What causes high triglycerides please?

1 Answer

Answer :

Obesity and Diabetes are the two most common causes of increased levels of triglycerides. Making sure to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week and eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce triglyceride levels.

Related questions

Description : What are some causes for ending up with high triglycerides?

Last Answer : A less than healthy diet has been pinpointed as one of the causes for high triglycerides. You also need to ensure that you get regular exercise and sleep to help avoid this.

Description : What are some common causes of high triglycerides?

Last Answer : Things that cause high triglycerides could be from the activities that you do and the diet that you are on at the moment. Make sure to consult your doctor for health reasons.

Description : What contributes to or causes high triglycerides?

Last Answer : There are many different causes of high triglycerides, but diet alone does not seem to be one of them. The reason is simple: our bodies depend on eating to keep our blood triglycerides at ... disease all place us at risk of high triglycerides-especially when accompanied by a low-quality diet.

Description : What are low triglycerides please Thanks.?

Last Answer : Low triglycerides is something that is something we need to have everyday which is a low cholesterol count. This is very helpful for keeping your weight down.

Description : what causes elevated triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides can elevate for many different reasons. Eating too many red meats or fatty meats can cause this. Also, eating salty foods and not drinking enough water can be a cause.

Description : Is it possible for your cholesterol/triglycerides to get as high as 2525?

Last Answer : At work, one guy tested 750, and they wanted to put him in the ambulence right then. He lived another 15 years before the heart attack got him. A good way to quickly bring down your cholesterol is drinking LOTS of pomegranate juice. You should really see a doctor if it’s that high.

Description : Why are high triglycerides levels a bad thing?

Last Answer : High triglycerides are bad because they increase the risk of Heart disease. Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in fats and are the part of fats that are harmful to your body

Description : What is does it mean when your triglycerides are high?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are a type of fat in your body used for energy. You need some for good health, but a high amount puts you at risk for Heart disease. A high triglyceride level is normally above 200.

Description : What exactly is the range for high triglycerides?

Last Answer : The range for high triglycerides is 200-499. Borderline-high triglycerides can be anywhere from 150 to 199, so your 'severity' depends on how far you are into that bracket.

Description : Why do I need to go on a diet to control high triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglyceride are fats that can accumulate in blood veins causing heart attacks and stokes. The first treatment for high triglycerides is controlling the type and amount of fat contained in our daily ... levels remain high generally medication is prescribed to help control levels of fat in the blood.

Description : What foods to avoid in order to not get high triglycerides?

Last Answer : The term triglycerides means the type of fat that circulates in the blood. High triglycerides can cause Heart disease. Cutting fat and calories from your diet can help lower these. Eating more fresh ... your triglyceride count. Cutting out or cutting back on sugary or refined foods will help, too.

Description : What can cause high triglycerides besides obesity?

Last Answer : Food high in sugar can cause elevated levels of triglycerides. Additionally, medical conditions such as Diabetes can cause high levels of triglycerides because they body has a hard time controlling ... sugar. Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol can also contribute to high levels of triglycerides.

Description : What are some diets for people who suffer from having high triglycerides?

Last Answer : High triglyceride levels can result from eating an excess of fatty and sugary foods, being severely overweight, or drinking too much alcohol. Thus, cutting back on alcohol and fatty-sugary foods, as well as exercising, can help decrease triglyceride levels.

Description : What is too high for triglycerides and what are tryiglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are fat particles in your bloodstream that can be very harmful to your health. Levels above 200 mg/dL are considered to high and levels below 150 are considered normal.

Description : What foods should I eat to avoid high triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. Triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. When you eat, some of the calories you consume are used for energy, and others are converted to triglycerides and stored.

Description : What are the dangers of high triglycerides in the diet?

Last Answer : When you consume more calories than you use, the body stores them as triglycerides in the fat cells for use later. Triglycerides are are type of lipid and a type of cholesterol. Since triglycerides cannot be ... in plants - canola oil, olive oil- and omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish.

