Where can you buy treadmills for sale in New Zealand?

1 Answer

Answer :

Treadmills can be bought from www.elitefitness.co.nz where they are shipped direct from the manufacturer. They also have stored throughout the north and south islands, with two serving Christchurch alone.

Related questions

Description : Does ebay list used treadmills for sale?

Last Answer : EBay will list used treadmills. Go to www.ebay.com then do a search for used treadmills. Be sure to watch out for postage and handling. With this big an item, it can add significantly to the overall price.

Description : Where to find treadmills for sale online?

Last Answer : One can find treadmills on sale online at Amazon.com, nordictrack.com, and Walmart.com. These sites had reasonably priced gym equipment upon research of this question.

Description : Where can I get treadmills for sale to lose weight?

Last Answer : You can find it on Amazon.com, if you know what you need to lose wight. If you dont know then you can go to sears.com and find what best suited for you .

Description : Where can I find used treadmills for sale in the Columbus, OH area?

Last Answer : You can find many treadmills for sale in your area. Check local buy and sell ad and the section of the newspaper that shows all of the items for sale.

Description : Where can I find treadmills for sale?

Last Answer : When looking for a treadmill, you will need to decide if you want to purchase a used treadmill or a new treadmill. If you are interested in purchasing a used treadmill, you can check your local newspaper, ... Sunday paper or you can go to store websites (i.e. Sears.com) for information and pricing.

Description : Is there any difference between the treadmills at the gym and the ones that I can buy for a few thousand dollars at a sporting goods specialty store?

Last Answer : The treadmills you find at the gym are normally the same taht you can purchase for your home.

Description : Are there any good & affordable treadmills for home?

Last Answer : I have the cheapest and smallest one from Vision Fitness. I have used it every other day for 5 years and had it repaired once. It is for walking rather than running, but can be raised off the level. ... $1000 + tax, delivery and a mat to protect floor; now it is priced at $1300; worth every penny.

Description : Which treadmills are best suited for a small city apartment?

Last Answer : Personal Aquatic Treadmill - Model 302 is best suited for a small city apartment

Description : On average, how many calories can women burn, in 1 hour, when running on treadmills?

Last Answer : Depending on your pace and if there is an incline your typical calorie burn rate will be 250-300 calories in a half hour which of course works out to 500-600 per hour running at a fairly moderate pace. With an incline involved expect to burn quite a bit more.

Description : What is the difference between electric and manual treadmills?

Last Answer : A manual treadmill takes no electricity and uses resistance. The person running on it makes it work. Electric moves at set speeds by motor.

Description : I have 1 treadmill to sell,who buys used treadmills?

Last Answer : how much you wnt for it? I am interested in buying one. What kind is it? hi i am in Chicago. I want 2 buy a 2nd hand treadmill. if u want to salethen tell me the price and condition of ur treadmill ... and price im in Florida I want to buy a used treadmill . . are you in Va Beach?What brand, size?

Description : Horizon Treadmills?

Last Answer : form_title= Horizon Treadmills form_header= Exercise at home with a Horizon Treadmill. What is your budget for a treadmill?*= _ [50] What features do you want on the treadmill?*= _ [50] Do you want a fold-up treadmill??*= () Yes () No

Description : What would be a good question to write for the topic of treadmills?

Last Answer : To write a great question about treadmills you should aim to write a short and direct question. Making sure it is blunt and to the point. If the question becomes too long then the person may not read it in its entirety.

Description : Where can I find reviews on horizon treadmills?

Last Answer : Horizon treadmill is a high quality treadmill with a very reasonable price as it fits to the consumer's budget. Instead of going out under the heat of the sun or jogging under the rain, this will ... of you by running or jogging. You can find reviews on horizon treadmills on treadmill-reviews.co.uk

Description : Which stores are offering treadmills in their sales?

Last Answer : Yes, there are. Sears is having a sale on its treadmills. Treadmill outlet is having a sale on treadmills.

