Can I call animal control if my neighbor's dog is left outside in the hot sun all day?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can call, but if animal control comes and the dog does not seem harmed, they won't be able to do anything. If there is no access to water and the conditions are inhumane, animal control can take the animal away. There is a definition of cruelty to animals at Animal Control City of Jordon that you may find helpful. If the owners are being cruel to their pet, definitely call.

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Description : live out of city limits in a subdivision. we own hunting dogs that will bark randomly at night. i work third shift, so when i come home or if an animal run through the yard they will bark. neighbors called animal control. how can i stop what is dog natur?

Last Answer : There is a dog collar that is specifically designed for shocking dogs when they bark. This may sound inhumane but after barking a couple of times while wearing the collar, I am sure they will get the message.

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Last Answer : No. I’m pretty fearless or stupid? so when I see a dog running around I usually call it over and check for tags and call its owner.

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Last Answer : No, it's unheard of for animal control agencies to charge those who call to pick up a stray animal. No charge. They are paid by tax dollars to protect the public from animals. However you may want to call a rescue group instead of animal control to give the animal a fighting chance to find a home.

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Last Answer : answer:Take her in (even if its just your basement or garage for the night). If it were daytime I'd say call the police (mine do this work) or your local Humane Society. Heck it's too cold out ... I kept him until they came home (which was less than an hour). He had sneaked out their garage door.

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Last Answer : Ans: option (d)

Description : Eight persons P, Q, R, S, W, X, Y and Z in which 4 females are facing towards and 4 males facing away from the center. Males and females are seated alternately. I. X is male, W position is 3rd to the right of X and ... R & Y are neighbors. Who is the only female in between X & R? a) Z b) P c) Y d) Q

Last Answer : Ans: option (c)

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Last Answer : b) P, Q, Y, W

Description : Eight persons P, Q, R, S, W, X, Y and Z in which 4 females are facing towards and 4 males facing away from the center. Males and females are seated alternately. I. X is male, W position is 3rd to the right of X ... as well R & Y are neighbors. 10. Who is exactly opposite to X? a) Z b) P c) S d) W

Last Answer : Ans: option (a)

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Last Answer : answer:This is a question that needs specific details. One always starts with the dog’s owners and then sees what happens. A dog that barks incessantly (you mean non-stop?) is a dog in serious distress.

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Last Answer : Is it football sized? If so, I have a suggestion… but really, it doesn’t sound like there’s anything you can do, really, without a confrontation with the neighbors at least. Best to just suck it up and talk to them, or learn to deal with it. Sorry.

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Last Answer : We all have neighbors like that. You can try talking to them reasonably. If that doesn't work perhaps a warning from animal control. Read Dealing with Bad Pet Neighbors for more ideas.

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Last Answer : Can be reported to the police. Unfortunately, if the dog doesn't do anything to anyone, they probably won't solve it. The fact that a dog barks on its land is not unnatural. If the dog is aggressive and runs alone in public, you can report it.

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Last Answer : If he calls after 10pm, I'd call the cops to disturb the night.

Description : How do you handle it?

Last Answer : yes, it bothers us, because our bIbec will join him and don't know when to end, he then wants to have every last word (like a baby) and when it's calm, he starts a neighbor from the opposite and it's new ...

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Last Answer : And does a neighbor know that a dog barks when he's not home? Is the dog an adult or is it still a puppy? Have you tried a personal agreement? Other tenants don't mind? You can complain to the janitor, the apartment owner, or the town hall. The best is a repeated agreement and from multiple tenants.

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Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

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Last Answer : The new house the carpenter had just built was a dog house. He built it for the new dog he had just purchased ----- a massive Saint Bernard.

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Last Answer : No, there is no fee to call animal control and have them take away the animal. There may be a fee to take or adopt an animal impounded by animal control.

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Last Answer : how can we get rid of stray cats.

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Last Answer : Yes you can. Animal control should have specific control experts that can help with any type of animal.

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Description : Why does a dog run out its tongue on a hot day ?

Last Answer : On a hot day, the body of the dog stays warm and makes the dog uncomfortable. But there is a kind of saliva on the dog's tongue. That saliva absorbs the latent heat of evaporation from the dog's ... dog's body cools down. The dog feels relieved. That's why the dog sticks out its tongue and runs.

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Last Answer : Dogs "sweat" with their tongues. It cools them down.

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Last Answer : The recording played a gunshot inside it. If the man committed suicide, he wouldn't have been able to stop the recording after he pulled the trigger.

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Last Answer : I did it once when I was in my early twenties at a ski resort in New Hampshire with friends. A couple years ago we went into some natural hot springs in Iceland. In both cases, we had to ... the water. It's very exhilarating actually. Then the rush of sinking into the hot water is pretty striking.

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Last Answer : MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP!!! (Shout out to my fave!)

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Last Answer : Some brands are insulated on the outside, so are cooler. I have four and only one is cooler to touch the rest are HOT.

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Last Answer : I sympathize as I am a flower of the Celtic north, while my husband is a sun lizard. As you point out, temperature alone is not the deal breaker. For me, it is humidity combined with temperature. Above 85 and I hate pretty much all of it.