Where could I find information on life expectancy and life quality of sufferers of COPD?

1 Answer

Answer :

COPD life expectancy may be a topic that many patients don't care to talk about. Actually, there are several key factors associated with COPD life expectancy.

Related questions

Description : What is the COPD life expectancy if diagnosed at age 50?

Last Answer : The life expectancy of someone diagnosed with COPD at age 50 differs from person to person. It's all dependent on your diet and how well you take care of yourself physically. If you do then you will have a higher life expectancy than those who don't.

Description : What is the life expectancy of a man with COPD?

Last Answer : i was diagnosed of parkinson disease 5 years ago,i started azilect,then mirapex as the disease progressed in february last year,and i started on parkinson disease herbal medicine from ultimate life ... and life has been so good for me,reach them through there website at www .ultimatelifeclinic .com

Description : What is the copd life expectancy?

Last Answer : There is no regular life expectancy, there are too many unknown variable to give an accurate prediction. Ask a doctor how to extend and increase the quality of life living with this condition.

Description : What is the copd life expectancy for men?

Last Answer : The life expectancy for COPD ultimately depends on your lifestyle, and the severances of the disease. Some studies have shown that 43% of COPD patients with obstructed airways lived past 3 years. People who have smoked reduce their life expectancy by over five years after four years of smoking.

Description : What are the life expectancy of people that are living with COPD?

Last Answer : There is no given prognosis (life expectancy) for people with COPD because clinical evidence is limited. Although, there is a practical tool called the BODE index which can help you to estimate. ... obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise tolerance. The BODE index is a good predictor of COPD mortality.

Description : What would help extend COPD life expectancy?

Last Answer : There are a few sites that offer tips on living with COPD. One site is webmd.com and another site is health.com which has stories of other people with COPD and tips on using oxygen and etc.

Description : Where can I find information on COPD symptoms online?

Last Answer : There is a lot of information in the mayo clinic site, also the united heart association site has information on where to get more information. those are trusted sites,

Description : Where can I go online to find some information on the copd diet?

Last Answer : There are certain foods that people who have copd can eat to lessen their symptoms of the disease. A good website to check out would be www.webmd.com .

Description : Where can I find more information about COPD diets and their effectiveness?

Last Answer : There are alot of informations to find copd and thier efectiveness.You can try to look it up the internet or going to a doctor for more help.And try eating healthy.

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Last Answer : answer:I understand these symptoms very well. While it's been a long time since I went days with little or not sleep, I remember it well. Everything was heightened. Though I was weary, I couldn't sleep. I ... awful. I wish you the best of luck. Feel free to send me a private message, if you want.

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Last Answer : (2) Aliens Explanation: The Fundamental Rights, embodied in Part III of the Constitution, guarantee civil rights to all Indians, and prevent the State from encroaching on individual liberty ... simultaneously placing upon it an obligation to protect the citizens' rights from encroachment by society.

Description : When I quit smoking it apparently triggered COPD. Why?

Last Answer : Quitting smoking did not trigger COPD. If you do have it, you had it when you smoked. COPD. Smoking is a cause of COPD and emphysema.

Description : can copd cause frequent urination

Last Answer : Yes. According to National Sleep Fundation, frequent nighttime urination is one of the symptoms. http://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-disorders-problems/chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease-and-sleep/page/0%2C1/

Description : Why is hc03 high in COPD?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Are steam showers good for people with lung problems, such as COPD?

Last Answer : Steam showers can be good as they clear the sinus passages making it easier to breathe

Description : am on disability for a on the job injury, have now been diagnosed with copd and am on oxygen 24/7, will this give me more disability?

Last Answer : Yes COPD is eligable for disaability.check out www.emphyasema.net It all depends on the circumstances of the on the job injury and who is paying the disability. If you are receiving money from the insurance ... and they can give you a more specific answer as to how much more if any you can receive.

Description : Are there any effective home treatments for COPD?

Last Answer : Some effective home remedies for COPD include staying physically active, eating healthy foods, and controlling your breathing. You should also be sure to avoid cold air and avoid stress as much as possible.

Description : What is a common treatment for COPD?

Last Answer : Common treatments for COPD include inhalers containing steroids, quitting smoking, nicotine replacement, and antimicrobials if an infection is present. COPD is an irreversable lung disease, therefore, only the symptoms can be treated.

Description : What different copd stages are there?

Last Answer : COPD, or Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is broken down into four different stages. The first stage is Mild COPD. The second is a moderate cough. The third is severe COPD and the fourth is very severe and may be fatal.

Description : What are the main stages of COPD?

Last Answer : The COPD symptoms are that one will feel very run down and tired. Additionally, one can feel a lot of pain, that generally starts in the head area and have trouble breathing.

Description : What is copd treatment and what does it involves?

Last Answer : There are different types of copd treatments that can help . The best way to know which is right for you is to talk to your doctor about the problem . In this way they can help you decide which treatment is best for you on this matter .

Description : What is the best, most effective kind of COPD treatment and why?

Last Answer : The best most effective treatment of copd is to quit smoking. Other treatments include medications such as bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteriods, and antibiotics. Some people do home oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Description : Overview of COPD Symptoms?

Last Answer : COPD is a lung disease that makes it progressively harder for sufferers to breathe. It is also known as chronic bronchitis or emphysema. People who suffer from COPD have partially blocked airways- ... with chronic respiratory failure. This is caused by carbon dioxide lingering in the lungs too long.

Description : Understanding COPD Symptoms and Their Causes ?

Last Answer : COPD, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, occurs as the results of one of several types of lung disease. Recognizing the symptoms of this condition is the first step in getting ... the symptoms and getting treatment improve quality of life and prevent further damage to the lungs.

Description : Signs and Symptoms of COPD-Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

Last Answer : COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is the number one cause of sickness and death across the globe. COPD is a lung disease that is composed of two or more lung conditions, such as ... patients. It is vital for smokers to quit to avoid the onset of COPD or worsening of symptoms.

Description : What are some treatment options of COPD?

Last Answer : There are many treatment options for COPD. Some of these include but are not limited to oxygen treatment, medications such as an inhaler or physical training and lifestyle changes. All of these should be talked about with your doctor before deciding on the right one for you.

Description : What are some treatments available for those suffering from COPD?

Last Answer : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), also known as chronic obstructive lung disease, chronic obstructive airway disease, chronic airflow limitation and chronic obstructive respiratory disease.

Description : What are the most effective COPD treatments?

Last Answer : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ("COPD") is often caused by smoking. The most effective treatment to improve lung function is to quit smoking. Other treatments depend on the severity ... patients but can include: both short and long acting bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and oxygen therapy.

Description : Common Symptoms of COPD?

Last Answer : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a term used to describe various chronic lung conditions, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These diseases cause the tubes and the air sacs ... damage. Because there is currently no cure for COPD, these symptoms generally worsen over time.

Description : How to Identify Symptoms of COPD?

Last Answer : COPD: What is it?COPD, also commonly known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a disease that makes it hard to breath and it progresses over time. The main symptoms of COPD are ... breathing that causes breathes to become difficult to take in and out and sometimes accompanied with pain.

Description : What is an how do I start a Copd diet?

Last Answer : A healthy diet can be a major factor in the help with COPD.Maintaing a healthy weight is very important, therefore you should stay away from fat diets and monitor your calories. You should focus on protein get balanced and stay away from salt