Description : Are Horizon Treadmills recommended for use at home?

Last Answer : If you are a hard core fitness person then you can use Horizon Treadmills at home. If you are just looking for an occasional home fitness tool keep looking.

Description : Are life fitness treadmills any good?

Last Answer : Life Fitness teadmills are known to be a very good treadmill. I've seen them in a couple of gyms and they work really good. Life Fitness is a good brand and they can run very expensive. Their equipment runs in the thousands.

Description : How do Nordic Track Treadmills compare to other treadmills?

Last Answer : Your best bet is to read reviews of existing Nordic Track treadmill owners and compare those to reviews from owners of other treadmills. You should also look for the features available on the treadmills such as pre-programmed workouts and if they are space saving models.

Description : Are precor treadmills long lasting?

Last Answer : Yes. My neighbor has been using one for 5 years. Although one alone does indicate they are great. Check out fitnessdepot.com for some information on them.

Description : How reliable are the PaceMaster treadmills?

Last Answer : Pacemaster Treadmills are a great "no frills" addition to your home gym. The company has been around for over 40 years, so there is a lot of experience and expertise put into this treadmill. ... of an issue, however, rest assured the manufacturer's warranty is there to protect you against defects.

Description : Do they make foldable treadmills?

Last Answer : Yes, they definitely make foldable treadmills. Wal-Mart and Sears. If you go online to those stores, they also sell foldable treadmills for a reasonable price.

Description : What fitness stores sell treadmills?

Last Answer : Most fitness equipment stores sell treadmills. Treadmills are one of the safest, most common exercise equipment for home use and should be readily available. Make sure you watch the total weight of the treadmill ... up to take up less space. Your local fitness store would be a great place to start.

Description : How do recumbent exercise bikes compare to treadmills?

Last Answer : Both treadmills and recumbent exercise bikes offer aerobic exercise. Using a treadmill also exercises the whole body while running whereas in a recumbent bike the body is mostly stationary. However, recumbent bikes cause much less strain on weak knees and ankles.

Description : What are the benefits of only using treadmills for exercise?

Last Answer : On a treadmill, you walk. Walking isn't that fun. You can walk at different speeds, but that isn't really much more fun. If you get a treadmill that offers an incline, that keeps it ... your treadmill in front of a television, you can probably keep your treadmill workout from becoming too boring.

Description : Does Dicks Sporting Goods store sell cheap treadmills?

Last Answer : When I went to http://www.dickssportinggoods.com, I found treadmills priced from $129.99 to $5895.00. It depends on what features you want and how much you want to spend.

Description : What are the best brands of treadmills?

Last Answer : The best brands of treadmills includes Ironman, Keys, Lifspan, Goldgym. Other good brands of treamills are Reebok and Sole. You can find reviews of these brands of treadmill on treadmillreviews.com

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Last Answer : The biggest online store for every type of 3D glasses. http://www.3dglassesonline.com/

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Last Answer : Try contacting Lincoln University in New Zealand maybe?

Description : What do you know about New Zealand, or think you know about New Zealand?

Last Answer : It’s supposed to be beautiful and on many bucket lists to visit. I have yet to hear much negative about it.

Description : As an add-on to my previous Question: Canadians, Welsh, Australian, New Zealand, Scottish (etc) jellies, what would you want from American immigrants?

Last Answer : answer:Funny you asked this while I'm preparing for my cross-culture lesson. I can write a book about this. So I'm going to narrow down to some most important things. People in my country are ... too, unlike some people here. Ah! Writing this is much more refreshing than preparing for my lesson :)

Description : What are the visa requirements for New Zealand?

Last Answer : I don’t know but it seems the Kiwis are much slacker than Australia in terms of their immigration requirements. So, get in there and then you can move to Australia. New Zealand is a truly beautiful place so I hope you get the job and then you can come to Oz and say hi to me!

Description : A question for people from New Zealand?

