Which types of anxiety disorder may effect someone's health?

1 Answer

Answer :

Many anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorders, panic disorders and post traumatic stress disorder, can lead to mental and physical health problems.

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Last Answer : Sounds like ocd obsessive compulsive disorder I didn’t read the link

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Last Answer : Psychiatrists administer meds; they do not do therapy. The person might need a psychiatrist for meds if the anxiety is severe as well as either a psychologist or a licensed clinical social worker who has been trained in CBT.

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Last Answer : Get an appointment and relax while you are visiting.

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Last Answer : answer:I understand. I am bipolar 1 with anxiety disorder and borderline social anxiety disorder. I find the majority of social interaction terrifying. I have no easy answer for you. I'm sorry. If you ... believe they do care, but you are correct. They don't understand never having felt the panic.

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Last Answer : answer:I have SAD and I blush like it's my job.. Plus I'm fair-skinned so it's extra more obvious. The blushing hasn't been much of an issue, in that people seem to get a kick out of it. Everyone ... be adorable. The SAD, on the other hand.. that's a daily struggle that I take one day at a time.

Description : Does anybody on here suffer from panic disorder, PTSD, derealization or other anxiety disorders?

Last Answer : My first psychiatrist visit took place when I was 4 years old. My grandparents took me because I had night terrors, and was terrified of dolls and mannequins (a child's version of they're out to get me ). ... least for now). And none of those were my fault, dammit! Damn, that felt good to say :)

Description : Is it possible that certain cases of general anxiety disorder require mediction?

Last Answer : I have GAD with acute panic attacks. After much experimentation, I will never go off my meds again. I've come to accept that I will be taking it for the rest of my life, and that's ok. (I' ... and the right dose for you. I am in complete agreement with your last statement. Best of luck to you!

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Last Answer : I think the traditional line between anxiety and anxiety disorder is whether or not these feelings interfere with your daily life. It sounds like they might, so I'd see a therapist or psychiatrist ... 't hurt to talk to someone about it, right? Especially if they could potentially help you. :)

Description : What natural cures are available for Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia?

Last Answer : SAD isn't going to go away through medication (natural or otherwise)-you're going to have to put in real work in a therapeutic setting. Cognative Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been very ... the cognitions that lead to the behaviors. Wherever you are, there should be trained practitioners of CBT.

Description : What are some symptoms of general anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : Generalized anxiety disorder is a common problem that can be easily treated with medication. Some of the most obvious symptoms are racing of your heart, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and a feeling of panic.

Description : Where can I see someone to treat my anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : This site will explain to you on how to help get rid of anxiety disorder and who to see. http://www.morningsiderecovery.com/mental-illness/anxiety/?cpao=111&cpca=WP+Mental+Illness+Treatment&cpag=C_Anxiety+Treatment+HS&kw=%2Btreating%20%2Banxiety%20%2Bdisorder&gclid=CInAi9Om6LECFck7MgodhiIA8w

Description : What is the best way to approach someone who is showing symptoms of an anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : There are many options for people with anxiety disorder, all of which provide safe and healthy ways for people with this disorder to cope. The best, and usually only way to approach someone with this disorder is gently speak to them about their symptoms.

Description : What are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : The signs and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder are restlessness, easily tired, irritability, muscle tension, and sleeping problems, symptoms may vary among individuals, some may experience some or all of the symptoms.

Description : What are symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : Social anxiety is a very common disorder. Symptoms include excessive fear of being criticized or judged or emotional distress tied to other social experiences.

Description : Receive Treatment for Anxiety Disorder ?

Last Answer : form_title=Receive Treatment for Anxiety Disorder form_header=Anxiety Disorder can be a harmful and scary disease. What is the main cause of your anxiety?=_ Do you take any anxiety medication?= () ... Would you like information on anxiety disorder treatment?= () Yes () Notment for Anxiety Disorder

Description : Anxiety Disorder Treatment?

Last Answer : form_title=Receive Treatment for Anxiety Disorder form_header=Anxiety Disorder can be a harmful and scary disease. What is the main cause of your anxiety?=_ Do you take any anxiety medication?= () Yes () No Would you like information on anxiety disorder treatment?= () Yes () No

Description : What are the symptoms for an anxiety disorder?

Last Answer : One common symptom for anxiety disorder is when people become extremely emotional over smaller things. Pay attention to someone and tell them if your worried for them. People with anxiety disorder often suffer from depression. Someone may also show signs of hopelessness and lack of love.

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Last Answer : Symptoms of anxiety disorders include feelings of panic, fear, obsession, losing control, or possibly nightmares. More physical symptoms could be repeated behaviors, sleeping problems, or excessive sweating.

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Last Answer : In generalized anxiety disorder, it depends on your specific situation and genetic disposition as to the conditions you may be facing. It is best to consult a licensed professional about this information as they can best understand your symptoms and lead you to a better treatment.

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Last Answer : Anxiety is a natural anxiety medication which can be purchased over the counter. Other herbal supplements that have been successful in reducing anxiety are kava kava. chamomile and lavender. Kava kava can be purchased in capsule form, chamomile in tea form and lavender in a floral aroma or oil.

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Last Answer : DD. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (sertraline like)

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Last Answer : Your blood pressure is completely normal. Stop it. You are obsessing over nothing. Literally nothing.

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Last Answer : You have to read your policy to find out. It depends upon whether the disorder is defined as a disease by the company.

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Last Answer : (b) myxoedema

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Last Answer : answer:It's not something that can be done on your own; the fact that you are even asking tells me that you don't have the skills it takes to handle it yourself. And yes, you will need pharmaceutical assistance, ... . If you want a magic wand, there is none. If you want to wish it away, you can't.

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Last Answer : C. Buspirone

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Last Answer : B. Rest

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Last Answer : B. Rest

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