answer : I did some quick research, and the under the skin itching is linked to reactions to meds and even cancer (not to freak anyone out) here Other people are saying it's because your nerves are ... different part of your skin, but the nerves there aren't as sensitive or accurate in those areas.

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Last Answer : Itching is about the lowest form of detectable pain. Not the best definition, but it's the best way I can describe it. When you have a bruise, it helps to rub it, which stimulates the nerves ... the original problem. Itching is often a side effect of healing. I have no idea why that is so.

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Last Answer : Maybe because the white ones are thicker? So the hole they make when you pull them out is bigger?

Description : "Why do the ingredients in Tide laundry detergent make so many people itch and develop a rash?"?

Last Answer : answer:Generally laundry detergents don't give people rashes, however some people are overly sensitive to the cleaning chemicals in detergent. There is usually a warning on products like this telling people who develop ... It's not a big deal - just switch brands or buy a special gentle detergent.

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Last Answer : Go to a Vet. get what they recommend. When you use it: NO pilot lights, no other animals and if it is in an apartment you may need management’s approval.

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Last Answer : histamine receptors become activated, to me its a natural reaction for your body to be all, “oh hey lets scratch off the dirts in the pores or something” thats my unscientific research for you :D

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Last Answer : If you shower regularly, that’s kinda strange.

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Last Answer : answer:That's an inflammatory reaction with a possible (probable) secondary bacterial infection. The cause is the hard part of the equation, and you might not ever figure out exactly what's causing it, but ... the counter crap), and put up a barrier to keep the wee-wee away from the scratchy bush.

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Last Answer : Certainly sounds like an allergic reaction.

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Last Answer : OMG yes! I have no idea why this happens, but it seems to happen to me most when I’m trying to be still – say, at the theatre and trying not to fidget.

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Last Answer : do you have white spots where the stinging is? if so you might have canker or cold sores

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Last Answer : What’s the question? Adding a ? to a declarative sentence still leaves it a sentence.

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Last Answer : Female ones do.

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Last Answer : Have you tried taking Benedryl for it?

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Last Answer : When it happened today, was it also when you started working out? Is the itching more of an internal tingling or more of an irritated skin feeling?

Description : Please Fluther! Just put me out of my misery from this bee sting!

Last Answer : Home remedy: Lavender

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Last Answer : dont drink it? use it on pasta with a few other things to make it more of a healthy dressing?

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Last Answer : If you find out let me know, I had the worst allergy attacks of my life during the past week. So horrible, bleh.

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Last Answer : It sounds like it is time to see a doctor. If you have consistently tried OTCs and they are not working, it’s best to move on to the professionals.

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Last Answer : YESSSSS!!!!

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Last Answer : they give it thier all

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Last Answer : When a mosquito bites, she leaves behind saliva. In fact, the saliva present in mosquito bites serves the mosquito well, since it works as an anti-coagulant. These means the mosquito can quickly draw blood ... itchy. (Via) It's amazing what you can learn when you type questions into Google.. ;)

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Last Answer : The power of suggestion?

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Last Answer : The dream I had last night was about whether or not American car companies would get stimulus monies or not. This afternoon my mom tells me how it went down and my hopes for viable business sifting to the top, re structuring so workers could go where better needed, the hope died.

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Last Answer : some acupuncturists claim they can cure allergies...

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Last Answer : I'm told that the urine thing isn't just an urban myth. Has something to do with the ammonia in the urine interacting with the venom of the sting.

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Last Answer : answer:After getting 12 bee stings (unfortunate story), they got really itchy and uncomfortable about 1-2 days later. I think it depends on the bee and your body, but I wouldn't be worried ... professional advice (take all medical advice you get on the Internet at your own risk, including mine).

Description : My bee sting is still red and itchy, a week after being stung. Is this bad?

Last Answer : answer:my bee sting also itched pretty bad for about a week after the sting. However, it went away short after then. I wouldnt be worried.