Who can shave six times a day but still have a beard?

1 Answer

Answer :

A barber.

Related questions

Description : Who can shave three times a day and still grow a beard? -Riddles

Last Answer : A barber, He could shave other men three times a day and still grow his own beard.

Description : How do I shave my mustache and beard without making a mess of the sink?

Last Answer : This is what you want. It works great. I’ve owned several over the years.

Description : Should I shave my Beard...

Last Answer : If you really want to. I really need to shave mine. Not bad yet but it is getting there.

Description : what is the proper etiquette for male grooming in the lizard world?

Last Answer : No, I think they just puff up their beard/skin to show off. :)

Last Answer : Usually Dense Dense Save If you do Beard Get up , this Ideas That's right No. Beard Or Moch / Moch Get up These Everything Depending By Race Or Hereditary Of the stream On Depending By Again Of food ... That's it Become That's it If you want You Good And Nutritious Food By eating To see Can.

Description : I have a friend who saves many times a day but still has a beard. Tell me who is the friend ?

Last Answer : Who are we barbers. He saves others every day, not his own.

Description : If I am a 13 year ild boy who doesnt have much arm hair to begin with but its still noticeable and i accidentally shave of a small part of hair on my arm will it grow back differently?

Last Answer : No it won't change. Don't worry about having hair at your age. In 6 months you won't know your body.

Description : Do you think a person, a man (I'm not considering bearded ladies here) with a beard or a mustache could still be elected President of the United States.

Last Answer : Sure. We have a black president right now.

Description : A person shaves every day, but his beard stays the same for a long time like any other person. What is he? -Riddles

Last Answer : He is a barber.

Description : a boy had just got out of the shower and gettin ready for his prom,shaved,and with cologne and there was going to be a after party and his mom, and dad said be home for the next sunrise and was home for the next sunrise but with a full grown beard how can this be? -Riddles

Last Answer : he lives in alaska and sunrise's are every six months.

Description : Why I can't grow a beard. The males in my family tree have thick beards almost everybody. But I am nearly 20 and I don't have a beard. What is my problem. Will I ever grow a beard?

Last Answer : You have to remember that you have DNA from both parents and it is possible you got a gene that doesn't allow for thick beards. Take a look at both sides of the family. It might be hormonal as well. You are young at 20 years old, so it is possible when you are older your beard will thicken.

Description : If I shave off my eyebrows, how long will it take for them to regrow to their previous volume?

Last Answer : After chemo, two to three months.

Description : Are there health reasons why women shave their underarms and legs, or is the reason primarily cosmetic?

Last Answer : Zero health reasons. Just social norms & conventional ideas / aesthetics.

Description : Why do men get a professional shave?

Last Answer : A man's professional shave is, in essence, like getting a facial. A shave from a straight razor is so good it is almost invigorating, and makes one's face feel deligh truly. My grandfather ... , until the nursing home wouldn't allow it. He shaved by feel, since his eyesight completely deteriorated.

Description : Why don't men, who shave on a daily basis, wax instead of shave?

Last Answer : It takes a REAL woman to withstand the PAIN of waxing!!!

Description : Do you shave any part of your person? Do you wish others would shave various parts of their persons?

Last Answer : I’m not very hairy which annoys my friends. I only need to shave my legs about every 2 weeks and my arm pits once a week. One of my doctors has so much nose hair you could actually braid it. I wish he would at least trim it if not actually shave it. He has a wife. Why doesn’t she tell him!

Description : How many of you guys out there hate to shave?

Last Answer : I would be annoyed if I stood at the sink and shave and then had to clean the sink and bathroom counter. So I gave that up decades ago. I shave in the shower. Easy cleanup.

Description : Men, do you prefer to shave with an electric or a regular razor?

Last Answer : Regular. I have a light beard and don’t even use shaving cream half the time. Electric razors take three times longer to shave clean than a blade does. Why would I want to spend more time at basic morning ablutions than I have to? I got things to do, man.

Description : Is it possible to become obsessed with obtaining a "baby butt shave"?

Last Answer : answer:Let's put it this way- if you got a perfect shave, how long would it be before your beard grew to where you would notice it? I have used a brush and soap for years (since the 70s) and find that I ... water is not quite hot enough, or I use a lesser grade of soap, I don't get as close a shave.

Description : What are females told to shave first, and when?

Last Answer : Do you ever ask “guy” questions?

Description : What do you shave, and why do you shave it?

Last Answer : answer:What? Legs, armpits, and genitals. Why? More attractive and hygienic, in my opinion.

Description : How did ancient Native Americans shave pre-1492?

Last Answer : Perhaps they used obsidian blades which are dangerously sharp as shown here.

Description : How much is your shave and a haircut?

Last Answer : 2 bits, which is a quarter. Mine only costs electricity, since I do both myself.

Description : Is a BarberShop shave a good birthday present?

Last Answer : answer:If the barber knows what he is doing and does them regularly, they are great. I used to have a good barber that could still shave people. but when he reached 85 and his hands strted ... barber that is willing to shave people, test drive him before you submit your brother to him or her.