Last Answer : answer:You are going to need a tax number first. Do you have one? I banked with Trustbank, but then they were bought by Westpac, but they were still OK. They had a branch in a sundays open shopping ... appliances, services etc. And I am so jealous. I lived there for 15 years and long to go back.

Description : I really want to emigrate to New Zealand. What should I train as to give me the best chance at employment there?

Last Answer : What were you thinking, tradesman, professional, or academic?

Description : How to do relief work in New Zealand?

Last Answer : answer:General consensus on the radio broadcasts over here is to stay out of Christchurch and let the services do their jobs. Red cross are taking donations, people with essential equipment are however ... to give people of CHC the opportunity to get away from it all and mentally collect themselves.

Description : Why are there so many marsupials in Australia and New Zealand compared to elsewhere?

Last Answer : Sorry there are no marsupials in New Zealand. Well none that are native, possums and a small amount of wallabies introduced fairly recently from Australia have continued to survive here.

Description : What comes to your mind when I say New Zealand?

Last Answer : Peter Jackson! Especially his gory films before LOTR I’d love to go to NZ, but I’m not a fan of long airplane rides :/

Description : Emigration to New Zealand?

Last Answer : try to google it i really wouldnt be able to tell you

Description : Is it true New Zealand does not allow permanet relocation to the island nation ?

Last Answer : Because they know they’ve got a good thing going and they don’t want people moving there and ruining it.

Description : Emigration from US to New Zealand, Prospects?

Last Answer : NZ is very expensive and difficult to gain entry into for purposes of migration. If you have a personal fortune, it is easier. You might start by writing to some companies and universities there and ... caliber. I think you can buy land there and live there if your personal fortune is great enough.

Description : How is iPhone coverage in New Zealand?

Last Answer : It will work as long as your service provider has service there additional fees will most likely apply for calls and text messages.

Description : What do I add to the front of a new zealand phone number so I can text it from australia with my australian number?

Last Answer : 64 for normal numbers, the rest depends what town you want? You could Google NZ White Pages for phone codes. good luck How do we know these things? Well I'm Scottish, my wife be a Kiwi ... be Australian C'mon man we invented the phone along with everything else, well ok nearly everything else!

Description : Honeymoon Dec 09...New Zealand or Argentina...

Last Answer : Come to Ecuador, cheaper, closer and you can have breakfast at the beach, lunch in the andes and dinner in the jungle ;) (I know, I’m promoting my country big time) If you have extra questions, contact me :)

Description : What treks should we do in New Zealand?

Last Answer : I was about to say, “Go to Milford Sound!”. Then I read the details. Sorry bout that, but if not a trek, why not try going to visit the glowworm caves? I’d love to go to New Zealand. I have this impression that as long as you get out of the cities, it’s all trekkable.

Description : Are there any minuses about New-Zealand except travel expenses and time difference?

Last Answer : I have a friend who is currently planning a trip to NZ, and apparently the travel expenses are significantly lower than in the past.

Description : Off to New Zealand?

Last Answer : See a question I asked about a year ago: http://www.ask-public.com/disc/14444/anyone-have-any-must-see-placesthings-in-new-zealand/ I enjoyed the South Island the most. I went whale watching ... in the world. Not only is the scenery wonderful, but the people are extraordinary. Enjoy your trip!

Description : What should I not miss on a trip to New Zealand?

Last Answer : answer:http://www.petshopgirlsreviews.com/2007/nz-cities.php Check out the top article as written by a New Zealander herself. It’s a bit rude in parts, but worth the read!

Description : Moving to New Zealand/Australia

Last Answer : ask seqdeha

Description : What continent is New Zealand a part of?

Last Answer : answer:Australia, I thought. Can be easily found, eh? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand Next time: search. ;-)

Description : Anyone have any 'must see' places/things in New Zealand?

Last Answer : And I just saw the ‘siblings’ now. Whoops. Well, the question still stands.