I have a 13 yr old daughter on the brink of being expelled from school. I'm interested in getting her in a boot camp/ disciplinary school close to home that is either funded by the state or within our budget. Please help. ?

1 Answer

Answer :

school system is required by law to provide education at an alternitive site for the student if i was you i think she deserves a hard spanking on her bare with your hand or a switch or the belt tell the bottom is sore and very red and she can't sit anymore for a while if you believe in spankings We are in the same boat. We all have reached the point where we almost don't like to be around our 13 year old daughter. No one in the family can tolerate her. Money is a concern so we need help with funding also. Help us please-we are at our wits end! I have been looking for over 6 months for help fro my Daughter, Who is out of control with anger and she is very verbal to everyone, I have not found anything we can afford, The School cost $2000 to $4000 a month and they only offer you to apple for credit.We are at a loss if anyone can help please let me no what we can do,I have not found anyplace in Jacksonville Do it. It is the best way for her to learn how to grow up Please email More inform

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Last Answer : 24-Hour Toll Free Helpline: 1-866-590-6816 this number is for troubled teens boot camps in Michigan, it will help you be able to find a suitable program.

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Last Answer : There is a website called www.bootcampsforteens.com give it a try.

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Last Answer : Boot camp, sometimes referred to as basic training or basic military training, is a program which soldiers go through in order to train for the requirements of the military. Boot camp typically requires ... and field training, lunch, more physical training, dinner, and then bed. The schedule of

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Last Answer : I don't think there are any specific requirements, but at the end of boot camp you will be required to pass certain bench marks. Check out this site: http://www.goarmy.com/soldier-life.html for more infomration

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Last Answer : For most people it is very hard. If you are someone who is in shape it will be easier for you then someone who is not used to working out.

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Last Answer : Usually boot camp for the army lasts for a few weeks. After boot camp you get time off before you actually start your service.

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Last Answer : There are a lot of options with regards to teen boot camp, including the length of stay as well as various amenities and accommodations. Expect to pay at least $3500 per month.

Description : What should I know before choosing a boot camp for teens?

Last Answer : The most important issues is the background check of a boot camp including how popular and reputable it is, who its employers and employees are, and if there are any past incidents such as deaths and abuse reports.

Description : Can a judge mandate boot camp for teenagers who are repeat offenders?

Last Answer : Yes, judges can require teens to go to boot camp. Not only repeat offenders, but if the crime is bad enough, the judge may send a first-time offender as well. It is a better solution than jail or prison.

Description : What will my child learn in a boot camp for teens?

Last Answer : Your child will learn how to funciton as a member of society as both a teenager as well as lessons that will carry over into adulthood.

Description : How do i send my troubled teen to boot camp?

Last Answer : You contact one of the agencys at the links I will provide you. They will send you a application , which you fill out and then you take him to the School or Camp where they will begin working with him. http://www.bootcampsforteens.com/index.html

Description : Are there any fitness boot camp programs in Alabama?

Last Answer : Yes, there are fitness boot camp program in Alabama. One such camp is Firm Body Bootcamp, it is located at 1632 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, Alabama, AL 35209.

Description : Where can I find a boot camp for troubled teens in Colorado?

Last Answer : You can search the internet for places near your area in Colorado. You can search Craigslist.com for the best prices and boot camps in your state.

Description : Is there a Military Boot camp for kids in NC?

Last Answer : The SUWS of the Carolinas is a military style boot camp for troubled youth. The stay is within 4-7 weeks long and provides a wilderness experience.

Description : At what age can you send your child to boot camp?

Last Answer : Children as young as 12 can goto boot camp. Check with the boot camp you're interested in for details.

Description : Where is the most intensive military boot camp in the USA?

Last Answer : I have heard that the marine boot camp called Camp Legune is the roughest. Ft. Polk is an Army training base that is also known as being very hard.

Description : Where can I find boot camp for kids in florida?

Last Answer : Strugglingteens.com is a great resource.

Description : Where can I find cheap boot camp for kids in florida?

Last Answer : There are several goo online resouces for boot camps for troubled chilren. www.helpmyteen.net seems to be the best to me.