Description : Do you ever participate in charity events such as Movember, Dry July (give up alcohol), Shave for a cure?

Last Answer : I’ve done the breast cancer awareness walk a couple of times. I also ran a huge fundraiser for the Pan-Mass challenge two years ago. We raised over 60K for the Dana Farber Cancer Center.

Description : How to get rid of shave scratch from face?

Last Answer : 4 days should be enough time for a cut to heal on its own, unless it’s deep. Keep it clean!

Description : What do you think of the look where balding men shave it all off?

Last Answer : Hell yes.

Description : Should I shave my arms and legs too?

Last Answer : I, personally, would be really weirded out by a guy that was totally shaved. Smoothness is nice but….the entire body? Its a bit much. And keep in mind that then your entire body will be stubbly in 12 hours.

Description : Are you participating in No-Shave November?

Last Answer : No. I despise facial hair (on me). I don’t get way anyone likes it, but that’s just me.

Description : Does anyone remember what "Skintimate" shave gel used to be called?

Last Answer : Redi-Whip ;)

Description : Women: how often do you shave?

Last Answer : answer:I shave a couple of times a week in the summer but hardly ever in the winter. It’s a pain the backside. I only shave when the hair on my legs becomes quite noticeable. Ditto underarm hair.

Description : How can I shave without the feeling of tearing my face up?

Last Answer : answer:I never did figure out how to fix that feeling, so I stopped shaving 6 months before I got out of the military. I had a Dr. note saying I was not allowed to shave that I had to carry around all the time. I haven’t shaved more than twice a year in over 15 years.

Description : Sometimes do girls/women shave their face?

Last Answer : answer:I knew a woman who did because she had so many stiff hairs on her chin she didn’t always have time to pull them. She hated it.

Description : Ladies: Do you shave your arms?

Last Answer : answer:No, but luckily my body hair is very fine and blonde. You can hardly tell that I have hair on my arms. I wouldn’t recommend shaving them, because the regrowth would be prickly. I would say leave it alone, but if you’re intent on removing it.. I say go for the wax.

Description : Are art models expected to shave?

Last Answer : they are meant to be indistinguishable from mannequins

Description : Is there a practical way for a man to shave his own back?

Last Answer : Mangroover

Description : How do I fight the itch during No-Shave November?

Last Answer : Keep your skin clean and dry and it will get better over time.

Description : Ladies; do you shave your forearms?

Last Answer : answer:Stubble on a lady absolutely SUCKS! Let the hair grow girl! Soft and shiny, anywhere you can PAH-LEEEZE, don't let ad-hoc and consumerism make you believe that REAL MEN want anything less. ...I ... wrong male counterparts . Just be what you are, and don't be ashamed of sharing it with me.

Description : I don't shave my pits. Does this freak people out?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not particularity fond of the look, but I'm also of the opinion that it's up to you to do what you want with your body. I usually resist expectations based on nothing but cultural norms ... dating you? As shallow as it sounds, maybe. It would definitely take a bit of getting used to.

Description : I'm going to shave my head. How do I do it? How do I take care of it?

Last Answer : answer:I'd get some help to do the actual shaving. Clip the hair short, any shaving gel will do but I particulalry like shaving cream. Take your time with the shaving. You don't want cuts on all ... you treat your face. Use the same face wash and moisteriser. Make sure you use sun screen as well.

Description : What do you use to shave?

Last Answer : I use a beard trimmer as opposed to a razor, because of the way my facial hair grows. It doesn't all grow in the same direction, so a traditional shave with a razor just leaves me with a nasty ... the right amount of stubble, and preventing razor burn. I usually try to touch it up every other day.

Description : Wax or shave?

Last Answer : Shave (“the situation”, as well).

Description : Why would one shave the entire pubic area?

Last Answer : Better visibility… :-)

Description : What is the best way to shave your face?

Last Answer : It's just because you've got dark hair, which makes it impossible to totally eliminate all traces of facial hair. It appears to have a shadow because the hair under the skin shows; shaving only rids ... dark hair (and women). Unless you mean that hair above your skin is still present after shaving?

Description : What do i shave with?

Last Answer : Razor bumps are generally more common among African American men. There are a number of products designed to help with the problem. I suggest going to a retailer you trust (Kheil’s?) and asking for help.

Description : Ladies: In which direction to you shave your legs?

Last Answer : No. I shave up from the ankles. Shaving down would definitely be awwwkkkwarrddd.

Description : Is it cruel to shave a cat?

Last Answer : you could try that..you can always get her a sweater. might even make her feel fancy. =)

Description : My neck itches every time i shave... why?

Last Answer : Ask a dermatologist.

Description : What do you think about men who shave "down there"?

Last Answer : Did it once, out of curiosity. Felt weird. Did not have a significant-other at the time. Itchy as all hell when it grew back. No desire to do it again. (30 now, probably 24–25 then)

Description : Is it considered OK not to shave on casual Friday?

Last Answer : Where do you work? Mcdonalds. An office. Labor gang in the city streets? You will probably be required to shave regardless of relaxed dress code.