Description : What types of foods are in a high triglycerides diet?

Last Answer : Foods that are high in triglycerides include alcohol, butter, fried foods, fatty meat, pastries, and basically anything with saturated fat or trans fat.

Description : What is a good diet for someone with high triglycerides?

Last Answer : You can go to the website BellaOnline to show you exactly what you are searching for. Go to the nutrition site and they give you the best diet to lower triglycerides, and it's all natural! Here is the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art48761.asp

Description : What foods are high in triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are in all food that has oil or fat in it. Having too many triglycerides in your blood stream can put you at risk for hypertension, stroke, heart attack, or Heart disease. If you want to avoid triglycerides, try steering clear of fried food and animal products.

Description : What foods are high in triglycerides but tasty also?

Last Answer : This website should help, it lists good tasting food but still high in triglycerides http://www.livestrong.com/article/19063-foods-cause-high-triglycerides/ Good luck with everything

Description : Can high triglycerides be dangerous to your health?

Last Answer : You can find more information about triglycerides from this website: http://www.webmd.com/cholesterol-management/tc/high-triglycerides-overview This site will provide information on the causes, symptoms and as well as possible treatments if any.

Description : How do high triglycerides levels affect your health and what should you do?

Last Answer : You doctor wants you to lower your triglycerides because to lower your cholesterol levels. You need to look at low fat low cholesterol foods and think about taking omega 3 supplements. A high fiber diet will also be helpful.

Description : Diets having a high ratio of polyunsaturated: saturated fatty acids can cause (A) Increase in serum triglycerides (B) Decrease in serum cholesterol (C) Decrease in serum HDL (D) Skin lesions

Last Answer : Answer : B

Description : Define triglycerides. Explain with examples.

Last Answer : Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. They are the most common type of fat in the body and serve as a major energy source. Triglycerides are formed by combining three ... , including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help maintain triglyceride levels within a healthy range.

Description : Cholesterol is an example of (a) Membrane lipids (b) Triglycerides (c) Steroids (d) Adipose tissue

Last Answer : The correct answer is (c) Steroids. Cholesterol is a type of steroid, which is a specific class of lipids. It is an essential molecule found in animal cell membranes and is involved in various ... is a type of lipid, it is not classified as a membrane lipid, triglyceride, or adipose tissue.

Description : How are phospholipids different from triglycerides? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How to reduce vldl cholesterol and triglycerides?

Last Answer : VLDL Cholesterol levels can be reduced naturally by a simple homemade techniques. You don't need any pills or special workouts to get rid of LDL and VLDL choleterol in your body. I suggest you ... lower VLDL from your body. http://www.defat.net/2017/07/Reduce-VLDL-Cholesterol-Levels-Naturally.html

Description : Are Prostaglandins examples of triglycerides?

Last Answer : No. Prostaglandins form a group of biologically active lipids that are derived, in humans, from arachidonic acid (5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid), a C20 polyunsaturated fatty acid that has four ... double bonds; and that are named by reference to a hypothetical compound, called prostanoic acid.

Description : Are the triglycerides polar?

Last Answer : No. Glycerol is polar, but once the three fatty acids are added(in triglycerides) it becomes non polar.

Description : In addition to fatty acid what else are triglycerides made from?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Where can I find information about foods that lower triglycerides?

Last Answer : Some foods that lower triglycerides are fish, fruits, and vegetables. Exercising is also a great way to lower your triglycerides. You can find more information at http://www.livestrong.com/article/86930-foods-lower-triglycerides/.

Description : What exactly are some foods that lower triglycerides?

Last Answer : Foods that lower triglycerides are foods that are high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables along with whole grain foods such as cereal and bread help lower triglycerides.

Description : What are the best methods in lowering Triglycerides?

Last Answer : Some people may want to know how to lower triglycerides. To do this, it's usually best to start with dietary changes (such as limiting the amount of fat you eat). Losing ... such health issues under control. Medications used for reducing triglycerides include nicotinic acid, statins, and fibrates

Description : What is considered a healthy range when it comes to triglycerides?

Last Answer : It's less than 150 mg per deciliter that is considered healthy. Your triglycerides are however different then cholesterol and usually have to be handled on their own.

Description : What is a normal triglycerides level?

Last Answer : A normal triglyceride level is anywhere below 150. If triglycerides are too high, there is an inherent risk of heart disease. Triglycerides are the body's main type of fat.

Description : Is it possible to lower triglycerides with diet and exercise?

Last Answer : A healthy weight can lower triglycerides. This can be achieved through diet and exercise. Reducing fat and drinking less alcohol can also help to lower triglycerides.

Description : What are triglycerides, and are they good or bad?

Last Answer : They are used to calculate your cholesterol level. They are neither good or bad but help to determine if your cholesterol is high.

Description : What are some natural remedies for lowering triglycerides?

Last Answer : Studies show that garlic may help to reduce triglycerides - you can either use regular garlic when cooking, or buy garlic supplements from a health store. Another remedy is to have foods or supplements rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Description : How are triglycerides and diet related?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are very important part of the diet. They can be risky to human health if they are in access..They are main component in human skin oil. Excessive triglycerides may also lead to heart attack and also stroke. S maintaining a balanced level of the triglycerides helps in good health.

Description : Are triglycerides found in the foods I eat, good for my diet?

Last Answer : Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, fatty fish, lean meats and whole grains. Avoid eating sugary and refined foods, high cholesterol foods and foods high in saturated and trans fats. You should also avoid alcohol consumption.

Description : What are some foods that are low in triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are carried in foods that are high in fat. In order to lower your triglyceride intake eat foods that have low fats or eat "heart smart" foods.

Description : Are there other options besides medication to lower triglycerides?

Last Answer : There are many drugs out there to help lower triglycerides. They are called antihyperlipidemic agents. The most common names of these medications are Lipitor, Zicor, and Mevacor.

Description : How to lower triglycerides without any medication?

Last Answer : The key is your diet. Reduce the fat intake and eat foods which are low in cholesterol. By changing your diet, you will be able to lower triglycerides without any medication.

Description : What's the best way to lower triglycerides without medication?

Last Answer : Eating well is a good first step. However, you should always consult a licensed medical professional for medical advice. A good diet is complex enough that it's good to get advice.

Description : What is a triglycerides diet?

Last Answer : A triglycerides diet is when you when have a healthy diet, and suddenly switch to a unhealthy diet. Your body goes to shock, more specifically your stomach because the sudden change of food you consumed.

Description : The Best Triglycerides Diet?

Last Answer : It can often be challenging to find the best triglycerides diet. However, by learning to utilize some specific instructions and ideas, it should be possible to implement a triglycerides diet in no time at ... grain products and stay away from junk food or greasy food containing a lot of oil or fat.

Description : Where online can I find a diet to lower my triglycerides?

Last Answer : The WebMD site and the Mayo Clinic's website have information about triglyceride-lowering foods. Also check Spark People, which has customized diet plans, including ones for lowering cholesterol.

Description : What diet should I follow to lower my triglycerides?

Last Answer : There are a number of different diets that aid in lowering triglycerides. Mainly you want to stick to eating healthy forms of fruit, carbohydrates, and meat. The following link will help out with detailed answers. http://www.optimal-heart-health.com/diettolowertriglycerides.html

Description : What foods will give me the highest triglycerides?

Last Answer : Beer, wine, liquor, honey, fruit juices, ice cream, yougurt,Pizza, pretzel, milk, fried foods, cakes, pies, crackers, smoothies, popcorn, and chips will all make your triglycerides levels higher.

Description : What kind of diets are there that help with triglycerides levels?

Last Answer : Well, triglycerides are a type of sugar. You usually can get really high triglyceride levels if you intake too much sugars. Like, if you eat lots of white rice, you can have really high levels of triglycerides.